Anthem City: Fall of the Possum


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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:36 pm

Dana smiles and hugs back.

"For sure. We'll meet back here, okay?"
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:01 am

"You got it", said Georgia with a smile before she wandered off, trying to use the map to find her way to the gym. She was a little nervous about the class itself, as it had been so long since she'd done any kind of sport, but at least she was in good shape!
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:15 am

Georgia soon finds the gym, where several students are heading into the changing rooms, some already out, dressed in gym outfits, consisting of white shirts with red shorts.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:59 am

Georgia hurried into the changing room, and dug through her back pack to find a gym uniform. She blushed, realising just how much she was relying on Amanda even now. Nervously, she undressed from her uniform, although she didn't really realise just how childish her pink underwear was compared to other girls her age as she was left standing in just the bra and panties while searching the bottom of her bag for gym socks!
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:38 pm

Thankfully, it looks like Amanda planned ahead! Her gym uniform lies neatly folded at the bottom of her bag along with her pink sneakers.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:12 am

It didn't take Georgia long to get dressed in the red shorts and white t-shirt, and after tying her hair in a ponytail, she followed the group of girls out from the changing room, trying to spot any faces she might have seen in the previous two classes.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:04 pm

Oh, she sees a familiar face all right, but not in a good way... it's Alicia! The older girl spots her two and gives an evil grin, drawing her thumb across her throat. She mouths some words to her. It sounds like...

"All right kids, gather up! It's time for... DODGEBALL!"
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:50 am

Georgia nearly shrieked as she saw Alicia amongst the class. If she was nervous before, it was nothing compared to how she felt now, and she blushed brightly at how much a schoolgirl bully could affect her.

"Dodgeball? Aw, heck...".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:28 pm

The coach picks two leaders for the teams. Sadly, Alicia is one of them, so there's no way that Suzie will end up on the same team... the other team leader is an older boy with short cropped blonde hair. The two start picking their teams, starting with the more athletic kids and working down. Alicia takes an nonathletic looking rather chubby girl, leaving Georgia last, forcing the boy to take her.

The coach blows her whistle and the teams separates to the far ends of the gym. She then puts several red rubber balls down the center line before blowing the whistle again! The game begins!
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:06 am

Georgia stood there, chewing on her thumbnail, never taking her eyes off Alicia as the teams were picked. She blushed a little at being left til last, but she was pretty certain that once the game started she would indeed be the worst.

Once the whistle blew, she froze in panic, and watched the other kids. She'd never even played before, so was going to have to figure it out on the fly, but she had a pretty strong suspicion it involved throwing the rubber balls at eachother. Realising her awkward stance would make her an obvious target, she tried to hide behind team mates...
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:49 pm

Indeed, it seems so. At the sound of the whistle, each team runs for the center, trying to grab one of the balls before backpedaling and throwing them at the other team! Those who are hit have to go and sit on the bench until one of their teammates catches a ball thrown at them before it hits the ground. Most of the kids are having fun with it, grabbing and throwing... but Alicia has a ball and is not throwing it, her eyes locked onto Georgia, waiting for a clear shot.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:21 am

Georgia peeked at Alicia from over the shoulder of another girl older than her, not making any attempt to actually grab a ball for herself, her entire focus was avoiding Alicia.

"Get her!", Georgia urged, grasping the t-shirt of the girl she was hiding behind, and pointed across at Alicia.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:09 pm

"Get off me!" the girl snaps, pushing Georgia away from her with a rough shove. Now that Georgia no longer has a meat shield, Alicia hurls her ball with pinpoint accuracy, nailing Georgia right in the face!
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:43 am

Georgia stumbled backwards, and it took a lot of effort just to avoid crashing onto her butt. Unfortunately, the relief of staying out her feet didn't even last a second as the red rubber ball struck her in the face with some force, and she collapsed right onto her back, feeling her head spin as she closed her eyes.

Georgia had been hit hard many times before, and as she lay there in a daze, her thoughts began to get a little confused. She convinced herself that she'd just been struck by some super-powered villain during at attempt to stop them. Groaning, she rubbed her face.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:38 pm

As Georgia lies on her back dazed, the coach comes over and kneels, looking down at her, holding up three fingers.

"Are you okay? How many fingers am I holding up?"
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