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Disgaea Game

PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:46 pm
by Empusa Sesshi
I'm starting an online DnD campaign, based on Disgaea. since it's a hassle to keep sending new info to the PCs, who're all MSFers anyhow, I'mjust gonna post it here for easy references. If other folk wanna use it/add things, feel free. ^^

PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:48 pm
by Empusa Sesshi
New Stuff
You gain exp, and mana from kills. Mana is used for reincarnating, building, crafting, and money. Exp is gained both to
increase your class level, and weapon level (more on this below). If enough mana is hoarded by a demon, something
surprising might happen.

Swords: Basic all around weapon, good range of specials
Spears: Lower damage then a sword, but has melee range
Axes: Strongest melee weapon, but hard to use
Fists: Good melee weapon, has unique specials
Bows: Not as far shooting as a gun, but specials inflict ailments
Guns: Longer range then bows, but trickier to use
Chakram: Less range then bows or guns, but deals more damage
Staves: Not for combat, boosts range of spells

One of the biggest factors of Disgaea is being able to reincarnate into a constantly more powerful character. For example,
a Red Magician reaches level 11, she can cast Fire, Mega Fire, Giga Fire, and a variety of "debuff" spells. Her player
wishes her to get a bigger variety, so decides to reincarnate into a Healer. For 500 mana, she can become a level 1
healer, with a 60% carry over rate of her current spells and skills, and 2 stat points. This means her base attack, saves,
and hp all reset to those of a normal level 1 healer, the carry over rate means that all her spells and 60% of their exp
will be carried over too, the stat points she may spend to increase any of her six statistics.

Four types of magic exist in the world, Fire, Wind, Ice and Star. Each demon/human/angel is strong to one of the elements,
and weak to them. These strengths and weaknesses must be chosen at first level, and may not be changed regardless of
reincarnations. Resistance to one cuts damage taken by it in half, weakness deals an extra 50% damage. Star may not be
chosen for a weakness or resistance.

Warrior- Basic male melee unit, good with swords, spears and axes, 50% more dmg when hp is critical
HD: d12, proficient with all armor and shields, good fort saves, good base attack
SP: d4
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 2/0/0 Bonus feat
2 +2 3/0/0 Bonus feat
3 +3 3/1/1
4 +4 4/1/1 Bonus feat
5 +5 4/1/1
6 +6/1 5/2/2 Bonus feat
7 +7/2 5/2/2
8 +8/3 6/2/2 Bonus feat
9 +9/4 6/3/3
10 +10/5 7/3/3 Bonus feat
11 +11/6/1 7/3/3
12 +12/7/2 8/4/4 Bonus feat
13 +13/8/3 8/4/4
14 +14/9/4 9/4/4 Bonus feat
15 +15/10/5 9/5/5
16 +16/11/6/1 10/5/5 Bonus feat
17 +17/12/7/2 10/5/5
18 +18/13/8/3 11/5/5 Bonus feat
19 +19/14/9/4 11/6/6
20 +20/15/10/5 12/6/6 Bonus feat

Valkyrie- Basic female melee unit, good with swords, spears, and bows, critical chance up by 50% when hp is critical
HD: d10, proficient with all armor and shields, good fort saves, good base attack
SP: d6
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 2/0/0 Bonus feat
2 +2 3/0/0 Bonus feat
3 +3 3/1/1
4 +4 4/1/1 Bonus feat
5 +5 4/1/1
6 +6/1 5/2/2 Bonus feat
7 +7/2 5/2/2
8 +8/3 6/2/2 Bonus feat
9 +9/4 6/3/3
10 +10/5 7/3/3 Bonus feat
11 +11/6/1 7/3/3
12 +12/7/2 8/4/4 Bonus feat
13 +13/8/3 8/4/4
14 +14/9/4 9/4/4 Bonus feat
15 +15/10/5 9/5/5
16 +16/11/6/1 10/5/5 Bonus feat
17 +17/12/7/2 10/5/5
18 +18/13/8/3 11/5/5 Bonus feat
19 +19/14/9/4 11/6/6
20 +20/15/10/5 12/6/6 Bonus feat

Magician- Basic male spell unit, good with staves, +5% exp to spells,
HD: d4, profcient with no armor or shield, good will saves, poor base attack
SP: d12
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +0 0/0/2 Fire/Ice/Wind/Star
2 +1 0/0/3
3 +1 1/1/3 Enfeeble
4 +2 1/1/4
5 +2 1/1/4 Mega Fire/Ice/Wind
6 +3 2/2/5 Mega Star
7 +3 2/2/5 Blind
8 +4 2/2/6
9 +4 3/3/6 Giga Fire/Ice/Wind
10 +5 3/3/7 Giga Star
11 +5 3/3/7 Mind Break
12 +6/1 4/4/8
13 +6/1 4/4/8 Omega Fire/Ice/Wind
14 +7/2 4/4/9 Omega Star
15 +7/2 5/5/9 Slow
16 +8/3 5/5/10
17 +8/3 5/5/10
18 +9/4 6/6/11 Tera Fire/Ice/Wind
19 +9/4 6/6/11 Tera Star
20 +10/5 6/6/12 Death

Witch- Basic female spell unit, good with staves, -25% sp on spells
HD: d4, profcient with no armor or shield, good will saves, poor base attack
SP: d12
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +0 0/0/2 Fire/Ice/Wind/Star
2 +1 0/0/3
3 +1 1/1/3 Enfeeble
4 +2 1/1/4
5 +2 1/1/4 Mega Fire/Ice/Wind
6 +3 2/2/5 Mega Star
7 +3 2/2/5 Blind
8 +4 2/2/6
9 +4 3/3/6 Giga Fire/Ice/Wind
10 +5 3/3/7 Giga Star
11 +5 3/3/7 Mind Break
12 +6/1 4/4/8
13 +6/1 4/4/8 Omega Fire/Ice/Wind
14 +7/2 4/4/9 Omega Star
15 +7/2 5/5/9 Slow
16 +8/3 5/5/10
17 +8/3 5/5/10
18 +9/4 6/6/11 Tera Fire/Ice/Wind
19 +9/4 6/6/11 Tera Star
20 +10/5 6/6/12 Death

Ninja- Special melee unit, good with fist, sword, spear, gains conceal 70% when hp is critical
HD: d6, proficient with light armor, good ref saves, medium base attack
SP: d8
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +0 0/2/0 Sudden strike +1d6
2 +1 0/3/0 Poison use
3 +2 1/3/1 Sudden strike +2d6
4 +3 1/4/1 Vanish
5 +3 1/4/1 Sudden strike +3d6
6 +4 2/5/2
7 +5 2/5/2 Sudden strike +4d6
8 +6/1 2/6/2 Hide in plain sight
9 +6/1 3/6/3 Sudden strike +5d6
10 +7/2 3/7/3
11 +8/3 3/7/3 Sudden strike +6d6
12 +9/4 4/8/4
13 +9/4 4/8/4 Sudden strike +7d6
14 +10/5 4/9/4
15 +11/6/1 5/9/5 Sudden strike +8d6
16 +12/7/2 5/10/5
17 +12/7/2 5/10/5 Sudden strike +9d6
18 +13/8/3 5/11/5
19 +14/9/4 6/11/6 Sudden strike +10d6
20 +15/10/5 6/12/6 Death Attack

Kunoichi- Special melee unit, good with fist, sword, and staff, gains and extra attack when hp is critical
HD: d6, proficient with light armor, good ref saves, medium base attack
SP: d8
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +0 0/2/0 Sudden strike +1d6
2 +1 0/3/0 Minminmin (sleep)
3 +2 1/3/1 Sudden strike +2d6
4 +3 1/4/1
5 +3 1/4/1 Sudden strike +3d6
6 +4 2/5/2 Shinikaze (poison)
7 +5 2/5/2 Sudden strike +4d6
8 +6/1 2/6/2
9 +6/1 3/6/3 Sudden strike +5d6
10 +7/2 3/7/3 Mafuujin (forget)
11 +8/3 3/7/3 Sudden strike +6d6
12 +9/4 4/8/4
13 +9/4 4/8/4 Sudden strike +7d6
14 +10/5 4/9/4 Kengui (paralyze)
15 +11/6/1 5/9/5 Sudden strike +8d6
16 +12/7/2 5/10/5
17 +12/7/2 5/10/5 Sudden strike +9d6
18 +13/8/3 5/11/5
19 +14/9/4 6/11/6 Sudden strike +10d6
20 +15/10/5 6/12/6 Eternal Slumber

Majin- Supreme melee unit, good with all weapons, stats boost when hp is critical (not a starting PC class)
HD: d12, proficient with all armor and shields, good fort and ref saves, good base attack
SP: d6
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 2/2/0
2 +2 3/3/0
3 +3 3/3/1
4 +4 4/4/1
5 +5 4/4/1
6 +6/1 5/5/2
7 +7/2 5/5/2
8 +8/3 6/6/2
9 +9/4 6/6/3
10 +10/5 7/7/3
11 +11/6/1 7/7/3
12 +12/7/2 8/8/4
13 +13/8/3 8/8/4
14 +14/9/4 9/9/4
15 +15/10/5 9/9/5
16 +16/11/6/1 10/10/5
17 +17/12/7/2 10/10/5
18 +18/13/8/3 11/11/5
19 +19/14/9/4 11/11/6
20 +20/15/10/5 12/12/6

Armor Knight- High def melee unit, good with swords, spears, and axes, AC +8 when hp is critical
HD: d12, proficient with all armor and shields, good fort saves, good base attack
SP: d4
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 2/0/0
2 +2 3/0/0
3 +3 3/1/1
4 +4 4/1/1
5 +5 4/1/1
6 +6/1 5/2/2
7 +7/2 5/2/2
8 +8/3 6/2/2
9 +9/4 6/3/3
10 +10/5 7/3/3
11 +11/6/1 7/3/3
12 +12/7/2 8/4/4
13 +13/8/3 8/4/4
14 +14/9/4 9/4/4
15 +15/10/5 9/5/5
16 +16/11/6/1 10/5/5
17 +17/12/7/2 10/5/5
18 +18/13/8/3 11/5/5
19 +19/14/9/4 11/6/6
20 +20/15/10/5 12/6/6

Brawler- High att melee unit, great with fists, auto counterattack when hp is critical
HD: d10, proficient with light armor, good ref saves, good base attack
SP: d6
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 0/2/0
2 +2 0/3/0
3 +3 1/3/1
4 +4 1/4/1
5 +5 1/4/1
6 +6/1 2/5/2
7 +7/2 2/5/2
8 +8/3 2/6/2
9 +9/4 3/6/3
10 +10/5 3/7/3
11 +11/6/1 3/7/3
12 +12/7/2 4/8/4
13 +13/8/3 4/8/4
14 +14/9/4 4/9/4
15 +15/10/5 5/9/5
16 +16/11/6/1 5/10/5
17 +17/12/7/2 5/10/5
18 +18/13/8/3 5/11/5
19 +19/14/9/4 6/11/6
20 +20/15/10/5 6/12/6

Samurai- High att melee unit, great with swords, good with bows and spears, 20% insta kill when hp is critical
HD: d10, proficient with all armor, good fort saves, good base attack
SP: d4
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 2/0/0
2 +2 3/0/0
3 +3 3/1/1
4 +4 4/1/1
5 +5 4/1/1
6 +6/1 5/2/2
7 +7/2 5/2/2
8 +8/3 6/2/2
9 +9/4 6/3/3
10 +10/5 7/3/3
11 +11/6/1 7/3/3
12 +12/7/2 8/4/4
13 +13/8/3 8/4/4
14 +14/9/4 9/4/4
15 +15/10/5 9/5/5
16 +16/11/6/1 10/5/5
17 +17/12/7/2 10/5/5
18 +18/13/8/3 11/5/5
19 +19/14/9/4 11/6/6
20 +20/15/10/5 12/6/6

Gunner- High dmg range unit, great with guns, 20% more damage when attacking a foe already struck this round
HD: d6, proficient with light armor, good ref saves, good base attack
SP: d8
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 0/2/0
2 +2 0/3/0
3 +3 1/3/1
4 +4 1/4/1
5 +5 1/4/1
6 +6/1 2/5/2
7 +7/2 2/5/2
8 +8/3 2/6/2
9 +9/4 3/6/3
10 +10/5 3/7/3
11 +11/6/1 3/7/3
12 +12/7/2 4/8/4
13 +13/8/3 4/8/4
14 +14/9/4 4/9/4
15 +15/10/5 5/9/5
16 +16/11/6/1 5/10/5
17 +17/12/7/2 5/10/5
18 +18/13/8/3 5/11/5
19 +19/14/9/4 6/11/6
20 +20/15/10/5 6/12/6

Thief- Specialized unit, ok with bows, guns, and swords, only unit that can disarm traps and open locks
HD: d6, proficient with light armor, good ref saves, medium base attack
SP: d8
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +0 0/2/0
2 +1 0/3/0
3 +2 1/3/1
4 +3 1/4/1
5 +3 1/4/1
6 +4 2/5/2
7 +5 2/5/2
8 +6/1 2/6/2
9 +6/1 3/6/3
10 +7/2 3/7/3
11 +8/3 3/7/3
12 +9/4 4/8/4
13 +9/4 4/8/4
14 +10/5 4/9/4
15 +11/6/1 5/9/5
16 +12/7/2 5/10/5
17 +12/7/2 5/10/5
18 +13/8/3 5/11/5
19 +14/9/4 6/11/6
20 +15/10/5 6/12/6

Cleric- Healing ranged unit, ok with sword, spear, staff, and bow, half dmg from magic
HD: d6, proficient with no armor, good will saves, poor base attack
SP: d12
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +0 0/0/2
2 +1 0/0/3
3 +1 1/1/3
4 +2 1/1/4
5 +2 1/1/4
6 +3 2/2/5
7 +3 2/2/5
8 +4 2/2/6
9 +4 3/3/6
10 +5 3/3/7
11 +5 3/3/7
12 +6/1 4/4/8
13 +6/1 4/4/8
14 +7/2 4/4/9
15 +7/2 5/5/9
16 +8/3 5/5/10
17 +8/3 5/5/10
18 +9/4 6/6/11
19 +9/4 6/6/11
20 +10/5 6/6/12

Archer- High dmg range unit, great with bows, can shoot 30 feet farther then listed range
HD: d6, proficient with light armor, good ref saves, good base attack
SP: d10
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 0/2/0
2 +2 0/3/0
3 +3 1/3/1
4 +4 1/4/1
5 +5 1/4/1
6 +6/1 2/5/2
7 +7/2 2/5/2
8 +8/3 2/6/2
9 +9/4 3/6/3
10 +10/5 3/7/3
11 +11/6/1 3/7/3
12 +12/7/2 4/8/4
13 +13/8/3 4/8/4
14 +14/9/4 4/9/4
15 +15/10/5 5/9/5
16 +16/11/6/1 5/10/5
17 +17/12/7/2 5/10/5
18 +18/13/8/3 5/11/5
19 +19/14/9/4 6/11/6
20 +20/15/10/5 6/12/6

Beast Master- Special melee unit, good with sword, spear, bow, and axe, boosts monster stats when adjacent
HD: d8, proficient with light and medium armor, good fort and ref saves, good base attack
SP: d8
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 2/2/0
2 +2 3/3/0
3 +3 3/3/1
4 +4 4/4/1
5 +5 4/4/1
6 +6/1 5/5/2
7 +7/2 5/5/2
8 +8/3 6/6/2
9 +9/4 6/6/3
10 +10/5 7/7/3
11 +11/6/1 7/7/3
12 +12/7/2 8/8/4
13 +13/8/3 8/8/4
14 +14/9/4 9/9/4
15 +15/10/5 9/9/5
16 +16/11/6/1 10/10/5
17 +17/12/7/2 10/10/5
18 +18/13/8/3 11/11/5
19 +19/14/9/4 11/11/6
20 +20/15/10/5 12/12/6

Magic Knight- Good melee and magic unit, good with sword and staff, 25% damage bonus to elemental attacks
(not a starting class)
HD: d8, proficient with light and medium armor, good fort and will saves, good base attack
SP: d12
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +1 2/0/2
2 +2 3/0/3
3 +3 3/1/3
4 +4 4/1/4
5 +5 4/1/4
6 +6/1 5/2/5
7 +7/2 5/2/5
8 +8/3 6/2/6
9 +9/4 6/3/6
10 +10/5 7/3/7
11 +11/6/1 7/3/7
12 +12/7/2 8/4/8
13 +13/8/3 8/4/8
14 +14/9/4 9/4/9
15 +15/10/5 9/5/9
16 +16/11/6/1 10/5/10
17 +17/12/7/2 10/5/10
18 +18/13/8/3 11/5/11
19 +19/14/9/4 11/6/11
20 +20/15/10/5 12/6/12

Dancer- Unique unit, decent in melee and range, good with chakram, and staff, add cha bonus to AC
HD: d8, proficient with no armor, good ref save, medium base attack
SP: d10
1. Entertainer
2. Stomper
3. Charmer
4. Dazzler
5. Raver
6. Thriller
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +0 0/2/0
2 +1 0/3/0
3 +2 1/3/1
4 +3 1/4/1
5 +3 1/4/1
6 +4 2/5/2
7 +5 2/5/2
8 +6/1 2/6/2
9 +6/1 3/6/3
10 +7/2 3/7/3
11 +8/3 3/7/3
12 +9/4 4/8/4
13 +9/4 4/8/4
14 +10/5 4/9/4
15 +11/6/1 5/9/5
16 +12/7/2 5/10/5
17 +12/7/2 5/10/5
18 +13/8/3 5/11/5
19 +14/9/4 6/11/6
20 +15/10/5 6/12/6

Mimic- Masters monster skills, good with fists and staves, adjacent monsters take penalties
HD: d8, proficient with light and medium armor, good will save, medium base attack
SP: d10
Level Base Attack F/R/W Special
1 +0 0/0/2 Learn (or mimic, to be decided latah)
2 +1 0/0/3
3 +2 1/1/3
4 +3 1/1/4
5 +3 1/1/4
6 +4 2/2/5
7 +5 2/2/5
8 +6/1 2/2/6
9 +6/1 3/3/6
10 +7/2 3/3/7
11 +8/3 3/3/7
12 +9/4 4/4/8
13 +9/4 4/4/8
14 +10/5 4/4/9
15 +11/6/1 5/5/9
16 +12/7/2 5/5/10
17 +12/7/2 5/5/10
18 +13/8/3 5/5/11
19 +14/9/4 6/6/11
20 +15/10/5 6/6/12

Humans: Basic stuff found in any player's guide, 1 bonus feat, 1 bonus skill point/level, nuff said.

Demons: +2 str, +2 con, -2 int, -2 cha. Demons are strong and tough, but abrasive and rarely deep thinkers.
Wings: +1 lvl adj, Prehensile tail: +1 lvl adj, Remove weakness: +2 lvl adj (more options may be added as I think of some)

Angels: +2 cha, +2 wis, -2 str, -2 con. Angels are wise and a delight to be around...but weak compared to demons.
Wings: +1 lvl adj, Boost Resistance: +2 lvl adj (more options may be added as I think of some)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:38 am
by Kumi-chan
Sound very cool Sesshi. Would be fun to play a RP using this system.