Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Zoey » Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:19 pm

Big words make my head hurt o_0...

I just got Sky combo 2, I'll have to try that out. Sounds awesome.

Question! I just saved Seles and am going to Meltokio. I also just figured out how the special thingy worked and it typical fashion, when Emil used his Devil's Hellfire, I was left stupid. This time not cause it looked cool, even though it kinda does, but for the fact that the damage it does is ridiculous! While figthing Decus I used it and inflicted a wopping 16,000 damage. Then I used it again inflicting about 13,000 this time and the 3rd time only hit 5,000. So my expirience with the attack suggests that the first one of the most strongest and as you keep using it over and over in the same battle it keeps getting weaker and weaker. So... Doesn't this make Union attacks kind of useless? I mean when I use Union I hit about a 9,000 average. Were as with Devil's Hellfire, it's 10k and above the first 2 hits. Also it doesn't erase your elemental metter which makes hunting strong moster way more easier. Also the the weakening of the attack cause of it's nature or is it based on TP amount or Health or something like that?

As for Presea, I never used her much. Like her and had her in my party at times, but used her I didn't like. She packs a punch, but I prefer Lloyds faster fighting style. Presea just seemed so slow when I used her, I don't know maybe I used her wrong...
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:55 pm

But big words can make you larger than life. :lol:

Of course it's awesome: you get to hack and slash at the enemy in mid-air, defying gravity in the process. ;p

I honestly can't say that I've used mystical artes. I mean, while I think I know how to, I haven't actually tried to do one yet. But, as I understand it, they do consume TP. As for their attack power, I can only guess. That 5,000 damage may have been a result of the enemy guarding at the time. 13,000 and 16,000 can probably be considered the same result, where 13,000 was just a case of most of the hits falling into the lesser capacity of attack power (which is why you're unlikely to see the same damage output with the same attack power against the same defense). Plus, a number of the hits might not have been counted, since the total damage is only shown with how many hits were included in the combo. I don't know why this happens (possibly a guarding or glory effect), even though I see damage being taken out, but it does. So you probably took close to the usual damage, but only a number of hits equaling 5,000 damage made it into the combo.

Each person usually has a knack for certain characters. I can use all of the characters effectively, with the exception of Colette and Sheena. Both of their attacking styles is awkward for me. That's why, when Sheena had to fight that one guy alone, I let the AI do it for me. As for Presea, I just had to learn to not rush into things, even though she can take on most enemies head-on without any disadvantage. I just increased her movement speed so I could get to where I need to be, when I needed to be, to deliver effective attacks. And her arte attacks come in handy. For instance, they make an enemy prone for a good amount of time, while she's blasting them with rocks, and someone like Lloyd can take advantage of that and pile on the combos so I can get more of her powerful attacks in. It's sort of like having a spellcaster in close quarters, since plenty of Genis' spells catch enemies in a series of hits, and some last long enough to take advantage of fairly easily. It's how I was able to get a 100+ combo.
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Zoey » Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:28 pm

Why does that sound like an Enzyte commercial phrase? =.=

Guarding could be a posibility, but I'd have to check. As for attacks misisng thats a big probability. I used it once and the only time it actaully did damage was at the final strikes cause they go automatic unlike the first few. Still it's a pretty nifty trick to have :P. Now I just gotta find a away to perform the rest of the gangs Ultimate Techs D:

I've used Sheena and from my expirience she has her strong points and the best one if obviously her summons. Yeah, the situation rarely arrives were she can actually use them, but when that happends, oh boy the pain will be dealt. Still I don't like using her, maybe just have her around as eye candy...

Colette, is a big NO. Don't like her fighting style one bit. Still I just love using Judgement. It's great when fighting swarms, but in boss battles it's kinda meh...

I've once tried Regal, but same. He's Ok, but just not my thing.

The characters I use, use are Lloyd, Zelos, Kratos (before he went AWOL)and Sheena (when im bored).

The ones I've never and will never use are Genis and Raine. I just can't be in a battle pressing a single button, waiting for the spell to be cast, hit the guy, move back and repeat. Just no fun.
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:51 pm

Because you're a pervert? ;p

My guess is that not all of the hits were counted in the combo. For the most part I encounter it with Vanguard soldiers (later on) and some bosses. In the case of the soldiers, it's when they're in glory mode, which seems to prevent them from being interrupted by regular attacks, and also seems to prevent daze. I got to enjoy that status with the painkiller armor for a bit, but in the end I preferred the armor that offered more defense and HP (since the painkiller armor lowers both physical and arte defenses).

So far I don't see any titles that offer special outfits. That kind of sucks. In the first game I thought it was funny to have Lloyd fight while wearing a snorkel mask and flippers. ;p And Presea's Klonoa outfit was cute, of course. Wahoo, indeed. :wink:
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Zoey » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:44 pm


How was it that you made them wear alternate clothing? I remember I did it once, but I can't remember. >_<

Fun Fact: Tenebrae can make a good finishing rod or anything by that matter :P

Why is it that only Tenebrea is social? I mean he's suppose to be darkness the exact opposite and yet hes the only Centurion that's with you. I wonder what the other cores are doing while Emil and the others are risking there butts to keep them safe?
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:03 pm

You complete an event, sometimes one where you or your relationship level chooses a fraction of people from your team, and you assign them the titles once you get them. Off the top of my head I can remember the party at Meltokio (where you get formal/fancy clothing), and the beach at Altamira (where you get swimsuits and such). Beyond that there are a bunch of individual costumes to get, one for each character, I think. You can get a pirate outfit for Lloyd, you know. :O

Another fun fact: Tenebrae also makes a sexy woman. :P

Because "darkness" is usually misconceived as having some connection to introversion. But I agree that it doesn't make much sense for them to not make an appearance after they've been hatched. I guess they thought that it would make the game more complicated, if more than just Tenebrae had a role to play. I wonder if we'll even see them at the end or not.

Speaking of the end... I'm at its door (both figuratively and literally XD) and I find myself with nothing in the way of side quests. Major disappointment. ._.
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Zoey » Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:33 am

I only got to have pirate Lloyds costume :/ In the party of Meltokio I got Sheena and then I reset it so i could see everyones costumes. Sadly I forgot how the costumes looked =.=

Tenebrae never does transform into anything else does he? Cause I'd like to confirm his claim xD

I'd be fun to see all the Centurions interacting with each other and add to the Madness (This is Sparta!).

I would've been near the end if it wasn't for the fact I have to share the Yes with my brother cause he also wanted to play the game D:

Fun Fact: In France it's called the Nintendo Yes :P
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:34 am

In my biased opinion Presea's Dream Traveler costume is the best. *_*

That would be a spoiler. :P

THIS...! IS...! MIDGARD...!!

I mean, Symphonia focuses on Norse mythology, so let's leave Greece out of this one. It's bad for our health. :lol:

I would have finished the game by now, but the TV hasn't been free. So I've been playing Chrono Trigger again, in the meantime. However, I'll probably spend a lot of time evolving my monsters to the max instead, just for the heck of it. If I'm going to finish it I might as well have the best monsters of my choice. So far I have my harpy at the final evolution. The mermaid kind is on its way to its final form, too. And my lamia has a ways to go, yet, since I got her later than the other two. (You can tell what the final forms are once you've filled out your monster list enough, just so you know.)

Oui, monsieur. C'est la vérité. :wink:
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Zoey » Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:45 pm

Is it me or does Tenebrae look like Celcius when he transformed? He should've stayed liek that :/

The monster I train and use the most are Fenrir, A kool Frost Dragon and some other dragon. All the others are just for show. Is it true that Emil gets stronger for having more monsters? I don't see much of an up in strenght.

Cosun tite(sp) :P

Yay, Altamira got invaded and now im going to kick some daddy butt!
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:01 pm

I thought he looked a bit like Celsius, too. I was thinking that he could have based his appearance off of her, since she was the only summon spirit he'd seen (up to that point).

I had a fenrir for a while, but now I'm working on other branches. He's on his way to getting his final form. At least I'm guessing so since it requires a statue.

I don't know if he gets stronger with more monsters. I think it's just for outside of battles, for the plot, and not for stats. At least, with as many monsters as I have, I can't say that I've noticed a difference beyond what I gain with equipment and leveling.

Dunno if it's spelt right, but the translator I use came up blank.

Have fun with daddy. You'll have even more fun after that. And if I remember correctly, it might not be helpful to have ice elemental monsters for what comes after that. I can't remember already. XD;; Maybe I just imagined my fenrir getting his all-powerful ass handed to him. <_<;
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Zoey » Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:14 pm

It didn't have to be a summon spirit. After knowing people like, Colette, Marta, Raine and especially Sheena, I thought he would come up with something more awesome. Not that he didn't look good, but to me it just kinda said "Celsius rip-off".

I just wish the monster were more agressive. My frost Dragon has stats that are nothing to look down on, but he attacks so slow and it takes forever for him to get the the enemies. However, when it all goes ok, he can really dish out the pain... sometimes...

Maybe in the strategy guide is explains if you really get more powerful or not. Which reminds me, is there a strategy guide out for the game yet? I remember when I bought the first one they had plenty of them in the book rack. Un top of that I got a nifty art concept book with the game :D

I think the words in German o_0

So, im about 3/4 of the game? When I played ToS 1, I actually complained about the game being so freakin long. I looked at my disk whenever I put it in the GC and wondered, "This game is very long and I haven't even gotten to disk 2, what, this thing has FF7 syndrome?"
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:44 pm

Well, you have to consider that his normal form isn't exactly humanoid. He's a shapeshifter, so it's not like he must have that form, but rather that he prefers it. And he works for a summon spirit, so it makes sense to be inspired by the appearance of a summon spirit, and not a human. He just had to look human enough for the job. *_*

That's why I'm not using big monsters on my team. They tend to be both slow and big targets. Fenrir's a bit big but at least he's aggressive and runs around like he has something up his butt. ;p The harpy, mermaid and lamia are working out for me, so I'm using them. Plus, they're nicer to look at. :wink:

Yeah, there's a strategy guide. Waste of money, if you ask me. I should know, since my mother decided to get it while she picked up the game for me. Aside from a general walk-through and lists of monsters, items and equipment, it doesn't offer much else. Not that the game offers much else, but still.

You're about 9/10ths through the game. I think this game is short enough to be a third disc for the first game. ;/
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Zoey » Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:54 pm

Hmm... If he's a shapeshifter why can't he turn into a monster and help Emil and the others fight?

What do you think the chances of a ToS 3 are? I think it's posible, but i'd have to have a really catchy story. In the sequel most things were recycled and if it continues a 3rd ToS would be a disaster. Most of the world is already know and I'd it be just aggrivating to keep on having to return to the temples like this time around. Idk, the only thing that could be of use for a plot would be something to-do with Neiblehiem(sp) the realm of demons or that Tethealla and Slyvarant finally decide to make a unified goverment and a bad guys comes to power and those evil stuff.

Sad to see a great first game go to an OK sequel. Can't exactly call ToS 2 a great game.
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:42 pm

Because it almost never works that way. ;p It's too convenient, unless it's a feature that fits well into the battle system. For example, the ability to transform into a dragon in Breath of Fire games. Beyond that you won't see it utilized at times you'd think it logical, but rather whenever it suits the intentions of the creator(s). That goes for many other things, but I don't think I need to get into them, specifically.

No chance of a ToS3. ToS2 seemed like the kind of game that came up with something in order to tie up some loose ends. Notably, the effect of the worlds being fused together into one again. And they tried to hype it up by making Lloyd look like a bad guy, since there really isn't much else that's particularly interesting. Unless you like Pokemon. :lol:

No, it's not a great game. But I may wait until my second play-through to make a verdict, even though I doubt that playing it all over again for one side-quest will be worth it.
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Re: Tales Of Symphonia 2 : Dawn of the New World

Postby Zoey » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:42 pm

Im at were Emil decides who to be and seals away Ratatosk with Verius. I kinda feel sorry for Ratatosk, I thought he was changing since sometimes he acted wrong sometimes he kinda seemed nice. I thought he would change, oh well I still haven't seen the end. So I rather not count my chickens yet.

Still sad to see the Tales of Symphonia end. I liked the whole thing that had going. I saw the OVA, but I don't like it one bit. It rushes through the whole story and leaves behind allot of detail. I even have butterflies about finishing the game.
Gah!!! It's like when Toonami went off air all over again. All the good memories had together and the chances of returning are so slim D:
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