Musa captions? @_@ (Updated first post: 06/03/10)

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Postby jimmyinwhite » Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:17 am

TG Virus with my luck I would be like Typhoid Mary & be just a carrier but wouldn't be changed by it. lucky girl to have good friends like that.
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Postby Musashi » Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:50 pm

Two more captions, aaaand... they're MtF this time! Who woulda thought, huh? XD

They're both on completely different ends of the TF spectrum. One is silly... I saw the picture and just couldn't resist. ^^; I mean, c'mon, it was so obvious. XD;
And the other, well, I don't know if people will like it or not. *Shrug* It's exploring a side of TFs I don't see as often. Not everyone who gets changed is going to just "get used to it." It's also taking a pokepoke at some of the cliches, such as "being turned into a girl automatically makes you nice!"

Well, here they are. :o ... tion17.jpg WARNING: Just in case... Thar be pantyshots! Be careful! ... tion18.jpg
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:57 pm

Okay, the rain one made me giggle. Very cute as well as apt. :) And I have to say I really liked the second one. It's nice to see someone looking at this from a different angle. I've always said that not every person is going to get bouncy and chipper and ultimately decide being a girl is better, right? I like seeing someone take that alternate view of things. It was quite well written, too, concise and coherent. Good job.
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Postby Meru » Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:35 pm

*gives Musa the thumbs-up*
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Postby MarioDS01 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:39 am

I am actually a little surprised that you actually did a couple Male to Female TG captions instead of your usually Female to Male captions I never cared for since they were never my cup of tea and never comment on them.

Now for my thoughts on the captions...

The first one was pretty much plain and bland and a little too simple for my tastes. The second one is pretty interesting that the boy now hates being a girl because his weathy parents thought it would make him kinder and such and it has not and was only a physical change and no mental change. I feel kind of bad he hates being a girl and wants to change back to a boy, but what if he is stuck as a girl, then he/she may have to get use to be a girl her rest of her life. Even though I think it is a very interest story all in all, the style of having an unhappy outcome/ending is not my come of tea at all. But you probebly know that already that I usually love romanic TG caption stories and/or any TG caption stories with happy endings and/or outcomes out of them. But I know, I can't expect all captions to be that way, I just have to get use to that from captioners. And no, don't expect me to go that style of writing that has any unhappy or sad endings/outcomes to it.

Well, I would be even more inpressed if you did more of the Male to Female Transformation TG captions Musashi. Not that expect that from you again for a long time, unless the mood strikes you again to do that kind again sooner then you think. There is one request however if you ever do Male to Female captions, I would like you to make one with a happy outcome/ending to it, the second one just kind of depressed me and made me sad a little, sorry, just not my favorite style at all...
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Postby Stellar » Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:18 am

The second one was spectacular!

Listening to My Chemical Romance's "The End." in the background makes it more spectacular. (Look up the lyrics if you're not familiar with the song, I highly recommend it)
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Postby Musashi » Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:20 am

Spectacular? *Squeakblushu* Aw, thank you! ^___^ And yeah, those lyrics do seem fitting! :o

As for him having to get used to being a girl for the rest of his life... well, yeah, he could, but it would be "getting used to" as in he goes through the rest of his life feeling incredibly unhappy the majority of the time. At the moment in that caption, his mindset is more like "I'll be changed back or I'll die, and I'll take them all with me."
If I ever do make a happy ending caption for it, it'll be of when he gets changed back. And even if I don't make that caption... well, I like to think in my mind that he does get to be a boy again eventually, and will be all right. I'd feel too mean otherwise. XD;

Well, I'm glad people seem to enjoy what I make~ I just wish I could come up with ideas more quickly. It's a slow process for me (my muse is lazy!), and now even slower because of school. But I'll keep trying. :D
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Postby MarioDS01 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:53 am

Musashi wrote:Spectacular? *Squeakblushu* Aw, thank you! ^___^ And yeah, those lyrics do seem fitting! :o

As for him having to get used to being a girl for the rest of his life... well, yeah, he could, but it would be "getting used to" as in he goes through the rest of his life feeling incredibly unhappy the majority of the time. At the moment in that caption, his mindset is more like "I'll be changed back or I'll die, and I'll take them all with me."
If I ever do make a happy ending caption for it, it'll be of when he gets changed back. And even if I don't make that caption... well, I like to think in my mind that he does get to be a boy again eventually, and will be all right. I'd feel too mean otherwise. XD;

Well, I'm glad people seem to enjoy what I make~ I just wish I could come up with ideas more quickly. It's a slow process for me (my muse is lazy!), and now even slower because of school. But I'll keep trying. :D

Actually Musashi I was not really talking about continuing the 2nd Male to Female caption at all. I am just saying I could either imagine it that He/she may become male again or eventually get use to being a girl after a while, I am not expecting a sequel or anything to the caption.

I am just saying if you make a new Male to Female TG story caption that it would not be as unhappy as the second one you created. Hope that clears things up a little. It is just my favorite kind of story that has happiness and an happy ending/outcome to a story. But you are still more then welcome to continue the 2nd caption if you so do wish, I am not in any shape or form perventing you to continue it, it is your choice anyways.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:56 am

What I like about the second one is that it is realistic. At least it is to me, seeing as I went through something very similar when I was a young lad.
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Postby Rowan » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:47 am

Those were great captions!

The second one, saddens me.

Poor kid, on so many, many levels.
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Postby Musashi » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:58 am

I know your request was seperate Mario, I was just explainin' that he's not gonna get used to being a girl. ^^; *Shrug* And mentioned the sequel stuff in case anyone was wondering.

Nikkou, yeah, I was going for more realistic. In fantasy it's easier to say "soandso gets changed against their will but lives happily ever after," but I can't see that outcome happening so much if it were reality. So jus' wanted to experiment with that. :o *Nodnod*

Sorry if I depressed anyone. o_o *Offers hugs and fluffy bunny rabbits*
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:45 pm

Yes! Yes! **applauds** Same here! Someone who agrees with me! Thank you! **glomps Musa** Happy stuff is nice, but a lot of the time they're NOT going to be too happy about it. And not everyone will learn to like it either. We're in harmony here. Yay!

Musashi wrote:I
Nikkou, yeah, I was going for more realistic. In fantasy it's easier to say "soandso gets changed against their will but lives happily ever after," but I can't see that outcome happening so much if it were reality. So jus' wanted to experiment with that. :o *Nodnod*
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Postby Musashi » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:56 pm

Guendolen wrote:Yes! Yes! **applauds** Same here! Someone who agrees with me! Thank you! **glomps Musa** Happy stuff is nice, but a lot of the time they're NOT going to be too happy about it. And not everyone will learn to like it either. We're in harmony here. Yay!

Yeah, I like happy stuff as much as the next person. Happy endings and love and fluff and YAY can be very nice. :D But I like to try something different when I can.

And in fantasy, things can be however we want. The TFees can be as happy or sad as we want to make them, whether it makes sense or not. But in reality... well, the way I see it, it's like this: If someone gained the ability in RL to gender-switch people, and then went around changing people permanently against their will, I somehow doubt that a large amount of those people would be happy about it, or able to so easily "get used to it." I mean, they would basically have been turned into transgendered people, just in a different way. Rather than being born in the wrong body, they'll have had their correct body forcefully taken from them. I imagine it could be extremely traumatic.

But yeah, I'm not expecting that to happen anytime soon. XD; So, yeah, we just explore fantasy however we like~
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:59 pm

See, that'a precisely how I look it. I know many people are just exploring fantasies. But you said it exactly the way I see it. The majority of people who experienced a forced change would not suddenly decide that it was meant to be and they were more comfortable this way or whatever. They'd just be living in the wrong skin, through fault of their own. It's the other side of this coin everyone explores here, and it doesn't get looked at so much. Maybe that's why I get so excited when I see it. :)
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Postby Musashi » Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:06 pm

Guendolen wrote:See, that'a precisely how I look it. I know many people are just exploring fantasies. But you said it exactly the way I see it. The majority of people who experienced a forced change would not suddenly decide that it was meant to be and they were more comfortable this way or whatever. They'd just be living in the wrong skin, through fault of their own. It's the other side of this coin everyone explores here, and it doesn't get looked at so much. Maybe that's why I get so excited when I see it. :)

Though I do think something like a mass worldwide gender-swap for like a month could be handy... just temporary, unless someone did really want to stay that way. It would be a good chance for everyone to see what it's like on the other side, thus increasing understanding among us. Does that make sense? XD;
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