by Blindsense » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:03 pm
I'll have a go.
Name: Nathan Burish
Age: 19
Appearance: This adolescent male appears clean and crisp to all who lay eyes upon him, while at the same time maintaining a distinct flair all his own. He wears his fine, jet-black hair short and cropped, the ebon locks framing his angular face - highlighting his piercing emerald eyes and his predatory features. His skin tone appears to be perpetually tan, giving his appearance an exotic air to it. He dresses simply, usually some form of short-sleeved collared shirt and slacks or khakis. When traveling, he settles for whatever garb he deems necessary given the local climate. His frame is lithe and muscular, and his relaxed, confident stance coupled with his piercing gaze lends him an aggressive aura.
Personality: Nathan is cold, calculating, and altogether uninviting to any he doesn’t know, and indeed, most any that he does. Traumatic events in his childhood have left him distrustful, and he cares little for those around him as long as he succeeds in his own endeavors. While he attended a local university, he became known as the “Ice King”, both due to his cold demeanor and his preference in pokemon type.
Team: (Pre Recruitment): Cloyster, Pupitar, Abra
Also, Millinescence, your picture link doesn't work. Thought you'd like to know.