[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:56 pm

Lucius shook himself as he looked over the clothes. "I feel funny. Why does everything look different? I should really focus on... ooh, what's that?" His dressing was distracted several times by stuff in his room, like several posters, the still playing J-pop music, and even his alarm clock. Hey, this is pretty fun, in its own way. I'm Famous Musician! Maybe I should just relax and enjoy the good parts while I try to figure out what happened. He finally made it to the kitchen, and frowned at the manager's comment. "Hey, its not like I chose to have weird eyes..." He went to his place at the table, a noticeable spring in his step, sat down and started to eat. Mmm, this stuff isn't bad. He absentmindedly reached for his glass to drink... and promptly knocked it over. "Oops!"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:32 pm

(Flannery still around?)

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker
(if you haven't realized yet your not a robot rather a cyborg)
(the changes continued, as her organs were replaced with a slew of variable electronics the changes already passing the privates and moving up her stomach into the chest area. The hour glass shape of her body though retained the same feminine contours though clearly for aesthetics as they hardened, the red and white strips painting the body as well. The nerves in her body were slowly replaced with various sensors regaining some feeling in her lower body but clearly not the same.)
"No need to have her switch right now, just get her ready" Gyrich said to Batou before leaving the room promptly, unpleasant memories of the man flashed through her head, memories of his cold business only demur always putting her down. No sooner then he left then Batou spoke up rubbing the back of his head in annoyance "What a jack ass... But you heard the boss, so get suited rookie we've got work." turning he headed towards one of the walls in the room, panels appearing in the wall which slid open promptly as Batou hooked a cable from the back of his neck into the displays.

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger
(As he sat there eating, his chest swelled noticeable as his nipples harden and enlarged breast sprouting for A to C cup the jiggling motion throwing his off balance even more causing him to not only knock over the drink but send it sprawling as the jugs knocked the food up as well. The food falling motion somehow got caught in her new chests cleavage.)
The manager positioning was prefect, the spill just missing her as if she had anticipated it. “How many times do I have to tell you to at least eat without falling over yourself. ” She said tapping a few buttons on her cell. “Buttercup help Bubbles clean it up and get dressed as were on a schedule today. I’ll be in my office if you need me.” She said heading towards one of the side rooms. The raven haired girl looked at him rather annoyed mouthing revenge before cleaning up the mess.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox
Her reaction to the twilight picture didn’t go unnoticed, the presence of Maria looking over her shoulder could be felt, the look un-amused. In a singularly swift motion out came the picture from the note book somehow not even disturbing the page it was on. “Seeing this almost makes me wish you were still mooning over harry potter” she said as the picture caught fire from a lighter she had at some point acquired.
“Maria, please refrain from starting fires in the class room.” Dr. McCoy said until she caught a glimpse of the burning face “Oh its twilight crap… very well carry on, just do it by the windows.” Maria complied disposing of the ashes before returning too Catalina’s side.
Looking over the notes Catalina found she could understand the concepts in the notes but seemingly lacked the background knowledge on the subject making it confusing regardless. Just then her cell phone buzzed in silent mode to notify her that her Farmville needed maintenance.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
Entering the back room he soon realized it was an employee’s locker room, the door sealing behind him until the lesson completed. The Lesson 1 screen prompt was ‘Please dress appropriately for a day of Waitressing’ apparently dressing for a day at work, each of the lockers containing a assortment of maid uniforms while the clock was apparently a timer of sorts giving him a 5 minute time limit. Before his shift started, meanwhile NPCs in the restaurant filled up from arrogant bosses, perverted otaku, cheap Jews, ugly yakuza, etc… any possible anger inducing stereotype was generated. The system meanwhile recorded his brain activity, any spikes of anger or disobedience determining his score, eventually failing him auto restarting the lesson and punishing him according. The VR time running much faster than real time given the direct interaction with the brain, barely a minute had passed.
(honestly I’m just going to be lazy and not mention his physical body for now)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:10 am

Catalina didn't seem to mind the photograph being burned. If anything, she looked relieved to have it out of the way so her body wouldn't go reacting over it against her own wishes. In her head, she didn't like Twilight anymore than Dr. McCoy or Maria did. Her cheeks flushed red as the maid mentioned a previous crush on Harry Potter, and she shivered as she imagined posters of said Wizard and Vampire on a bedroom wall. She sighed when Maria returned to her side after tossing the ashes through the window, and rubbed her forehead where it had smacked the desk before straightening her glasses and flipping back through the notes. Finding herself back on the page she'd been trying to piece together information on her current situation, she tapped the pen against the pad and stared glumly at the handwriting, knowing it would be difficult to get basic information from Maria as the maid would assume she was faking amnesia. If only there was someone she could talk to, Sandra, Stan, or even...

Something clicked in her more intelligent mind, although she felt rather stupid for not realising it sooner. Thinking of the schoolboy, Mark, reminded her of the maid that had looked like him. At the time she'd dismissed the link as impossible, but was it really any more impossible than the idea of the Flying Fox being a teenager? "Maria...", she whispered with urgency, tugging the sleeve of the maid's dress. "You remember when we were coming to class and we saw a nurse leading an odd looking maid with red shoes somewhere? I'd really like to see that maid...".

An eyebrow rose as her phone buzzed from inside her purse, and she leaned down, pulling it out and setting it on the desk infront of herself. Apparently, she didn't seem too concerned about all the warnings over skipping class and being lazy, because she started to poke at the phone, "What the heck is Farmville?", she muttered, prodding the link, which opened up the game in a Facebook page. Katherine hadn't exactly kept up with social networking, so the website was quite daunting to look at. She continued to explore, before feeling a rush of excitement wash over her as she saw the word profile towards the top of the page, and touched her finger against it, "This should answer some questions.. ", she smiled to herself, figuring the page could atleast provide some basic details about who she had become.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:55 am

Mark blushed as the game wanted him to wear female maid outfits. It was like the ultimate perverted opportunity for him, but he wouldn't do it that easily. Mark sat on the bench infront of the locker room and took a while to think it over. "Hmm... Think Mark. This is a game. If I fail and dont do as told, Im probably going to get a game over and have to start over. However, if I do as told I might move forward and closer to finding an exit... but I'll have to wear those clothes..." he said embarresed he'd actually consider the fact. This was a real conomdrum, but them again it wouldn't be a bad as in real life. This afterall was a game, after it shut off its over and its not like those people would come back to haunt him. "Also Its highly unlikely anyone is monitering this..." he said looking around. "There's no choice. If I want to get out of here and find answers, I'll have to play their game for now" he said reluctantly looking at the choices he had. Looking for a conservative maid outfit with a low shoe heel. The winning outfit would be the one he would wear. Two reasons why, first the more conservitive outfits are easier to put on the the skimpy ones with thigh highs alot of straps on the heels, corsets and what not. And the other reason, he'd look silly wearing a sexy maid oufit.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:38 am

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider
As he day dreamed once more, memories of a recent girl’s day out shopping trip where she and MJ got new matching cell phone models. As he held the pink screen phone it beeped once more with another text from MJ ‘The bedroom better be clean or else...’ as if anticipating his empty headedness, the fresh memories of MJ punishing him passing through this mind, the memory invoking fear and pain but oddly still making him aroused at the same time. Either way it knocked him out of his revelry, replacing it with a sense of urgency.
(despite getting aroused his family jewels remained flaccid, instead getting softer and smaller before seemingly inverting. The new gaping hole getting deeper and deeper marking the end of her manhood, meanwhile her balls shriveled like raisins before melding into the skin, turning into a separate pair of lips.)

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
The game monitored his reactions and scored him accordingly, not really telling him what his current points were though. Instead a ‘Work your shift properly’ prompt came up as the door opened, no sooner did it open then the manager start yelling at him to get to work. As he started his shift he would find that all of the NPC characters were so realistic that he couldn’t tell them apart from real people each coming and going like real customers, as they were after all drawing from his own genetic memories of real life people that angered him.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:43 pm

Lucius lets out a high pitched squeak as his chest erupts and the food goes flying. Gah, what just happened!? Dammit, boobs... And I was hungry... But I should help her clean up. "Sorry sorry sorry!" he babbles to the dark-haired girl, trying to look apologetic and kneeling down (and nearly slipping) to help her clean up. He tires to be very careful, and doesn't contribute much, but doesn't get in the way, either. Something occurs to him, though. "Why can't we, like, hire someone to worry about stuff like this instead of, y'know, doing it ourselves?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:15 pm

Mark felt so embarresed wearing the uniform even if it was conservitative version of the one she had earlier, but it could be worse he kept reminding to himself as he scratched his butt. Until it did get worse, when he came out to the floor his jaw droped. Hannah Montana was dining with her family on the corner, The Jonas brothers were eating vegie burgers in the bar, 4kids CEO's were using the internet while sipping tea and laughing maniacly, Zack and Cody were making fart jokes and if the scene wasn't bad enough Belle and Edward from Twilight came in. Mark quickly looked back and wanted to escape so badly, he tried to make his way through the back. He'd rather comit suicide than serve those people.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:14 am

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
As Matsurika led Micheal outside, memories of walking down these halls day in and day out filled his head. Trying to remember Catalina brought numerous pleasant and even more numerous unpleasant memories of an excessively spoiled blond haired rich girl, memories of various unpleasant tasks for her filling his head. These were followed by the motherly Maria, memories of the always smiling maid making him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Oddly though everything before the age of 10 as far as he could tell were the same, his boyhood memories were there though the memories of his life in that period were scrambled the names and faces were blurred, giving him a feeling of aloofness almost as if it wasn’t his own as he walked the feeling simply got stronger. His revelry however was interrupted by a “Wait here noob” Matsurika said before walking to another maid in an elaborate outfit who was talking to what looked like an anthro-wolf. Looking around she was outside now the spring breeze quite pleasant, various other maids in outfits similar to his were sweeping the grounds. Matsurika and the other maid who he remembered as Ms. Roberta approached, Matsurika nodding before walking past him back inside, while Roberta walking up simply karate chopped him in the center of his head. “Mimi! What have I told you about asking for help.” The name spouted familiar to him as he remembered it was his own.
(His undergarments began to tighten this time, his boxers shrinking and thinning until they hugged his privates like tighty whities, the smooth white fabric however was definitely silk comforting the area maybe a bit to much. His undershirt meanwhile completely shrunk, in the ends forming what clearly were a A cup size white brassier, the elastic straps that held it still quite discomforting)

As Micheal walked, memories were coming to him as if this was very familiar to him. Then the memories of a blond rich girl came to him as it boiled unpleasantly in him. He shook it off and tried not to stay on them since this girl was being painted in a very negative light. Micheal had bad clients before and he guess he was going have to treat this girl the same way as he did with them. Just get the job done as fast as possible but the one named Maria seem to be a good person as she was a maid. Still he was feeling memories as a young child were getting blurry and Micheal tried as much as he could to hold on to them. It seems like everything else in his memory was being rewritten and blocked by this collar that he was wearing. Micheal knew that he couldn't let that happen.

Micheal then felt something change within under his clothes. He felt a bit unpleasant as it felt like his boxers were becoming tighter but at the same time something that felt like straps were digging into his shoulders. If he had to guess, it felt like they were a bra.

Micheal then looked up at Ms. Roberta as she called him Mimi. He looked wide eyed at her as he guess that name must be what the collar was giving him or something like that. Micheal just repeated the name Micheal to himself as he just tried to not let it go as he knew that he was also going have to have to respond to the name 'Mimi'. Still he knew he was going have to respond to this Ms. Roberta.

"I am sorry Ms Roberta. It just happen since I was unsure on where I was at. I got lost." said Micheal as he was working on the excuse.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:26 am

Daniel was about to make another attempt to communicate his confusion to the head maid, looking at the ball for a moment as he was still completely unsure what to do with it. His attempt to communicate was distracted by the presence of another maid who seemed to have a strange attitude and a rather caustic tongue. Watching as the pair of maids interacted with one another, he was easily able to see the rather strong sense of mutual hostility between the pair. Hw would sit there and watch the conversation between the two even as his body contined to shift and change. As the newcomer maid pointed towards a door way, he would turn his gaze over strangely dressed, silver haired maid for a moment, watching her for a moment. Eventually his attention would shift to Matsurika, the other maid who had just approached them, she seemed to have a strange way of talking about people, as he had only ever heard the term 'noob' used in computer games. For a moment after he felt a strange sensation of pressure within his head, as if something were happening to his skull. Putting his hands to his head, he would feel that parts of his head were becoming a different shape.

Suddenly his attention was snapped back to the two maids who were talking, looking towards the black haired one who seemed to be called Roberta seemed to be speaking to him again. Looking at Roberta for a moment, attempting to communicate his confusion about what he should be doing with this strange ball she had given him, although it would once more only come out as a lupine whimper. Parts of what she said confounded him, others made him feel a little threatened. For the second time today, someone had threatened to neuter him and have mentioned something about being in a male form. The way people had been using 'male form' was as if he had broken some sort of rule, one that he was not aware of. It was not as if there was something he could do about it, he was male after all. Shaking his head for a moment, along with the strange transformation to his body, his mind was becoming rather clouded.

As he watched the maid Roberta go over to the small silver haired maid who the maid Mitsurika had 'found', he winced a little in sympathy for the silver haired girl as she was struck on the head. He did not notice the stare from Mitsurika as he double over, falling forward onto the ground as his body mass and shape changed further into that of a wolf. Looking around for a moment again at the people around him, sniffing the air as if looking for something. His attention focused on Roberta again. His mind flashed various thoughts as he looked at her, one thought identfiying her as what might be termed an 'Alpha' in wolf terms since she seemed to be in charge but then another part would recognize her as a threat to his safety as it recognized the threat of being neutered. Suddenly he would wonder for a moment where those thoughts had come from since they seemed rather unlike what a normal human would think, though this train of thought was immediately distracted by a strange scent drifting from the direction of Roberta and the silver haired maid. He could smell a mixture of male and female pheromones coming from her.

Something had definetely go very strange since the encounter in the warehouse but he had extremely limited information to go on. Watching Roberta for a few moments, The wolf part of his mind recognizing her as an Alpha so she was clearly important and the part of his mind that still grasped onto his humanity considered that she might be a source of information. Deciding that following her might be the best way to learn something, he would watch her as he nudge the strange Katamari ball with his nose a few times repeatedly as if trying to figure out how it worked, waiting for her to leave so he could follow as secretly as he was able
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:54 am

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger
His helpful advice instead got him a noggie from Buttercup his petite body’s pitiful strength not a match for the girl. “Did you forget already! Your unnatural disaster klutziness already caused the most recent ones to quit.” Buttercup said irritated as she grinded her boobs and knuckles into his head, girls the noggie hurting him more then he remember due to his new sensitive skin while the boobs gave him a erection that tented his pants. The girl didn’t stop there, force feeding him the food that had been spilled before letting him go.
(As his pants tented, he could feel the size shrink from family to adult to kids, eventually the tent unhitched itself leaving just flat ground. The ground then was excavated as a hole was dug, deeper and deeper it went as he could feel his all the organs in his pelvis shift accordingly to accommodate storage.)
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:45 pm

"Aaah!" was all Lucius could say, or rather squeal, as the girl noogied away. Its not like he'd never been overpowered before, but usually he was able to put up some kind of fight. Being force-fed the food almost distracted him from his genitalia inverting, but not quite. Man, I wondered when that was going to happen. I got to figure out what's going on... was all he could think between mouthfuls. Well, that and This isn't nearly as good off the floor.

As soon as the dark-haired girl let go, Lucius snapped into a kneeling bow of contrition before her, apologizing in both Japanese and English. It took his mind a moment to catch up with the action. Apologizing as a reflex action? That's, uh, interesting. Better play this safe. He glanced up at the girl. "Is... is it over?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:56 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
(Inside his skull the brain began to change, the hemisphere realigning, as the chemical balances shifting around. Although never an aggressive person in the first place, his mental perception began to heavily lean towards the submissive and shy spectrum. His overall IQ though roughly the same was focused on different areas, instead additional excessive amounts of knowledge of games, anime, porn, art due to Catalina selectively overwrote his existing knowledge. Meanwhile his sense of direction and location deteriorate along with common sense, his perceptions also changing to a more feminine manner, as he found things like frills and ribbons cuter while things like sports and males gross.)
“You’re the only one that I know of that can get lost going to the bathroom.” Roberta said before simply twapping him across the forehead again. “At least you made it to class today, otherwise I would have to give you a demerit. Now if you’re done feeling sorry for yourself start cleaning.” she said before walking away. As he mentally repeated Michael, more and more often it would change to Mimi as memories of self reference all began to change to Mimi the name michael becoming more foreign each passing second.

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos'
(by this point he was no longer anthro rather physically full wolf)
As he rolled the ball over the ground, the ground it passed over were clean the particles of dirt and such sticking to the ball as if it had adhesives on it. Roberta the head maid having finished yelling at the sliver haired futa then proceeded to make rounds, checking up on differing groups of the maids. She Usually only stopped to yell at the girls for improper posture or other such issues. As he followed however despite the fact that she was paying him no heed he felt that she knew he was there instinctively. Finally she spoke up after several minutes of being followed “What is it Horo?” She said not even looking at him, her tone one part annoyed another part exasperated.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox
“No.” was the simple response Maria had for her followed by another flick to the forehead. As she snuck a peek at her facebook she could only gasp at her info… it was like looking into the window of a stereotypical NEET + rich fan girl. She had something like 500000+ Facebook friends but given the responses she likely knew none of them. Her posts meanwhile were of self righteous laziness, loathing, and horny yaoi sayings. Before she could look any further in her profile though the phone disappeared from her hands “Confiscated” coming from the smiling Maria as she felt her head forced to the front of the room, meanwhile the phone was nowhere to be seen.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav
(the transformation began to affect his brain, rebalances in hormones affecting his perceptions making him more empathic and weaker willed. His mental capabilities altered, as his instincts and mental reactionary skills increased, this came at the expense of his education skills as his knowledge based skills like math and English decreased. Her physical body meanwhile had finished its change http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... s/Mark.jpg )
The prompt ‘Extreme Failure’ came up as Mark found himself suddenly seated in a room unable to move, the system meanwhile found some of his greatest fears to punish him with. Suddenly a screen came up as punishment session had begun ‘Bad cosplayers gone wild’ was all the indication that was needed the video started. Needless to say sailor Bubba + fat faye began doing things to each other that would melt the eyes… and that was only the beginning. Mark could hear screams of horror and pain emanating from the room around him only to realize that it was all coming from him before he blacked out. When she came to she was back in the dressing room naked, as her brain had changed to match her body the anima had matched her mental projection based on the new genetic memories which were XX in nature.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:34 am

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub
(Inside his skull the brain began to change, the hemisphere realigning, as the chemical balances shifting around. Although never an aggressive person in the first place, his mental perception began to heavily lean towards the submissive and shy spectrum. His overall IQ though roughly the same was focused on different areas, instead additional excessive amounts of knowledge of games, anime, porn, art due to Catalina selectively overwrote his existing knowledge. Meanwhile his sense of direction and location deteriorate along with common sense, his perceptions also changing to a more feminine manner, as he found things like frills and ribbons cuter while things like sports and males gross.)
“You’re the only one that I know of that can get lost going to the bathroom.” Roberta said before simply twapping him across the forehead again. “At least you made it to class today, otherwise I would have to give you a demerit. Now if you’re done feeling sorry for yourself start cleaning.” she said before walking away. As he mentally repeated Michael, more and more often it would change to Mimi as memories of self reference all began to change to Mimi the name michael becoming more foreign each passing second.

"Umm...sorry again," said Micheal as he realize that his voice seem much softer and had a shy tone to it. He then nodded but looked around as he looked for this what he was suppose to clean. Micheal just rubbed his head on the spot that Roberta hit.

Still once again his mind was being flooded as if he felt something within his mind. He at once seen images of porn and art that he wish he didn't have to see the porn half. He maybe a person that seen most of what the web had to offer but Micheal still tried to avoid the porn since he knew it was useless. Though the information about games and anime wasn't all that new except he seem to be knowing more about it then he did before. Games that Micheal never knew and bray heard of came to his mind as countless anime titles and new smaller tidbits came to his mind. Micheal knew stuff about games and anime since it was kind of a hobby of his due to how much extra time he had during high school and college. He admit it went down a bit since being a hero but still it was there. Now it seems like there was a whole lot more due to this Catalina girl who seem to have force it into this Mimi character that this collar was trying to make Micheal into. Though he realize that is his distaste for some of the men in these animes and games seem to have turn into something else as his opinions turned into uninterested.

Micheal looked around for where he was suppose to clean but the name Mimi seem to be becoming stronger in his mind. Micheal walked around and then shook his head trying to focus.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:38 am

"Oww!", she winced as she was flicked in the forehead again, and brought a hand up to clasp it over the sore spot. All she'd wanted was confirmation of her name and an age, but somehow she'd skipped over that to read the messages first. By taking the phone away, Maria had turned her moment of hope into despair, and her hormonal teenage body reacted appropriately. She felt the sting of tears flood into her eyes as she looked up at the maid, although she was still an adult woman inside her mind, and quickly turned her head, trying to wipe them away before they were seen, rather than use them to gain sympathy like an actual teenager might. Her long blonde pigtails flicked across her back as the maid forced her head towards the front of the class, and she blushed at how easily it was for a girl she still considered to be younger than her, to overpower her like this.

Drawing deep breaths, she tried to calm herself down, telling herself she'd be able to find out things such as her name, her age, and more about her life in time. Did she even have her accent anymore? "I'm sorry, Maria... ", she muttered, just to check. Her head was starting to ache from all the questions she had, from working overtime to try and figure this out. It all felt so hopeless now, but she wiped her fingers beneath her glasses and leaned down again to dig through her purse. Perhaps a student ID would give her what she needed. Her thoughts turned to the Maid that may have been Mark, and then to her other friends, wondering what had become of them. "How long left?", she whispered to Maria.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:32 am

Mark quickly put his hand over his chests as his heart rate jumped through the roof. Fredy had nothing on the nightmare he just experienced. Such... horrible unmentionable things happened not ment to be seen even in a Forum RP. But as Mark finally jumped out of a frying pan, he just got into another. When Mark looked down his or rather her body was no longer male, but female. Mark almost passed out when she noticed she was naked. This was the first time, he'd seen a female body naked and this upclose. She quickly tried to cover her breasts and looked around embarresed and confused. "What the hell?" she murmured before quickly opening the first locker door, trying to find the conservative outfit she wore before. Her face was bright red blushing. She had to get SOMETHING on before someone else saw her.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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