Name: Lucas Denumont
Age: 19
Race/Nationality/Tribe: The Rhaledien Empire
Gender: Male
Biography: Lucas was born into one of the noble houses of the rotting corpse that is the Rhaledien Empire. House Denumont is quite a powerful house, with several young men in line for inheritance. Being the fourth born son, Lucas inherited very little, only a rundown house on the edge of a small town. What he found in that house, however, was extraordinary; a collection of incredibly old books, explorer's journals, and mos importantly, maps. Maps to lost sights of great power, great significance, and hopefully great treasure. Lucas now has a plan, a way to raise to prestige and power in the world. He would fill his pockets with lost treasure, and make his mark upon history.
Personality: While Lucas can be a good person, he is also rather greedy. He is after wealth, prestige, and ancient power, and will get it any way he can. A treasure hunter and tomb raider by nature, he has little respect for sacred sites or, for that matter, privacy. He also adheres to an ancient ideal of black majik, practicing rituals on his own time between treasure hunts. He is rather sarcastic.
Skills: Lucas is an explorer. He is incredibly perceptive, and very good at finding traps and hidden things. He has a decent hand with a sword, speaks several languages (some dead), and is very acrobatic. He is fantastically good at lying.