With every once of patience I have left in my body, Please! Please! PLEASE!!! Cut me a little slack....
Whether you guys noticed or not I've spent 18+ hours in the past 4 days, sitting on AOL or IRC, hearing complaints from currently counting 71+ people mods included....
This isn't counting the PM's, or the emails, I havn't gotten to them yet... if you sent them thru that method, I'm still really behind...
This was all time I could have dedecated to bettering the site, which is my dearest dream right now, we are compiling a team to reformat the site into total php, which will be finished hopefully before the 17th of January, and if I have to spend long nights working on it I will!
Because I care about MSF, I know alot of you guys don't see me post very much, or chat in the big chat rooms often, or participate in the best RP's, or sometimes I havn't been able to talk when you IM me...
I'm really, really sorry about that.... but like I've said before every secoond I've been at the PC I've been swarmed...
Mod meetings, private discussions with posters, with mods... with anon emails...
Guys, are you trying to snap me in half? I'm only one person....
I am sorry for not keeping everybody informed as they probly should have been...
I understand that some of you disagree with the recent promotions, I also understand that some of you think you would make better mods than our current ones...
This may be true, it may not be....
But please! for the best of the whole community, can we all just see how things flow normally??
If things get out of hand (Ie: a mod goes power hungry)
I swear to you I will take "Firm" disiplinary action...
But lets not judge these promotions before they even have a chance to prove themselves!!!
All I ask for now, is that you guys, just get along... and just wait and see how these changes go...
I'm not in this for the glory... (Its a part/full time job) I'm not in this for the money ( I don't get any, in fact MSF is a debt )
The only reason I'm in this is so I can be in a community where people understand me, and eachother, and we can all enjoy eachothers company... and the 4 goals listed which I quote all the time...
As a final note, due to very popular demand, I will be re-realeasing the top reasons I promote someone, so you guys have a better understanding of why...
That being said... thank you....