What do you use captions for?

When a picture inspires the mind and a story forms within.

Moderator: Raleigh

What do you use captions for?

Poll ended at Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:14 pm

Dental hygene!
Mini stories, enjoying a quick read
Writing inspiration
Boredom alleviater
Total votes : 32

Postby Musashi » Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:52 pm

It doesn't make you an outsider. Whatever floats your boat, ya'know? You have your reasons for captions, other people have their own.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:15 am

Akemi wrote:Man, either a lot of you are hopelessly sheltered or a lot of you are really bad liars.

Can't say I'm sheltered in that way, but I rarely leave the house. ^_^; But I'm a thinker and reasoner, and I find no point in practicing dental hygiene. XD When I see something that piques my interest in these captions, the most frequent reactions are: envy, wistfulness, low spirits, degrading myself. Which is why I try to focus on the story... One reason of which, is because it's the only medium I know where I can get out ideas without writing a novel or something. I have a bad tendency to not ever want something I write to have an end, so... Images give me focus on just one situation.
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Postby Kyoushu » Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:37 am

Akemi wrote:I'm being humorous, but I do kind of mean it at the same time. I'm kinda put off on how alone I am in being honest about my natural urges.

Come now, was my post not obvious enough? >.>
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Postby opus` » Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:42 pm

Dental Hygene for me.
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Postby Duck » Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:23 pm

while i belive ANYTHING can be a boredom aleviator (i once just stared at a quarter cause it was shiny) I truly feel that captions can be considered mini storys and such (not all the time mind you) but there are some that i consider works of art.. or at least heading that way (garath.. nikkou are fine examples)

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Postby Coruscate » Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:22 am

Akemi wrote:If that's true, I have even more reason to believe I'm an outsider in this community.

Bullpucky. Who is "the community?" Who decides our opinions for us? Who dictates by which vibrations of whick stalk sticking out of our foreheads what our reactions and behavior will be? We're not ants, we're individuals.

Would you find any sense in waking up one morning and pitching a fit because you were the only person in the building with a Honda? Or without a snazzy pair of shoes? No? Why? Because it's ridiculous. Your things, your hobbies, your whatever is your business. I don't really see anyone trying to define this community as strictly this or that.

We're all going to be who we are and I think it was agreed that none of us would put any effort into trying to divide and cliqueify ;-3 A lot of us still seem to remember that ideal, which is why our "community" continues to thrive.

No one can declare you an outsider because no one speaks for us in that capacity.

And don't forget, we've had regular, accepted and actually missed since they're not around MSFers who were not into TG or anime. And that's the focus from the site!
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Postby hime-chan » Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:23 pm

it goes for a quick story, allowing you to just imagine their scenario aand then thinking, if that were true...

I saw that... and it is soooooooooooooooo me!
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Postby Beyond » Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:47 pm

i havent made a caption in my life.

but i enjoy cleaning my teeth with them.
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