Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

When a picture inspires the mind and a story forms within.

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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:49 pm

I see... A caption! I wonder how that got there. :P

I think this one is amusing because I already use three towels whenever I actually bathe. ;/
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:35 pm

That's cute. Or at least, I thought so. :)
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Postby Katty » Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:49 pm

A double ear bunny?! I am still trying to figure out the double ear nekos I had. Hmmm.

Nice tip none the less. =^-^=
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Postby Lucky » Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:35 pm

Good advice to fellow as always.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby muffinstud » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:30 pm

It was burning a hole in my brain! I had to!

Oh, and yes, I am technically still alive. How's them apples?

A continuation of one that started a good conversation. Still has the same theme though.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Lucky » Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:59 pm

Muffin stud has returned with a vengeance!
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Katty » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:34 am

The muffin is attacking again! Sound the alarms, run around in circles screaming, Buy some butter!

Nice caption you got here. Really nothing more to say about it. =^-^=
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:32 pm

Well done.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:49 am

*pats self to make sure self still exists*

Holy Sanctimonium! After this long awaited wait, I make a short return.
But! (Heh. I said butt.) Don't expect too much from me. I'm really only here to start up the caption business again. Why? Because everywhere else the captions either suck or don't exist!I've got to thank those who've been keeping at the caption game (special nod to Whatever- you've got a great start!), but there seriously is a major caption gap on the interweb.

I wonder how I'm gonna fix that.

Yep, plagiarism. Wait, no. I meant that I'm going to take all the captions, put them in a virtual ark, assort them two by two... Wait, that's plagiarism. Crap.

Maybe you should just check out what my brain threw up into MS paint instead. You might enjoy it, you might also want to strangle me for not caving sooner. Either way, I FART IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION!

MSG #36 Gasp! Such controversy! I channeled a little of Musa into this one.

Muffin's first ever caption insert! Witness history in the making! I think!

Project Neko lives again! This picture originally was intended to continue the "experiment" caption story, but I have rather decided to make it a story story. Hopefully, I can finish it along with my other unfinished stories.

Thus continues my efforts to keep myself not bored while also keeping from just looking around the internet for this kind of stuff. That leads me to things I don't even remotely want to see, nor should any person in their right mind see. Please excuse me while I try to find some more captions and go vomit until certain images are purged from my brain.

Good evening. I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Musashi » Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:07 am

Yesss... channel! CHANNEL! Bishi bunny X3 *Wiggles fingers at the loaf* ...chaaaannelllll.... :O

But yeah, anyway~ HI AGAIN, NEKO BREAD! It's good to see you! *SQUEEZE-a-talking-baked-good*
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:50 pm


No, seriously. I command everyone who reads this to audibly intake air. Are you ready? Okay, here goes.
Project Neko is finished.
Yes, I will do other captions in the PN universe, but the whole "okay, this is what this thing is about" arc of captions is done. Whew.

Project Neko! Almost Done!
Project Neko! Done!

I left things kinda open in the end, cuz that way I can do a little more with it if I want. Plus, I'm lazy.

Oh, and here's some other random stuff too.

Ah, sweet disappointment.
MSG #6
What can I say, I gotta appeal to the other half of the audience, too.
Initiate vomiting in 3...2...1...

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Oh, you are? Okay.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Lanzerus » Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:07 pm

i must say, all of them were extremely good....

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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby jimmyinwhite » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:00 pm

I like these cations but I wonder if you would like some water.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Musashi » Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:51 pm

muffinstud wrote:What can I say, I gotta appeal to the other half of the audience, too.

There, are you happy now? Well, are you?

YES *GLOMP* Awww, Nekobread :3 *Gives the cat bread some catnip-butter* For youuuu!
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Kether » Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:58 pm

Musashi wrote:
muffinstud wrote:What can I say, I gotta appeal to the other half of the audience, too.

There, are you happy now? Well, are you?

YES *GLOMP* Awww, Nekobread :3 *Gives the cat bread some catnip-butter* For youuuu!

Bread doesn't like to be buttered any more than lobsters!
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