Disaster Movie

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Disaster Movie

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:46 pm

I actually went to see "Disaster Movie" today. Pretty much it's from the same people who brought you "Scary Movie," "Epic Movie", "Meet the Spartans", and "Superhero Movie."

Mostly spoofing such movies like "Hellboy", "Iron Man", "Hulk", "Twister" (watch out for flying cows), Alvin and the Chimpmunks, Kung Fu Panda, Night at the Museum, 10,000 BC, Juno, High School Musical, and Enchanted, as well as Sex and the City and Day after Tommorrow, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, Beowulf, American Gladiators, Amy Whinehouse, Hannah Montana, Dr. Phil, Jessica Simpson, and the Dark Knight, the main character tries to get his girlfriend to safety while getting the Crystal Skull back on the altar. Wackiness ensues as celebrity parodies (Michael Jackson, among others), and I think they had a spoof of Speed Racer with the Mach 5.
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Re: Disaster Movie

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:25 pm

What? You're not going to give your opinion? Just say you watched it? O.o

Actually, in the case of the Scary Movie series, they were just small contributors, as far as I can tell. Superhero movie was done by someone else, though they also did work for the Scary movies. Other than that, they also did Date movie.

I haven't seen Meet the Spartans or Superhero movie yet, as I've been waiting for them to turn up free on cable. Epic and Date movies were epic fails, so I'm being cautious about wasting money on more of their movies.

(So far my favorite of this kind, in just these recent times, is Shriek if you know what I did last Friday the thirteenth. It's nonsensical and I've counted over a hundred references. Anything with that many references is my kind of movie. You can watch it from this dude, here. :D )
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Re: Disaster Movie

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:28 pm

Yeah, okay, "Disaster movie" was pretty funny, with the various "Heroes" (Iron Man, HellBoy, and the Incredible Hulk) getting pwoned by flying cows from Twister, as well as the evil Chimpmunks (the spoofs of alvin and the chimpmunks).
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