TG/TF Virus III-|(*Hiatus*)|


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Postby Asch » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:30 pm

Resisting the urge to mock the girl who inserted the word 'like' into her sentences in an annoying matter, David proceeded to introduce himself. "I'm David Askan Kimlana, I live in an orphanage downtown Peoria. I'm afraid I was rather... forced on a bus here. The virus? I'm aware of it, but I was in a part of the world where it wasn't holding very strongly during those times, so my information in regards to the issue is a little bit weak. Though yeah, after hearing and seeing to some degree what it does, I'd never want to catch it.
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:47 pm

Sandra: Nice to meet you did I do that again? I'm sorry I didn't mean to annoy you. Well my brothers were turned into Girls by the first virus and then got changed further with the second strain. I was infected with the Second Strain. Luckily a cure was found and we went back to normal. I did enjoy having sisters though. *giggles.*

Ash: Sandra could you please not remind us. We were turned into girly girls and then into Elemental Angel Pokemon Hybrids. Remember I was an Espeon Hybrid, you were a Glaceon Hybrid, and Lance was a Flareon Hybrid. I am glad to be back to being a guy now though.

Lance: So am I. I just am wondering how long this will last. I heard rumors of a mad Scientist making a Third Strain and wanting to infect the whole world again.

Sandra: Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Ash: Let's hope.


Meanwhile in and abandoned Brewery in Downtown Peoria...

OOC: I will be the Scientist that is creating the virus since no one else wanted to.

Scientist: This Strain of Virus is going to be even more Potent then the other two. Soon I will turn all the guys to girls and all the girls to guys. Maybe they will just be Pokemon Hybrids of some kind. I heard of a Raichu, Espeon, Glaceon, and Flareon Hybrids they also happened to be Elemental Angels of some kind that fought all of the Chimeras that those other scientists created. Soon I will rule the world and the only way to be cured will for them to pledge complete and udder Allegiance to me.

Back at the Shoppes...

Ash: So you know about the last two strains of the virus.

Sandra: Let's just hope that no one creates another one.

Lance: I agree with that.

*Everyone continues to wait for more people.*
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Postby Dani » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:23 pm

Serena Usagi Tsukino wrote:
Dan wrote:Dan walked to the next bus station, he decided he needed to go to a place with a good amount of people, when the bus arrive he boarded the #16 NW Express Willow Knolls bus to go out to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. he payed $1. and then sat down, after 2 hours he arrived and got off sitting on a bench in the plaza.

OOC: It does not take 2 hours to get to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie,it takes anywhere from one hour to an hour and a half depending on where you start.

OOC:Didn't know sorry :o

Dan noticed a group of teens hanging out near one of the shoppes and started to walk over, he hasn't had any friends since the begining of the 1st outbreak, his old friends broke all ties with him because his father wouldn't allow them in their sterile bunker. He got p off the bench and started over, he overheard them talking about the 1st and 2nd strains of TG/TF virus. He decided to find out more.
"Hey!" Dan said waving his hand. the group looked at him, very confused. ""Um hi...I was just wondering could you guys tell me more about the 1st and 2nd strands of TG/TF virus, I was in a bunker the entire time, no technology, no anything, sooo *rubs back of neck* what was it like?"
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:36 pm

Serena Usagi Tsukino wrote:
Dan wrote:Dan walked to the next bus station, he decided he needed to go to a place with a good amount of people, when the bus arrive he boarded the #16 NW Express Willow Knolls bus to go out to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. he payed $1. and then sat down, after 2 hours he arrived and got off sitting on a bench in the plaza.

OOC: It does not take 2 hours to get to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie,it takes anywhere from one hour to an hour and a half depending on where you start.

OOC:Didn't know sorry :o

Dan noticed a group of teens hanging out near one of the shoppes and started to walk over, he hasn't had any friends since the begining of the 1st outbreak, his old friends broke all ties with him because his father wouldn't allow them in their sterile bunker. He got p off the bench and started over, he overheard them talking about the 1st and 2nd strains of TG/TF virus. He decided to find out more.
"Hey!" Dan said waving his hand. the group looked at him, very confused. ""Um hi...I was just wondering could you guys tell me more about the 1st and 2nd strands of TG/TF virus, I was in a bunker the entire time, no technology, no anything, sooo *rubs back of neck* what was it like?"

Ash: Well it was really weird. The first Strain turned Lance and I into Ashley and Leigh. The Second Strain infected us three times. We started developing Psychic an Telekinetic Powers, and that was just from the clouds. Lance as Leigh got hit and became a Fire Elemental Angel and I became a Wind Elemental Angel.

Lance: It was okay for a while. Ash and I liked it for a while since we didn't find a cure. When the first cure was found Ash and me as Ashley and Leigh didn't want a cure. The Second one however infected us about three times and turne Ashley into an Espeon Wind Elemental Angel Hybrid, Myself into a Flareon Fire Elemental Angel Hybrid and turned Sandra into a Glaceon Ice Elemental Angel Hybrid.

Sandra: Eventually we took the cure and returned to normal. I just hope that another one doesn't occur, if it does, Ash and Lance still have all their female clothes stored somewhere just in case.

Ash: So were you infected by either of the first two strains of the virus?

Lance: I was wondering that too.

Sandra: So was I.
Last edited by AshK on Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Asch » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:40 pm

"I wasn't~" David said cheerfully yet confidently as he had always been proud that he was never infected. "Don't plan on ever allowing myself too, either. That is, if it ever surfaces. You guys sound like you had a rough time though. I can't help but to feel sorry for you..."
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:54 pm

Ash: If there is a Third Strain ever released into the clouds, when it rains and if you aren't covered you get infected right away. Sometimes the changes happen fast, sometimes the happen slow. Depends on how potent the Precipitation is with it.

Sandra: we all hope that we don't get infected. If it does happen there is like nothing we can do about it.

Lance: It happens it happens. There is no avoiding it unless you stay indoors. I heard of two others that just moved to the area. We will wait for them a bit longer.

OOC: It is about 12:00 PM in the RP.

Ash: So is anyone hungry I am. *Looks at Dan.* What is your name anyway?

Sandra: So am I.

Lance: I am also hungry.

*Everyone decides to wait for a bit longer.*
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Postby Nikki » Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:40 pm

Bryce arrives at the Shoppes. He had driven instead of taking the bus for unknown reasons.
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:02 pm

*The Schatsiek Siblings see the new person and waves him over.*

Ash: Hey there, are you new to Peoria?

Sandra: We could like show you around. There is a Rave Motion Pictures Theater not too far away from here. In fact it is in this area, just not in this Mall.

Lance: We could take you there if you want us to.
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Postby Nikki » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:03 pm

"Uh yeah I've never been here before" Bryce said "That's okay I think I'll just walk around onj my own."
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:09 pm

Ash: Okay no problem. What is your name I am Ashton Tyler John Schatsiek. You can call me Ash.

Sandra: My name is Sandra Rachel Schatsiek. Just call me Sandra.

Lance: My name is Lance Michael Schatsiek. You can call me Lance.
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Postby Nikki » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:10 pm

"I'm Bryce" He said wondering why these guys were so peppy.
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:17 pm

Ash: It's nice to meet you.

Sandra: It sure is.

Lance: We like meeting new people.

*The Schatsiek Siblings told Bryce the story about the first two strains of a Virus that they think is done and over with.*
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Postby Nikki » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:30 pm

"Well that was interesting" Bryce said not completely understanding everything because it was said so fast
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:38 pm

Riana Aninikkou wrote:"Well that was interesting" Bryce said not completely understanding everything because it was said so fast

OOC: They didn't say it fast.

Riverfront Abandoned Brewery...

"Ah yes. This is got to be the best strain of this Virus that combines the First Two. No one will stop me from releasing it." The Scientist said as he pressed a button on the Container sending the New Strain of the Virus out into the Skies.

"That will teach them to ignore me. I will force them to do my bidding. It will be the only way to find a cure. The other two Antidotes won't work. This is mixture of the two Strains. Now we will see who gets the last laugh." The Scientist Cackled.

Back at the Shops the Schatsiek Siblings had a bad feeling...

*They had premonitions. Evidentally not all of their powers vanished when they took the Cure.*

Ash: *Holding his head.* Oh no, I have a bad feeling.

Sandra: *Also holding her head.* Oh great it may happen even though we hoped it wouldn't.

Lance: *Holding his head as he looks up into the sky at the Dark Clouds Forming.* Guys a storm is coming we need to get inside a store and fast.

*Everyone Rushes inside Bergners to avoid the Storm.*
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Postby Brnin8r » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:38 pm

Tony had found himself a clothing store and with his newly 'earned' funds he picked out a decent set of black slacks with a suit jacket with lots of inside pockets. He was all into the old time mobster look considering his family was related to them. He bought a fedora last of all and started walking around the Shoppes. Eventually he came across a large group of people. He figured he had stolen enough for the day...but why not try to see what they're talking about? He made his way to them like he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. After they started running into the store he figured they weren't worth his time. He quickly took refuge in another store.
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