Garath's Potion Madness!


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Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:05 pm

OoC: Oie, sorry! I'll get right on it!

"Actually, um.... I wanted to.... You see, um...."

Before Clark could summon the will to ask her question, however, she was interrupted by the sound of Kris's voice through the apartment door. The girl couldn't help but let a sad little sigh escape from her lips. Looks like the issue would have to wait for another time....

"I'm..... I'm ready, Rhia." CLAIR whispered as she rose from the couch, not bothering to smooth her skirt or anything of the sort. Why would she know?
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:15 pm

"You're ready? Okay, then. Just- give me a minute to finish getting dressed here-" Rhiannon ducked behind the closet door to change. The physical form was female now, but the mind was still very much Clark. And not only would the poor thing's head probably explode were she to change clothes in front of him, she herself felt awkward about it. Just the thought made her blush a bit.... I may have wanted some affection, but not quite that level yet! She came back out a few minutes later, pulling her hair into a ponytail. "All right, ready. What was it you were about to say before you got interrupted?... Trust me, no matter what it is, I'll listen." She squeezed Clark's hand.

OOC: Oh, I wasn't bugging you, just wanted to make sure you knew what I'd said last. So you could post whenever you had time. :)
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Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:38 pm

"Um.... Rhia.... I.... I just wanted to.... Well...."

Clark faltered. She simply didn't have enough courage to ask her question. The fear of rejection, the fear of loss, the fear of being alone, all of those terrible, terrible thoughts were flying around in her mind. She wanted to know the truth, but at the same time, she didn't.... Oh, just out with it, already! Hurtful or not, she had to know! She'd deal with the consequences later!

"Rhia, do you still love me?"
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:46 pm

Rhiannon took both of Clark's hands, facing the now-smaller figure. "Yes," she said. "Yes, I do. I... I prefer you as a guy, yes. And I'll do all I can to restore you to that shape, at least so long as you want that. But- it's still you in there. I still care for you, truly...." I don't know if I could have a relationship with another girl. But I know I still love Clark, and I'll stick with him and get him through this. I will!
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Postby Asch » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:37 pm

(Just a forewarning that I'm traveling Europe from the 2nd to the 12th)

"Well, it IS Saturday, and I totally have nothing better to do, so, I guess I can help you look for that oh-so-whimsical-blue-potion." David replied as he brought his hand up to scratch the white fox ear upon his head. "I mean, it'd probably be best before worse things happen, like what happened to your weird acquaintances... So, how about it? By the way, I don't think you ever told me your name, did you?"
Last edited by Asch on Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:49 pm

OOC: Um, it hasn't been revealed that we're pregnant yet. We just think we have a tummy bug or something. Oh, this is going to be one interesting nurse's visit, once Mina comes back on again....
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Postby muffinstud » Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:37 pm

Ryan noticed they were outside a dorm room. "So, Kristine, is this where your friends are? If they're sick, I'd like to do something to help them if I can. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine!" Ryan gave Kris a small smile.
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:43 am

(I really can't wait for the Nurse visit. I've got the Nurse all planned out. ^_^)
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:48 am

OOC: Oh, wow. This is going to be fun.... Well, fun in a traumatic sort of way. Fun for players, not for characters. These two are going to have a heck of a time explaining how they got in a state that it's technically biologically impossible for them to be in just now.
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Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:30 pm

".... Th-Thank you, Rhia. It's nice to know you still care for me.... Even when I look like something plucked out of a anime fanboy's twisted mind...."

Clark looked down at her supple young form and sighed. The girl she was now didn't look a year older than eighteen, seventeen even, and yet she had the figure of a woman in her twenties! And the clothing the body came with.... The skirt didn't cover anything at all, and the shirt was so darn tight on her chest that she thought it would tear itself apart! It was as though she was a character who had been plucked right out of a hentai computer game or something!

"The creator of these potions must have been a pervert.... A really, really sick pervert...."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:36 pm

"Of course I care. That's why I want to help you fix it! It's not just because I like you better as a guy. I want you to be happy in your own skin, first and foremost. And... I could loan you some clothes. They'd be too big, but at least you wouldn't look like a fanboy fantasy.... I agree, this guy's gotta be a pervert. Look what happened to Steve."
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Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:46 pm

"T-Thank you, Rhia. You've always been so kind to me.... Are you sure I should borrow your clothes, though? I might trip on them or something and damage them.... I'm not exactly the most coordinated person in the world, and having a new sense of balance isn't going to help with my problem at all...."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:50 pm

"You're welcome. And of course I'm going to be kind!" She flushed a bit. "You started out as one of my best friends. Then grew into... something more. I just wish I'd realized it sooner...." She shook her head to stop from derailing. "And I don't care how uncoordinated you are, or not. If you need something, you need something. My stuff gets a lot of wear just from my life anyway. Here, let me grab you something." She yanked out a t-shirt she never wore- it was one of those babydoll tees that had been given to her in an effort to make her a bit more feminine; as it was her size, on Clark/Clair's now-smaller frame, it should fit better and more loosely- and a pair of jeans. "Here. I'll give you a belt if you need it. Just cuff the pant legs, okay? Or would you rather just have shorts?"
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Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:23 pm

Clark received the black babydoll tee, pair of blue jeans, and black belt graciously and thanked Rhiannon profusely for her generosity before scampering back into the restroom to change into her new clothes. She might be a girl now, yes, but it seemed really strange to undress right in front of your love interest....

Several minutes passed before Clark exited the bathroom and made her way back to Rhiannon. The shirt hung a bit loosely off of her figure, but it was a great deal more comfortable than that suffocating sailor fuku. The pants, too, were a bit too big for her form, but it was nothing a belt and cuffing couldn't fix. The only things she didn't change were the knee-high white socks and pair of black leather dress shoes.

"So.... How do I look, Rhia? Alright, I hope?"
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:28 pm

Rhiannon smiled. "You look just fine. You'll fit in perfectly. Now c'mon. Let's go see the nurse and find out what's wrong with us. I'm feeling better now, but you can't be too careful about a tummy bug. We need to make sure. Then we'll set to finding a blue potion for you, to set this to rights."
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