Right, so... I avoided this series because it was trendy and otherwise seemed unappealing to my tastes. Then I got bored and decided to watch one episode, figuring that it couldn't hurt, in either watching it or the possibility of being wrong about it. I couldn't finish watching the first episode, it bored me to death so. A month or two later I was bored again, and thought about giving it a second chance. I mean, it wasn't even a complete episode... So I finished the first episode, and watched the second. I felt like I wasted more time of my life than I actually had, for, somehow, it was so much worse than my boredom. All either episode contained was a bunch of inane dialogue about nothing particularly funny. Which might work for me in other cases, because they happen in small doses and out of the blue, but it was pretty much defining the series for me at that point. It was so dull I had a hard time believing that other people liked the series.
It's been another month or two, now. I'm bored. And, again, I figure that the first two episodes surely couldn't define the whole series... And, maybe, the series was just unfortunate and happened to have the opposite of a hook at the start, that needed to be braved through. But I'm no longer willing to waste time, and the insanity of my mind, to find out, so... Tell me... Does this continue? Do they lay off the meaningless dialogue and actually say or do something funny? Do they actually start doing anything particularly cute? Heck, does it improve in any way at all? X_X