by Brnin8r » Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:28 am
The hybrid's chest practically explodes as the round hits it, the impact sends it spiraling to the ground dead on its stomach. The light from the complex barely illuminates a VERY familiar symbol on the hybrids back. A symbol that has haunted Julian since he can remember: The Mijache Clan.
The door opened at Charlie's call, "It's Mary Anne, I didn't want to wake you." the beauty minced her way over to Charlie's bedside with a plate of eggs and toast, a glass of orange juice to the side of the plate. For being as hungry as she was, the portions on the plate didn't seem like what she was used to back at the homebase. He'd prefer three eggs, a few pieces of toast, and a heaping helping of bacon...but since she was this hungry, she'd have to deal with it. "I thought you might be hungry after your eventful day yesterday." she laid the breakfast in bed on the small girl's lap; again, in Mary Anne's hands the tray seemed so small, now in front of her it almost was half her size. Mary Anne's hand ran through Charlie's hair, straightening some of the loose strands. "How'd you sleep?"
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.