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Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:53 pm
by Rowan
I'm looking for a good RPG game that my father and I can play together.

I've heard that the "Tales" games allow a second player to help in battles. Anyone know of any good games specifically?

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:11 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
With the Tales games, it might be bothersome, depending on which game it is, on whether you'll have a problem with the camera in-battle. It may just be with Symphonia (the first one); I can't remember. I think there was an issue with the camera focusing on the first player, which meant that the other players wouldn't be able to see what they're doing if they're too far away.

The only other game that comes to mind, would be Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. It's decent, but the method used to increase your character's stats may not be to your liking. (You have to complete a quest/event (or whatever they are), and do things to acquire points during it so you get artifacts at the end, to choose from, that will raise a stat.)

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:46 pm
by Rowan

I didn't know about those Camera Issues~.

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:36 am
by ashuros
I think you can use alter the camera focus in the option screen so it stays on the whole battlefeild rather then just player 1, I cant be certain though its been a while since i played tos.

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:07 pm
by Rowan
Oh Coool~! =^_^=

I think that once GameStop has a sale on used gamecube games I'll need to look into getting it~! =^_____^=

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:33 am
by Queen Octavia
I <3 Gladius, it's a turn based strategy rpg game kind of Like Final Fantasy Tactics, but with a gladiator style theme.

You get a team of gladiators to battle with through the games, get them equipment, level them up, control what skills they learn.

For multiplayer you can do the story campaign together (The story is mediocre at best), with you controlling the moves of some of your gladiators and your ally doing the rest, or play against each other instead.

When you order your guy to attack someone you have to stop a moving meter like in most golf games. I found that to be entertaining, and added an element of skill.

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:48 am
by Kumi-chan
There is a couple good RPGs on the wii market place for download too. There is a squeal to one of the Final Fantasy's there. Along with the My life as a king and My Life as a Darklord but the addons cost a good amount of points too.

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:46 am
by shinryou
Rowan wrote:I'm looking for a good RPG game that my father and I can play together.

I've heard that the "Tales" games allow a second player to help in battles. Anyone know of any good games specifically?

Tales of Symphonia 2 on the wii was good. Also Tale of Graces that may be released soon has a possibility of being multiplayer

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:10 pm
by Mitera Nikkou
Tales of Symphonia 2 is hit and miss, since you only have two characters, aside from monsters (which I don't think you can control), that don't have level caps. And the plot and said two main characters are decent, at best.

Don't hold your breath for Tales of Graces. If it hasn't been announced before its release in Japan (which has happened), the chances are low that it will come over here.

Re: Good Multiplayer RPGs for GameCube or Wii?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:23 pm
by shinryou
Nikkoulodeon wrote:Tales of Symphonia 2 is hit and miss, since you only have two characters, aside from monsters (which I don't think you can control), that don't have level caps. And the plot and said two main characters are decent, at best.

Don't hold your breath for Tales of Graces. If it hasn't been announced before its release in Japan (which has happened), the chances are low that it will come over here.

I heard Tales of Graces was an extremely short game. And I'm also unhappy that you can't level up the ToS 1 characters.