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My second attempt on doing TG captions

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:14 am
by MarioDS01
Well I am going to try again on the TG captions. Hope this time someone may like them and post them on MSF. ... ndtheW.jpg

"I am so sorry Aslan, I did not mean to ruin the prophecy of saving Nardia by eating the girlish delights from the witch, now Nardia is doomed!" cried out Edna formally Edmunt.

"Actually Edna, the witch failed to ruin the prophecy" said Aslan the Lion. "Really?" questioned Edna. "Yes, the thing it there is a backup rule to this sort of situation" answered Aslan, "The rule is that as long as the transformed person was formally a son of Adam or Daughter of Eve the Prophecy can still come true" finished Aslan.

"Well that is a relief" Edna sighed in relief. "I still have a have a whole box of girlish delights, I wonder if it would be ok with you if I took them back to my world earth, they could be handy with the school bullies"asked Edna. Aslan let out a good laugh and said "Yeah it should be OK Edna, that should teach the bullies at your world, Ha! Ha! Ha!"

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:36 am
by MarioDS01 ... dluigi.jpg

Luigi always hated that his older brother Mario always got the limelight in his adventures and always had Luigi being number 2.

One day Mario came back from one of his latest adventures with a strange pink Yoshi egg. As usually Mario showed off how wonder of a hero he is so on. After years of being number 2 of Mario's adventures, Luigi was at his breaking point, he could not hold in the angry anymore. Luigi leaped at Mario and started fighting brutally againest his brother. Then Luigi accientially knocked the Pink Yoshi Egg of of his brother's hands and it crashed on the ground. The egg realeased a pink cloud and engulfed Mario and Luigi.

After the cloud cleared Mario and Luigi were transformed into cute little Kind loving girls. Their personalities have been changed for the better and for the rest of their lives they never fight againest each other exspecially who is number 1 anymore.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:48 am
by MarioDS01 ... thguys.jpg

Even after Sammy(Formally Sam) was transformed into a girl by a mysterious accient, her male teams still kept her as part of the team.

Years later Sammy went to college and became on of the first female soccer players on a male college soccer team. This later inspired college and major league teams of football, basketball, baseball, etc to allow males and females to play together as a team across the U.S. Soon the rest of the world would follow.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:15 pm
by Katty
Well, I'll at least say this. It is a new way to write captions. They are pretty good, but how come the text is not with the image? =^-^=

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:11 pm
by Terri Violet Tsukino
They're all pretty well written.^_^ My favorite was the Mario and Luigi one...hooray for pink love clouds!XD

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:20 pm
by Chibi MitchellTF
Okay, #1 is 'roll-my-eyes' bad, but I'm sorta a rabid C. S. Lewis fanatic. Everybody is Out Of Character.

#2 is really neat, especially since it's in character for Luigi, and sensical. That is the kind of stuff that could almost happen in Mushroom Kingdom.

#3...not enough sense of character. When using non copyrighted characters, you determine the personality.