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PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:06 pm
by Knight Errant
Its free.

Its fun.

Its addicting.

Need you more reasons to play a game?

But for the long version... its a free MMO, its a bit like WOW, has 3-D, skills (like fighting and magic), life skills (like weaving, tailoring, mining, fishing etc.) that level up through use. And you can play and compose your own songs. And its from Nexon.

Its a bit hard to start out, since... well... NOWHERE does it tell you half of the things you need to know. So prepared to get glanced at awkwardly when you ask how to fight. (tip here, que up the three fighting skills you get early on to make chains instead of using the same skill over and over... the enemies quickly bash the crap out of spammers.) But thankfully the jerk level of the playerbase is low and a lot of people will help you if you ask nicely and tell them you are new.

Oh and you CAN pay for shiney things, thats how they make their money and keep the game going. But its not like you will be a second class citizen if you dont poney up.

Well... now you know why my post count dropped off! Dont worry, I'll try to keep it in moderation. ^_^

Oh and start at 10 years old. You are weaker, but SO much cuter!

Re: Mabinogi

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:12 am
by Mitera Nikkou
I've considered playing this game several times, but it's usually at the wrong time (for instance, too disappointed with another MMO to start another too soon). That, and one time, if I remember correctly, it wasn't an English and I didn't want to bother setting up my computer so I can play it. And by now I'm about to ignore MMOs altogether, because they fail to offer enough of what I'm looking for.

But, who knows... Maybe some day, when I'm bored, and I randomly decide to play it. Sounds about right, for me.

Re: Mabinogi

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:19 pm
by Knight Errant
Yeah, it has just recently been converted into english... Well its in the proccess.

Which stinks because the overseas version has way more cool things than the north american version. >.<

Re: Mabinogi

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:37 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
That's true of all of the MMOs I've played, that came from Japan, China or Korea. You always end up waiting for more stuff, that the version in the other language has, but it's usually a slow development. And management is usually poor. Bleh.

Re: Mabinogi

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:16 pm
by Helel
Crescent Pulsar wrote:And management is usually poor. Bleh.

Is this surprising, considering the game is 'free'?

Re: Mabinogi

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:41 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
That's because they don't know how to properly utilize the stuff they sell. Either the products cost too much for what they are/do, or they're nothing really special (or may no even work properly), or both.

The only decent game, that I can think of, was Seal Online, back when I played the Chinese version. (I think it was Chinese, anyway.) I wouldn't know how it's doing in English, since I've been afraid to look. But, considering I enjoyed a game that I couldn't understand, and had to read translations for in various forums, it's kind of sad for all of the English games I found lacking.

Re: Mabinogi

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:11 pm
by Lanzerus
>_> Dear Knight Errant,


i have been playing the english mabinogi for like, >_> ever....or atleast since orignal release, and I must say its fun. The composition is really what got me stuck on this game, i LOVE how you can play music ingame.

Re: Mabinogi

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:37 pm
by Knight Errant
Yeah I know... I tend to have big blind spots when it comes to amazing games...

But thats fine! Since they are usually patched and updated and cheaper by the time I find them! >.>