A new tv show on Fox monday night with Sarah and her son, John Connor, the female Terminator named "Cameron", and a bunch of evil Terminators trying to kill John Connor and his mom, as well as an evil female t-1000 is after some computer called "The Turk", who's AI the evil terminators need to build Skynet to eventually create Cyberdyne Industries and the Terminator project is now being seen.
They had an episode where the female Terminator, desingated "Cameron Philips" is in John Connor's class, and the substitute teacher turns out to be one of the evil Terminators to assassinate John Connor and his mom. "Cameron" has been sent to save John Connor and his mom, and poses as John's "sister." I mean, if you are being chased around by an evil cyborg bent on killing you, and this hot girl who happens to be a cyborg rams the bad Terminator with her "borrowed" truck, and says, "Come with me, if you want to live!", would you get into the truck with the female cyborg, or take your chances with a terminator who is programmed to destroy you and hunt you down?