muffinstud wrote:The new war begins, and so does a new era.
favorite <3
Moderator: Raleigh
muffinstud wrote:The story is finished, the writer's block has vanished, and I am free to caption once more!
I feel bad for all of you already.
Other captions of mine have this element and I thought I should clarify just what it is
I personally suck royally at Street Fighter
The geek shall inherit the earth
This picture is really hot, but not like that you perv
This one has innuendo and hardly any clothes, so be warned
Never been to a convention, never will
I just couldn't help myselfwhich one was bush?
I have many more images and many more ideas. The floodgates are open. I have warned you.
muffinstud wrote:Who knows, Katty, mayhap me and Nekkid will get together and do a collab someday *wink wink, nudge nudge*
And Jimmy, the blonde was Dubya. I had hoped it was painfully obvious by the massacre of the word "nuclear" I put in there.
Empyrean Nikkou wrote:And Jimmy, the blonde was Dubya. I had hoped it was painfully obvious by the massacre of the word "nuclear" I put in there.
Instead of trying to make it obvious, you should have gone with making it sublimimable.
muffinstud wrote:"Please sir, may I have some more?"
"More? More!? Nobody gets more!"
Unlike the greasy fat man from Oliver!, I don't care if you get more.
A gold star to the first person to identify the song quote in one of the captions.
For Musa. Soon there will be some bishies for you as well.
I suck at japanese names I hope that we get to enjoy after effects of being grabbed by the shrine maidens. Maybe even a more maidens being created.
rehab is killer, yo
a friend in need is probably one that needs help
The hat is a real item from DnD
Now that's high-stakes fighting
I currently have too many pictures. I need to caption them to get rid of them. Sucks to be you, huh?
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