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Melkorios's Captions!

Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:23 am
by Melkorios
Hello everyone! I decided to bring up a bunch of captions I made to show you. I hope you like them as much as I did making them.
Let me know if there are any images you would like me to make a caption of. I will gladly do requests.
(Due to something, I can't figure how to upload files, Here's the page. The one's I made are the first 10 and the final 3. The others are made by different people.)
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:54 pm
by AshK
I only looked at a few of them. I will look at the rest later! Great job on them!
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:06 pm
by Mystic Mina
Hey, nice captions! I can't believe DA took them down.... Ah well, their loss. I hope you'll stick around. We need someone like you to revive our captioning spirit!
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:07 am
by UDDCommander
What I saw was very well done, keep it up.
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:50 am
by Melkorios
Wow, I didn't think they were THAT good.... O.o
I might just have to stick around and fuel the fire, so to speak.

Well, I'm inspired! You guys can count on more good captions from me!

Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:10 pm
by Haylie
I hope so, I just got done looking through, and I thought they were pretty darn good. You're just gonna have to give me advice (if I ever have time to make more caps, that is.

Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:55 pm
by Lanzerus
Those are nice, i did a few captions, but i decided writing was more my flavor. so i am now a regular in the stories board.
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:04 pm
by Lucky
*pops out of lurking mode*
I rember seeing your site posted on your DA. I personly like both of the beach captions you did. Thow still not to hot on Mario DS's captions...
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:17 am
by Melkorios
Well, I'm not really sure what advice to give. I find a pic, find a story that sounds good for it, and I write it. The only thing I seem to do that others don't is pay special attention to proper grammar and sentence structure.
I suck at conveying my inner thought works as speech....

Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:50 pm
by Haylie
Well, look at it this way: At least you're better than me.

And if you don't believe me, just read a few of my captions. They're listed under "
Ultraman950's Captions [formerly Dante's]", and try not to hurl on your screen.
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:15 pm
by Xiao
Alright, I'm sorry to break from general consensus, but I have to say that the group as a whole could be better
Don't get me wrong, they're good, but the near perfect rate of 'good' or 'accepted' ending got me a little annoyed. Most of them (that I saw_ that didn't result in the person accepting it, had some mental augmentation to go with it. Throwing a bit more diversity through them would make the batch as a whole much better, in my personal oppinion.
But other than that, I will say you did a good job. Grammar was nice and natural, and there weren't any extreme exaggerations of human nature. Plus, none of them fell into the stereotypical Ever since blank layout.
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:10 am
by Melkorios
Haylie wrote:Well, look at it this way: At least you're better than me.

And if you don't believe me, just read a few of my captions. They're listed under "
Ultraman950's Captions [formerly Dante's]", and try not to hurl on your screen.
Actually, you're putting yourself down a little hard. I think it's good... It certainly didn't make me hurl on my screen. Thanks again for the comments.
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:30 am
by Melkorios
For all of those interested, I've put up some new TG captions! Look at the last 5 on my site, those are the new ones. Enjoy!
Just in case, here's my site again:
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:15 pm
by Haylie
Hm. Veeeeeery interesting. Cat girls galore in this volley. Not a bad thing, I adore cat girls.
That's right. I said it.
You certainly have a broad imagination on you there. Some of it seems a bit repetitive, though. Maybe a few word changes?
Re: Melkorios's Captions!

Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:31 am
by Melkorios
Really? Okay.... I'l be sure to check some things, and probably offer a bit of variety in later captions.