Aaaaaannnndddd.... A double post for Harri-chan...=)
Chocolate Bunnies at Christmas...

'45 days until Christmas...' Harri thought as she sat there unable to resist another nibble on the chocolate bunny she had gotten at Easter with the card that said '
Do not eat before Christmas' Who gives a chocolate bunny at Easter and makes you wait until Christmas to eat the thing? But Harri had
TRIED not to give into the temptation. She lasted all of the way thru to the 15th of august before giving in...'Well...just a nibble. No one would know, right?' she remembers thinking.
And man was soooooo good...that first bite on the tip of the bunnies tail melted in her mouth and tingled all the way down to her belly, spreading warmth thru her even just thinking about it. Slipping off to dream land that night, she didn't notice the slight loss in height, or the little spot of peach fuzz that started to thicken near her tailbone. Still, the next morning, she awoke feeling more energetic and perkier than she could ever remember feeling in a long time.
Her next loss to temptation came only 15 days later. With the long weekend coming, she decided to try another nibble, this time on one of the ear tips. This bite was pure bliss , even better than the last one. Her whole body felt alive and almost seemed to glow with vitality. That next morning, she got dressed, her stylish blouse no longer seamed to fit her as crisply as it did only weeks before. But there was time enough to worry about that later, after all, she had a long holiday weekend to enjoy the TF antics online and pizzas to demolish during the AR's over at Mr. Biggs site as well. And one more nibble couldn't hurt either. And with that, Harri nipped the nose of the bunny artfully, and almost swooning at the flavor.
Little did she realize she was looking younger and younger as the weekend progressed while the pizza guy flirted with her on Sunday and asking if her parents would mind her having so many pizzas delivered over the weekend. It made Harri feel sexy and cute to have that kind of effect on a boy she was sure was ten years younger than herself.
Soon Halloween rolls around and while Harri hasn't given into the nibble urge for almost 2 months, she can't help but feel the need to indulge once more while wearing her bunnygirl outfit for the office party later that evening. Just as she starts to nibble, her doorbell rings and startled her, breaking the whole ear off in her mouth. The feeling rips thru her like a titlewave as she Is rocked by the energies blasting thru her. When the doorbell rings once more, she finde herself laying in the floor. Climbing to her feet, she suddenly notices everything in her home is taller. She sees her reflection in the door mirror and is shocked. Her Bunny girl oilutfit is just that, a girl, not the tall slender form of womanhood she has known for close to 18 years now. The bell rings again as she nimbly stumbles to the door and asks in a childish voice who is there. 'It's me, Tim. Are you ok Harriet?' the deep male voice asks on the other side of the door. Opening the door, Harri sees the smirk forming on her boyfriend tim's face. 'I knew you couldn't resist until Christmas.' he says laughing. Picking her up like the child of 8 years old she appears to be, he says in a teasing tone...'So is my little girl ready to go trick or treating?' All Harri can do is nod sheepishly. That was two weeks ago. Tim told her if she can keep from any more nibbling, she will be able to return to her adult body after Christmas. So now she waits, struggling not to noble on the rest of her Chocolate bunny, but even that is hard to do as she picks the crumbs out of the box and pops them into her mouth. After all, what could happen...