Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Dragoon465 wrote:Rick looks on confused. First a monster comes out attacking him, and as he tries to run, two school girls jump in and start blasting the monster with magic! He considered running, but he strangely felt compelled to stay. Besides, could these girls really fight off the monster? He pulls out his knife, runs up to the worm thing, and stabs it!
Kris_Roth wrote:Diamond saw the worm close in on the civilian, Rick, and rushed up to stab the creature around him, forming a Diamond Dagger. "Oh no you don't. Diamond Dagger!" She attempts to plunge her new Diamond-themed weapon into the worm's eyes before they close to complete its attack on Rick. "My name is Diamond, and my friends Heart and Clover are here to save you from these worm creatures." She states to Rick.
Kris_Roth wrote:Diamond was shoved backwards, letting go of her Diamond-encrusted dagger, which vanished as she hit the ground. "Clover, Heart, the Civilian has been knocked unconscious. Can we revive him before those worm things attack?" She hoped her dagger was able to inflict some damage to the worm that was attacking Rick. She goes over to Rick, kneels down, her Diamond encrusted armor shining brightly. She checks for a pulse or some sort of identification on the civilian, eyeing warily of the position of the worms and her teammates.
Dragoon465 wrote:Rick is still concious, but barely, as he just slightly opened his eyes. He also is scraped a bit, but fine otherwise.
Kris_Roth wrote:Diamond stayed near Rick, watching Lizzi appear with a contract. "Girls, looks like we found our missing teammate." She called telepathically to Heart and Jade. "I'll stay close to guard the civilian, and then once he's revived, we can focus on helping our new friend." Her Diamond Armor shimmered, activating as her sword appeared in her hand.
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