Mists of Arlis


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Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:39 am


As morning came, bringing light to the trading village of Loriae, it found the twon's atmosphere a combination of tense and sorrowful. A caravan had returned from Moridin's Forge during the night, or at least the remains of the caravan had. They had been attacked by uncharacteristically vicious mist spawn which had destroyed well over half of the caravan. Those who knew the lost mourned, and those who relied on the flow of traded worriedly discussed what this meant. Would the road remain safe, or would they have to find some other way to survive? Even those whom simply lived in the town were concerned, afraid that if the mist spawn were now attacking caravans so viciously, would they move to attack towns next?

~~Moridin's Forge~~

The morning light found Moridin's Forge much as it was every morning. People went about their business much the same as always, but there was a faint sense of unease from many. Whispered conversations could be heard between friends, discussing a strange dream that had plagued many that night. Some details varied, but it always featured a horrible monster awakening in the mines beneath the city, and then the monster rising up and destroying everything. Some dismissed the dream as simply an out of control rumor, but others felt it was an omen. The mine workers were especially affected by it, many growing nervous about going down for their work this day.

~~Deep Water~~

Deep Water was already quite active by the time morning came, some of the better fishing happening in the early hours. The most activity was down by the docks, where fishermen were returning with the first catches of the day, and the Mermaid's Market was just starting as the Merpeople emerged from beneath the waves and began arranging their wares on the walkways.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Jacqueline » Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:50 am

it was still early morning when Jace woke up. Before long he had gotten dressed and was out on the street. He picked up some of the rumours about the caravan that had been attacked, and decided to investigate. He went looking for the survivors.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:57 am

~Loriae: Caravan Square~~

Loid's search for the survivors lead him to Caravan Square, where caravans were normally loaded and unloaded for their trips between Loriae and Moridin's forge. The normal festive atmosphere was gone though, replaced with anger, sorrow, and anxiousness.

Looking about the square Loid could clearly see where those who had returned during the night were. Many were still having their wounds tended to near the wagons they had taken, several of the wagons even badly damaged. That fact was unusual, as mist spawn usually only attacked living creatures for food, they didn't normally care for wagons or items. It almost looked like the creatures had been looking for something.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Marky » Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:48 pm

Waking up, Justin heard a bit of commotion about an attack on a caravan during the night, he decides to head out to the square to get more details about it.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:16 pm

~~Loriae: Caravan Square~~

Justin arrived at the square shortly after Loid had arrived. Asking around to some of the people who had been a part of the caravan he found out that the attack had come when the group was stopped for their dinner. The mist spawn had been following the caravan for the entire trip, but had not done anything. Then as the group rested they swarmed out, taking many of the guards down quickly.

Some of the people from the caravan also said they had heard a strange noise before the attack, like the sound of several trumpets being blown at the same time, but many of the others said they had heard no such thing.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:34 pm

Ash sat in an alley, leaning against a building. He was keeping an eye on everyone who passed his location. He was analyzing everyone carefully, looking for anything of value he could easily grab. It certainly helped him that most of the people were distressed about this dream they all had. It was easier to snatch something from someone when they were preoccupied by other things.

He had actually been considering going up to the mine, but decided against it. If, by some slim chance, something was going to happen around that area, he'd want to be as far from it as possible.

So, for now, he'd simply keep his eyes and ears open for anything that may interest him.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Jacqueline » Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:37 pm

Deciding to investigate whatever it was the monsters had been after, Loid tries to find out what cargo they were carying.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Nosnits » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:43 pm

Andrew wakes up and looks out his window upon caravan square. Upon seeing a group of survivers from an attack, he quickly gets changed and heads out to the square to find out more.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:02 pm

Romeo woke up with dawn in a tavern of Moridin.

He stood up from the creased sheets on his bed, a reminder that his sleep had been far from restfull.
Taking just the time to wash his face with the cold water of a sink, he quickly dressed and hoped into the streets of Moridin.

He headed toward the entrance of the mines, to try and find some gem's deal waiting to be made.
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Marky » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:03 pm

Justin frowns upon hearing this information. "Something just doesn't seem right about all this..."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:09 pm

Gorten got up from his cabin house and headed down to the mines. The strange dream did startle him a bit, but he was more worried about the mines productivity. "Come on men! We have a long day ahead of us!" he shouted on his way trying to rally up the scared slackers that were this talking about the dream.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Evra » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:56 pm

evra walks through the streets wearing his normal armor the dark grey cloth with white trim and the large white cross over with it wearing his helmet crossbow on his back and longsword at his side along with his shield on his back he walks through the streets quietly his heavy metal boots the only noise as they clank slightly at each step his head turning every now and then looking around anyone who was looking for him would prbbaly easily find him since he was so far the only slayer that wore such gothic looking armor several bags strapped to the armored metal belt around his waist his guantlets making his hands up to the half way point of his arms look like huge metallic claws with the fingers ending in sharp points
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby TKC » Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:15 pm

~~Loriae: Caravan Square~~

As Justin, Loid, and Andrew all try to find out answers to what happened to the caravan a loud voice came from the overseer's stand, "That's enough gawking!"

It was Michael, the overseer of Caravan Square, a large and burly man well accustomed to bellowing over loud crowds, "Now listen, I know you're all interested in finding out what happened to the caravan. Right now though we've got to take care of the wounded and recovering what we can. So unless you're here to help, go on about your lives," there were a few grumbles from the crowd, which caused Michael to grin darkly, "Anyone who isn't here helping with the wounded or recovery will be going with me on the road to look for any more supplies and survivors."

That was more than enough reason for a lot of the people gathered around to get away as quickly as possible.

~~Moridin's Forge: Mine entrance~~

When Romeo and Gorten arrived at the mines they found a large group of people, some of them miners, some of them townspeople, standing there blocking the entrance to the mine. A few were arguing with miners trying to get in to do there work.

"It was just a dream!"

"A dream everyone had! What if it's true and you all working wakes up that terrible monster? I'm not dying for your greed!"

~~Moridin's Forge: Streets~~

As Ash watched the streets he noticed a very unusual person walking the streets. There was three things that made this person stand out. One, he was looking around nervously, as if he was worried about being followed. Two, he was wearing a dark and heavy robe despite the pleasant weather. Third, and most importantly, there was the gleam of something large and gold from within his robe.


As Evra walked down the streets a wealthy looking merchant came up to him, "Sir Slayer! I have a business proposition for you. Would you care to join me for some breakfast while we discuss it?"
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:40 pm

"Stop your loly goging!" shouts Gorten. "Only idiots belive in that kind of superstition! Anyone who has a pair of balls come with me. Those who don't get out of my sight!" he shouts again raising is pick axe.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Mists of Arlis

Postby Rodney » Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:46 pm

Romeo seeing the forming mob in front of the mine fumed internally. If the miner decided to do a strike, it would mean a higher price for gems. And as a consequence, less customers. He looked around, hoping that guards would move those superstitious persons out of his way.

When Gorten, shouted, even though Romeo was not a miner, he decided to follow him, hoping that other would to, giving momentum to the man.
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