This is something I dreamed up while playing Fable: The Lost Chapters (odd, ain't it?). This is just a li'l somethin' you can get into (or not) that may or may not have a TG element. I suppose you could arrange a little something yourself, or I'm open to suggestions.
If you have any questions, you can consult
Wikipedia, or ask me if they don't have what you're looking for, I pretty much know the game by now.
Note this is written with full knowledge of the up-and-coming Fable 2, and I'm not trying to duplicate it in any fashion (because I have no clue what happens there). This is purely for the heck of it. Fable and all related characters and features (except those created here) are the properties of Lionhead Studios and Big Blue Box Studios.
Scenario:It's 1000 years after the events of the first Fable. Jack of Blades is all but destroyed, and the men and women of that age gone with him. The Hero that slew him has been buried in his home town of Oakvale among the most deserving in that town. An age of peace has followed his righteously bloody wake.
But that age is coming to an abrupt end. News of unprovoked attacks from previously neutral factions across Albion, such as the Bandits (which is no surprise, but nothing of this size before), those from Hook Coast, and several legions from the Northern Wastes. Making this worse is the unusual lack of Heroes in the Guild, and the few that still reside are quickly succumbing to disease or old age.
A large recruitment drive has gone out to find people all over Albion who would be willing to help the cause, whatever their motivations may be: Money, glory, power, peace, or a simple urge to massacre. The choice is theirs, but will they stay true to the Guild, or betray it and destroy them all...?
Rules:Yes, there's rules. Sorry.
All players, and I mean ALL, must be human, and at least old enough to be able to use a weapon of some sort, be it a sword, bow, or magic. Basically between 15 and 30.
There is no limit to gender, of course. There might or might not be TG. It might well be up to you. I'm always open to ideas.
You are NOT a master of your craft. You are experienced at best. I don't want 60-year-old magic masters coming to this drive, they're looking for young blood. You can be a beginner or a rookie.
Personality is unrestricted. That's the spirit of the game, so it's the spirit of this RP. Do whatever. You can try negotiation, give warnings, or simply massacre everyone. You can even betray the Guild if you want. Be as brutal or as kind-hearted as you want. But beware the consequences.
Everyone can teleport once they have a Guild Seal, which is collected when they complete basic training.
A list of basic classes (these can be mixed-and-matched)
Knight (Typically heavy-melee-inclined, but not completely opposed to using a bow or magic)
Will-User (Will is the energy needed to use magic; he likes his magic, but he will sometimes use a blade or arrow)
Archer (He prefers ranged attacks, but will use magic or a light weapon, given the chance)
Rouge (Like a thief or assassin, though typically evil)
(There are more, of course, and these can be combined into something else, like a Spellwarrior; go crazy)
Here's a list of magic powers (the ones I can remember; some are more useful than others, and can be used by anyone):
Heal Life (Heals life. Duh. Can be used on yourself and groups of people near you, but not if they're dead; the higher the level the more life you get for your mana)
Physical Shield (Erects a glow around the caster that can't be penetrated until it's bashed out or the caster dismisses it; higher levels = more protection)
Divine Fury (A super-powered magic equivalent to a nuclear warhead; a blue circle appears around the caster that traps enemies and drains their life; this uses a LOT of power)
Enflame (Makes an explosive fire radius around the caster that knocks back enemies and does damage; more level means a bigger radius and more damage; sort of a supercharged Push)
Push (Knocks back enemies within a certain radius, causing minimal damage; great for when you're surrounded)
Fireball (The more you charge it, the bigger the boom, but only at higher levels)
Assassin Rush (Pass through an enemy to land right behind them; Assassins like this move)
Lightning (Cheap, low damage, but it stuns and hits multiple targets at higher levels for continuous damage)
Ghost Sword (Depending on it's level, a number of floating swords come to your aid; one to five only)
Summon (It rips a creature's soul from the Nether Worlds to help you in combat; the first summon is always a wasp, but if it defeats a more powerful beast, you get that creature to use instead; higher levels let it stay longer)
Multi-Strike (Your melee weapon glows and when you strike your target, it's as if he's stricken twice, or more for higher levels; up to five)
Multi-Arrow (Your bow glows and fires multiple arrows four times; higher levels mean more arrows at once)
Drain Life (Drains the life of your target and adds it to your health; higher levels mean more health for you and less for them)
Turncoat (Sort of like Jedi Mind Trick, but this takes more time and doesn't last as long, and they don't have to be weak-minded; higher levels turn them quicker and lasts longer; this requires utmost concentration)
Berserk (What does this sound like to you?)
Infernal Wrath (Like Divine Fury, only red and more evil-ish)
List of weapon groups, in order from least to greatest:
Obsidian (mostly used by dark players for their dark appearance)
Master (no one can start with this)
Legendary (these weapons have individual names; nobody can start with these)
You must post your person as follows:
Name: Duh.
Title: What most people who don't personally know you would call you. Anything will do.
Age: Again, duh.
Class: Warrior, Will User, blah blah blah.
Gender: Once more, duh.
Age: Between 15 and 30, please.
Personality: A basic description of how your character will behave.
Skills you hope to learn/have learned: Please keep "have learned" to a minimum since you're still new at the Hero thing.
Note: No matter what your alignment, personality, appearance, or deeds done, you will be known as "Hero" to those that haven't heard of you.
Come forth and be judged.