Honesty, pretty much everyone has heard of this game by now.
For those not in the know, Brutal Legend is a game made by Double Fine (creators of The Excellent Game Psychonauts.) It tells the tale of Eddie Riggs (voiced by Jack Back), the world's greatest roadie, who cuts himself while tuning a guitar and beeds on his belt buckle. Turns out it's cursed and it sucks Eddie into an alternate dimension where demons, led by Lord Doviculus (voiced by Tim Curry) and his glam metal minion General Lionwhyte (voiced by Rob Halford) have enslaved humanity. Because Eddie is a roadie, he knows exactly what to do. Pick up a massive battleaxe, start hacking up demons and shooting them with lightning from a guitar and help the local resistance get their act together. Basically, it's a game that will be as metal as possible, and it's coming out on Xbox360 and PS3.
So, yeah, what do you think?