Or maybe it's because Tedd is finally getting ample screen time and the story has been out of dramapants mode for a while. Not that the drama is bad, but... That's not the hook of EGS. It's starting to not be scared to take risks again! It's starting to have that youthful energy and imagination that I adored about the early stages!

I just hope the train continues on these tracks for a while.
It seems like EGS has this kind of history with me. There was a time when Dan was experimenting with his art, and it started to get really uncanny, but then he settled into a style that is very good while being very unique. During the uncanny time, I would look at the art and wonder to myself, "Isn't it better the way it used to be? It was a bit flatter, but it was more expressive!" But now that it has found its groove, I like it.
I think he's now getting the hang of writing in the same way. For a very, very long time, it seemed to lose the charm it had when the comic started, up through about Grace's Birthday Party or so. I think it was when they introduced Raven that the pacing took a nosedive, and things seemed way to mundane and drama-laden. The last few arcs have been crawling back up, and now we have a Tedd-ful arc that I'm enjoying a lot.
I could rant for hours about how much I like Tedd. I was worried for a while that he'd lost his character, since he'd been out of the comic for an eternity, and some of his brief cameos seemed too responsible and out of character for the mad-scientist type that he had been before. I really enjoyed how he was during the time right after turning Elliot into a girl, and how he kinda had to help Elliot out socially in his geeky way.
But now, Tedd's back to being a mad scientist goofball, and I love it