Imperial Powers RP Proposal


Moderator: Mistress Guendolen

Re: Imperial Powers RP Proposal

Postby El Magnifico! » Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:12 pm

Name: Lucas Denumont

Age: 19

Race/Nationality/Tribe: The Rhaledien Empire

Gender: Male

Biography: Lucas was born into one of the noble houses of the rotting corpse that is the Rhaledien Empire. House Denumont is quite a powerful house, with several young men in line for inheritance. Being the fourth born son, Lucas inherited very little, only a rundown house on the edge of a small town. What he found in that house, however, was extraordinary; a collection of incredibly old books, explorer's journals, and mos importantly, maps. Maps to lost sights of great power, great significance, and hopefully great treasure. Lucas now has a plan, a way to raise to prestige and power in the world. He would fill his pockets with lost treasure, and make his mark upon history.

Personality: While Lucas can be a good person, he is also rather greedy. He is after wealth, prestige, and ancient power, and will get it any way he can. A treasure hunter and tomb raider by nature, he has little respect for sacred sites or, for that matter, privacy. He also adheres to an ancient ideal of black majik, practicing rituals on his own time between treasure hunts. He is rather sarcastic.

Skills: Lucas is an explorer. He is incredibly perceptive, and very good at finding traps and hidden things. He has a decent hand with a sword, speaks several languages (some dead), and is very acrobatic. He is fantastically good at lying.
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Re: Imperial Powers RP Proposal

Postby Zoey » Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:58 pm

Name: Silver
Age: 25
Race/Nationality/Tribe: Nostopia
Gender: Female

Biography: One of the perks of being born a girl in a mining town is that girls arent encouraged to do the dirty work. However "Silver" as she likes to be known lost her mother during child birth and her father retired after years of the coal damaging his lungs. Silver used to spend time as a child roaming and the shops and helping the keepers, she was always facinanted with the shops. She got her nickname from always tring to collect the shiny silver coins used for currency. She tried to establish her own shop in Nostopia to sustain herself and her father but it failed. Eventually she set of into to road joining a caravan headed to Aelae, where it's said that merchendise sells.

She carries with her 2 hourses which she borrowed, both carring rather rare items she has collected from the town and passing merchants around the years. Swords, glasses, maps, you name it. Carring all these items would sound damgerous, but Silver knows not only how to defend herself, having practiced swordplay, but most importantly she knows the art of word play. She may even be able to make an eskimo buy a refrigerator.

Personality: Silver loves cash, which can sometimes make her a bit of a cheapscake, but that doesn't mean her life revolves around it though she loves the free stuff. She can be a bit manipulative at times and likes to take charge for herself. Also with no mother figure in her childhood, she is a to be considered a tomboy, though she knows how to expreses her womanhood, especially if its to get some poor sucker to buy her antiques. With this said, Silver does have a soft stop especially for little kids sometimes buying them some stuff, if its for a resonable price of course. She loves sea food especially squid, a rare comodity in Nostopia. Her favorite colors is gold, silver and bronze.

Skills: Swordplay, Wordplay, Navigation, Spending money, Getting Money.

Other: I want a gun-blade or rocket launcher! o 3 o
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: Imperial Powers RP Proposal

Postby Jacqueline » Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:56 pm

Name: Telestina Tormadir
Age: 27
Race/Nationality/Tribe: Rhaledien Empire
Gender: Female
Biography: Telestina grew up as the eldest daughter of a wealthy, powerful family, well-connected with the royal family, the empire's most famous merchants and generally anyone who mattered. The little girl had an impeccable upbringing, being well versed in history, phylosophy, match, etc, etc. She had considerable skill with various instruments, including her voice, and her manners were immaculate. She was desined to go far. Rumours had her a potential betrothed to the Emperor's son...
All that ended when a business deal went foul. Long story short, the upset business partner knew some people that knew some people... who knew people who accepted money (and didn't ask for even that much) to put a torch to all Tormadir residencies, slaughter the inhabitants and, uhm... 'aquire tradable goods whose value equals or exceeds the value of the business deal. Preferrably exceeds.'
Telestina and her sisters' new owner was quite fond of them, as exhibited by the fact that on the day before the eldest's sixteenth birthday, all her sisters had been broken like the rest of the man's favourite toys.
The day after, Telestina experienced a turning point in her life. A week after that, while one of the prime mob families was still trying to clean their family head's bedroom, a little known guild had just welcomed its newest member. A litle later the mob family decided it was easier to torch room and rebuild it than get the smell out of the furniture.
Some years later, after the guild's initiation ritual was completed, the mob family would have had to put their entire mansion to the torch - if only there had been anyone left to light it.

Personality: On the outside, Telestina appears... exactly as she wishes to be seen. She could fit right in at a ball at the imperial court, making idle talk about current fashion with the wives of the aristocrats, or she might be seen trolling at the harbor for customers like an ordinary trollop. In truth, if there even is such a thing, Telestina's personality is more like that of a predator. One that doesn't hunger for food, and not even the hunt, but for pure chaos.
Skills: Acting, ettiquete, armed as well as unarmed combat, and sticking pointy things (and sometimes not so pointy things) in places where people generally don't like to have them stuck. And interior redecoration, though you won't like the results.
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