The Transformist (IC)


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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Wed May 30, 2012 3:55 pm

Karen looked up at Emma with a slightly suprised expression as the girl explained to whoever was on the other end, that she was taking the rest of the day off, no matter who opposed her. Her cheeks went a little red as the story about her being Emma's little cousin was used, making it all seem a tad more real to her.

She shifted her weight awkwardly from side to side, chewing her bottom lip, and wondering the reason Emma seemed to be radiating more authority than she'd ever shown before was simply because Karen had never heard her talking to work colleagues like this, or if there was some other reason for it... her cheeks going a little more red at that thought.

"We're not going to spend too much on this shopping trip, right? I mean... I could be back to normal tomorrow... ".
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:13 pm

"Yeh. Happens tah me all the time." He says it in a tone so..flat Pat can't tell whether he's being serious, sarcastic, or what. And he doesn't elaborate. The dark color moves slowly up, but reaches the bottom of the leggings fairly quickly. Then they start to spread out just a bit at the bottom. The material of the darker parts starts to turn softer too.

"Nice to meetya then," says Milton, returning the handshake firmly. Once he lets go he turns the direction he was going before the collision and raises a hand slightly to point in that direction. "My car's that way--last time I checked." He's clearly trying to make a joke of that, as he now starts walking.

Jamie can see that her chest definitely looks properly like a girl's, the skin smooth and practically hairless; she can also see the bright blue brassiere that she had felt appear before. Her chest is a couple of bumps, certainly raised enough to be considered breasts, but the bra seems to almost be hanging loosely from her shoulders for the moment, clearly intended to hold something larger. And indeed, if she watches for a good several seconds she can actually see her chest filling a little bit more at a time.

Kyle doesn't even notice the guy in the bathroom at first. He's mentally stuck staring at the mirror until he is interrupted, not quite able to believe that what he sees in the mirror is, well, him. He almost literally jumps when his ears suddenly change, and just gives the guy a bewildered expression for a moment while he talks.

"E-excuse me," he says, moving as quick as he can for the doorway. "Believe me, this is at least as confusing for me as it is for you." With that, he ducks into the opposite bathroom and looks for the mirror in that one. He just needs to have another look at what is going on, preferably uninterrupted. His mind is racing, too: The guy thought he was a girl, and now that he thinks about all the changes to his face and his clothes that sounds like a pretty easy mistake to make. Once he's standing still again, Kyle gently moves the tops of his legs closer together in an effort to find out if, in fact, that guy was completely right. It doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility just now.

"Of course not. My dad always used to tell me to hope for the best, and prepare for the worst--so we just need to get you enough to not run out while the others are getting washed. Besides, clothes don't have to be expensive to look good." They come upon a parking garage, probably the closest Emma could have managed to park to the restaurant.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Ookalf » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:57 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:Pat
"Yeh. Happens tah me all the time." He says it in a tone so..flat Pat can't tell whether he's being serious, sarcastic, or what. And he doesn't elaborate. The dark color moves slowly up, but reaches the bottom of the leggings fairly quickly. Then they start to spread out just a bit at the bottom. The material of the darker parts starts to turn softer too.

Uh-huh... *While Pat does finally start to feel something a little odd with his pants about now, he refrains from looking to investigate, instead focusing on getting the customer checked out.* ...So, I see you've got a lot of stuff here... Planning something big?
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:35 am

Karen nodded her head, and glanced about at people in the street as they went by. Some were clearly in a hurry, with determined looks, others were casually conversing on their phones or with those at their side. She couldn't see anyone else wearing a sort of confused look that suggested their world had just been turned upside down. Her brown eyes focused on a couple of then in particular, as she started to imagine how they would have reacted if it had them instead of Karen that had mysteriously transformed.

At some point, without realising, her gaze had shifted, and she was studying Emma's figure enviously. For a moment, she tried to picture this situation befalling her house mate instead, but the mental image of such a young Emma wouldn't form in her head.

Spotting Emma's car in the garage, she hurried her pace a little, eager to get to the privacy of the vehicle. While she knew that nobody out there on the street would know what had happened to her, there was still something unexplainably embarassing about being out there in public, looking like, and dressed like a child.

As soon as the lights flashed and the locks clicked, she tugged the passenger door open and scrambled inside. Dropping her butt onto the seat, she could feel the difference immediately. This seat wasn't made for someone her age, and while her feet were resting on the floor, her legs definitely weren't long enough to comfortably be in control of the pedals. Driving, something she did every single day, had suddenly become a rather scary prospect.

When the woman climbed in beside her, she tugged off the striped scarf, and reached into the pockets of her red jacket, sliding out her police badge and the pistol which looked so alien in her small hand. "Karen... what should we do with these?", she asked. She was supposed to be a cop, but without realising it, she was now looking to to beautiful model to make the important calls.
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Re: The Transformist (IC)

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:47 pm

Carter gives the guy half a smile at the attempted joke. "Thank you for the ride. I'm doing some work on my car right now, so it's not exactly in driving condition." She follows him to wherever his car is, and tries to keep her wings tucked in as tightly as possible. She doesn't want to make another scene after all.
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