by Brnin8r » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:45 pm
Surge's knife dug into the girls back, releasing a high-pitched death wail that reverberated off the shower walls. The water soon turned crimson. Greg cursed under his breath as he dropped the unconcious girl to the ground. "Come on guys. We can't take much longer, their lockdown's already kicking in." he stepped over the dying girl and navigated to the next wall on the other side of the dry locker room. "This should be the second to last...and they probably haven't mobilized around the side of the building as much as the entrances and exits." Dan set about loading the explosives.
Julian's accuracy split the gas tank open and instantly ignited the bike. The girl had only half a second to scream while the other girl leapt out from behind her bike. The bike turned into a two-wheeled land mine as it shot into the air in pieces. The girl behind it had a piston lodged squarely in her forehead and fell dead to the ground while the other had made it to safety. It was an exposed safety, but she wasn't on fire or covered in shrapnel. The lead girl remained on the ground unconcious.
Alana would find no enemies or hostiles in the hallway.
With two hybrids on each end of the pole holding Chris up and a leader at the front with a rear defender on the back, escape seemed impossible. "Shut up." said one hybrid as she punched Chris dead in the face, "You don't have to have anything against us...we don't like you. You're a human."
Mary Jane waited patiently for Charlie to get the whole ensemble on, "You do look the part I must say. Other than your habits, it would be difficult to discern you were actually once a boy." she assisted Charlie get everything adjusted and made sure the buckles on the shoes were tight but not too tight. "And for the finishing touch." Mary Anne pulled a ribbon from her purse and weaved it behind Charlie's head. After making sure her hair wasn't out of place, she tied a childishly large bow on top of Charlie's head, "There we are." she stood up and offered the small child her hand, "Are you ready?"
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.