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Krod Mandoon

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:31 pm
by Zoei
its like every D&D game I've ever played!

Re: Krod Mandoon

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:08 am
by Dracos
Just saw the first episode and it was thoroughly decent. Not quite as good as I'd hoped, but far better than I'd feared it might be.

Re: Krod Mandoon

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:40 pm
by Kris_Roth
Yeah, the main hero has a cool flaming sword. I wonder if they will do any tg themes (ie potions, Girdle of Femininity, Rod of Gender Bending, etc). It is on Thursday nights on Comedy Central around 10pm.

Re: Krod Mandoon

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:14 pm
by Kris_Roth
I watched tonight's episode...Krod and his friends are asked to get an artifact in order for Krod and the girl to be considered on this council. However, it is guarded by a Cyclops, a one-eyed giant. Krod and his friends end up being captured by the lonely Cyclops, who calls himself Cy.

Meanwhile, the main villain gets married, only for his new wife to die of the Plague...

Re: Krod Mandoon

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:04 pm
by Dracos
Wait, that girl dies? I have it Tivo'd, so I haven't seen it yet... You should really put a spoiler warning on there or something.

Re: Krod Mandoon

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:22 pm
by Kris_Roth
It was a random girl who the villain proposes to, and she agrees to marry him, and then when they are returning back to his lair, she starts coughing blood and then the next scene, the villain buries her.

I'll wikipedia it..

Re: Krod Mandoon

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:19 pm
by Kris_Roth

The cast:

Sean Maguire as Kröd Mändoon: "The reluctant leader of a rag tag band of inept freedom fighters toiling away in obscurity."[3] In the 2nd episode it was revealed that his full name was "Krodford J. Mandoon".
Matt Lucas as Chancellor Donold David Dongalor: "The lovably sociopathic Chancellor of the lowly province of Hessemeel."[3] He and Kröd apparently know each other from their time training to be warriors, and formed something of a bitter rivalry and mutual hatred during this period.
India de Beaufort as Aneka: A "beautiful pagan warrioress whose weapon of choice is sex."[1] She is Kröd's girlfriend, but he has problems with her open sexuality, and first agreed with it because he though it would mean "occasional threesomes and some light bondage".
Steve Speirs as Loquasto: An oafish servant, "who belongs to a race of pig-like creatures known as Grobble."[3] Loquasto has a habit of inaccurately shooting cross bow bolts, sometimes injuring Kröd.
Kevin Hart as Zezelryck: A young warlock, "whose greatest magical gift is spinning a line."[1] He has yet to show any magical ability, although he does know some tricks, such as how to make flash bombs.
Marques Ray as Bruce: "The jailhouse lover of Kröd's late mentor, General Arcadius."[3] He has joined Kröd in his quest, believing Kröd to be "The Golden One" of the prophesy that Arcadius told him.
Remie Purtill-Clarke as the captured concubine of Dongalor. Her father was murdered by Dongalor in front of her in an attempt to get Kröd to come out of hiding. She has the plague (found out in episode 4) and dies shortly after.
John Rhys-Davies as Grimshank: The leader of the resistance.
James Murray as Longshaft.
Alex MacQueen as Barnabus. He is the aide to Chancellor Dongalor...


# Title Original airdate
1 "Wench Trouble" April 9, 2009
Kröd Mandoon, Aneka, Loquasto, and Zezelryck decide to raid Chancellor Dongalor's castle dungeon to free a group of prisoners, that include Kröd's mentor General Arcadius. Meanwhile, Aneka and Kröd are having relationship problems because Kröd dislikes Aneka's promiscuous behavior.
2 "Golden Powers" April 9, 2009
Kröd learns that he is part of an important prophecy; Dongalor needs an important item to make his weapon work.
3 "Our Bounties Ourselves" April 16, 2009
Kröd fights off bounty hunters hired by Dongalor, Dongalor worries that the arrival of a weapons inspector will put his realationship with his new girlfriend in danger.
4 "O Biclops, Where Art Thou?" April 23, 2009
To earn a spot on the Elite Resistance Council, Krod must demonstrate his valor by snatching a priceless jewel from a bisexual cyclops. Chancellor Dongalor's concubine dies of the Plague (black Death).
5 "Succubi: The Dawn's Early Light" April 30, 2009
Krod is entrusted with alerting the resistance about Dongalor's activation of the Eye of Gulga Grymna. Meanwhile, Dongalor searches high and low for the Eye's missing component, the tears of a pagan Virgin. Krod suspects three women his group meets on the way to his quest of being more than human. They are later revealed to be Hellspawn. Dongalor now has procured Aneka's tears after Grimshank told her that Krod has died.
6 "Thrilla in the Villa" May 7, 2009
Kröd and the gang learn that they have been pawns in a conspiracy.