by Kris_Roth » Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:12 pm
Alexis nodded..."First of all, part of customer service is to make the guests feel welcome here, so they would enjoy our food and drinks, na no da." Just then, Ms. Cooper, one of the teachers, and the high school principal showed up. They had heard about the cafe from the fliers the girls put up earlier.
Alexis saw her math teacher, Ms. Cooper, and the principal, and went up to them..."Welcome to Cafe Mew Mew, na no da."
Ms. Cooper looked down..."Ms. Fon, what are you doing working here? I need to speak to your girls should not be working here unless you have work permits and you keep your grades up." She was wondering why a group of her students would end up working in a Cafe, with work laws and all.
The Principal nodded..."And, there's a new girl working today. Hmmmm...shouldn't she be doing her homework instead of working...?" He noted Mai's presence...
Alexis gulps.."Sir, the new girl is my..." she looks over at Mai and back to her teachers.."My little sister, Mai....She just moved into my house, and uhm, she needed a I talked with the owners and they said she no da..." She looked at Cecillia..."Can you get the manager, Cecillia-chan? I think these people don't want us to work here..."