High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up


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Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Postby Flannery » Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:22 pm

Name: Timothy George Flannery

Year: Senior

Appearance: Average height, about 5' 11". He has red hair, and hazel eyes. When it isn't game day he is is seen wearing a punisher skull tee-shirt other than that he wears the School's Football Jersey.

Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Slipped a Viagra into the teacher's coffee after he gave Tim an F :twisted:

Personality: Tim is Amos's partner in crime. Except he can be quite creatively cruel to his peers. He isn't as strong at most of his jock buddies, but what he lacks in strength, he makes up for in street smarts. He is very sharp and precise in all of his actions. He relies on his football buddies for muscle. Every teacher and counselor agrees, he is a genius, but when it comes to attitude, he is a plain jerk.

Other: Tight End on Football and Auto Club
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Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Postby Millinescence » Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:24 pm

Name: Jack Werner

Year: Junior

Appearance: Short brown hair, small goatee, Hazel eyes, slightly muscular, wears blue jeans, and a red t-shirt. Wears a black leather jacket if it's cold.

Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Fighting a student in the cafeteria after the other guy tried to bully him.

Personality: He's a macho, fun-loving type of guy who hates bullies. Considered a hero among bullying victims. He hopes to have a career in computers in the future, which is why he's in the computer club.

Other: Gym club, computer club.
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Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Postby Miku-chan » Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:37 am

(mind if I join in?)

Name: Alan Daniel Denforth III
Age: 13
Year: Senior
Appearance: 4 ft 9 inches, Short gold blond hair, Slight soft shouldered, efeminete looking, Regularly seen in bell bottom shorts, looks like a skirt, polo tops and a blazer
Reason You're in the Principal's Office: Accused of hacking the school maiframe, Smug attitude, unfriendly attitude towards students
Personality: Acts like he is better than those around him, but is a front to cover up his insecurities of being a child prodogy and so young in the high school...His parents refuse to let him test out to colege because they felt it was important for him to experiance the High school life.
Other: Mensa member, Library club, Cooking club. Drama voluntier...(punishment from the last principal)
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Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Postby Marky » Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:11 am

Hate to break it to ya, but this RP is dead. Nikki said so in the main topic, I believe, sometime recently.
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Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Postby Miku-chan » Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:17 pm

She should post that in the first page of the main thread...didn't see it til after I created a character and read all the way thru the thread...think someone else could revive it and continue it?
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Re: High School Was Never Like This Sign-Up

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:26 pm

Well nobody had posted in here in months, but then someone comes along and bumps it up and everyone acts like it's new. Why Shinryou bumped it when it was blatantly over, I don't know.
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