by muffinstud » Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:43 pm
[Sorry for the long wait, I actually got kinda bored with this myself. Thankfully, I realized that things have finally reached a turning point. Hooray?]
The intercom buzzes into life. The woman from before shrieks in delight before starting into her next speech. "Well done, all of you. Well, not really. Most of you failed horribly. But the important thing is, we got plenty of entertaining shots. Oh, and we have our winners for the byes."
Cooke, having made progress quickly rather than easily, lands on the floor just before Matt. A pair of disinterested interns approach Colin and set him free, despite the progress he was showing.
"Our winner is...what's his name again? Lemme see that. Colin! He gets a bye directly into round three. Oh, and Matt gets a bye into round two. The rest of you, well, you just kind of suck, don't you? Hah!" There is a sheepish voice in the background, followed by the woman's voice yelling, muffled obviously by a hand over the microphone. "Anyways, let this test be a lesson unto all of you. A true Harem King must be physically useless. Those of you who escaped, proved otherwise. Follow the interns, and the real fun will begin." She let off a truly wicked cackle, and cut the intercom off in mid-stride.
All the contestants being free, the interns escort all of them into a hallway with a series of doors. All of them, except Matt and Colin. They get to sit in folding chairs in the room everyone was tied up in.
[Okay, next post people will get paired off, and the true contest begins. TFness has finally arrived, folks!]
A college-aged kid walks into the room, slouching and looking entirely like he desperately wanted to be somewhere else. An intern. He rolls his eyes and lets out a very loud breath. "What's yer name, dude? If yer not on the list, ya gotta leave."
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker