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Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:17 pm
by Shy Shay
Luka sighs as he nods, a forlorn look on his face. "...I understand, sir..."

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:44 am
by Stray-chan
Thomas Murray ambles up to the group, his trenchcoat-like exo-suit shifting slightly in the climate controlled air where it wasn't pinned under the bulky, overstuffed satchel he had slung over his left shoulder. "This the ECSS Horizon crew thingy?" he asks, glancing around the group. He either doesn't know, or doesn't care, that he's late.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:05 pm
by Bigmouthstrikes
"So can we board now or what?" Neil asked.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:59 pm
by muffinstud
Captain Hardy nods and grins. "Yeah, sure. Hop aboard." He looks to Thomas and shrugs. "You missed my hellfire and brimstone speech. I thought it was a good one too. Oh well." He walks over and gives Isaac a hearty slap on the back, enough to feel it through his armor. "It's good to have a security officer that knows his job. I'd love to have a hardass contest with you too, but we have a schedule to keep, and I'd rather keep things informal."

Captain Hardy hops onto the ladder in the hole that leads down into the ship. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get this boat in the water!" He slides down the ladder with squealing palms and disappears into the hatch.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:27 pm
by Knight Errant
Isaac grins at the captains words... perhaps this next job was going to be less annoying than he feared.

Not missing a beat, he quickly slides down after the captain.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:51 pm
by Shy Shay
Luka does not slide, but he does climb down the ladder, paying attention to everything and everybody as he does.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:27 pm
by Ookalf
Yes, sir! *Lucian comes down the ladder after Luka.*

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:55 pm
by Blaze
Dean quickly clambers down the ladder.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:05 pm
by muffinstud
The ladder drops them into what appears to be a plush living room. There is a small 60" TV screen in one wall, and the furniture consists almost entirely of beanbags of various sizes. Footrest to recliner to loveseat sized, the cushy furniture can easily be rearranged to suit whatever one might want.

The interior is bright, with light strips all along the tops of the walls. In one direction, the living room opens to a small kitchen and dining room. The table has a wraparound bench built into the wall. Past that is the bridge, which is more like the cockpit of many of the airliners back home. Captain Hardy is there, looking over the many blinking lights and switches and counting things off on a holographic checklist from his smartband.

Opposite the exit to the kitchen, the living room leads to a short hall with four doors to each side. Inside is a spartan but comfy looking bed with a small curtain that hides a toilet and sink. The walls are all a pale white, and despite the somewhat cramped quarters, it all looks a bit larger than it really is.

Past the bunks is the hatch leading to the cargo bay. To either side of the hatch is the Captain's bunk, and the showers. The showers are nothing more than a small tile room with two metal trunks coming out of the tile with showerheads on them. The captain's bunk is locked.

Except for the showers and kitchenette, the whole of the crew's quarters has a soft cream colored carpet. The showers are baby blue tile with white grout from ceiling to floor, and the kitchen has white tile and grout on the floor.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:22 pm
by Shy Shay
Luka walks over to the captain. "Ah... sir, where is my therapist room? I can use my room if I must, but a calm room for just two people would be best."

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:38 pm
by Ookalf
*While the the others go about their business, Lucian heads to his quarters to put his bag away.*

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:11 pm
by Knight Errant
Isaac looks around and grunts. "Looks like a tacky apartment..."

He shrugs, then heads to his own quarters to unpack.

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:46 pm
by Blaze
Dean immediately heads towards his room to drop his stuff off and flops onto his bed.

"I'll never see my friends or family again huh?..."

He sighs and sits up.

"Suppose I had better try and make friends here."

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:57 am
by Harri-chan
Koren gulped down his coffee, and rushed over to leave it on a table before running back to he group and following them into the hatch. "Wow...", he marvelled as he walked through the living quarters, "This is better than the dorms at the academy!". Adjusting his glasses, he approached the captain. "Uh, sir, I was told there would be plants and animals on board that would be my responsibility. They also said I might get assigned additional tasks once I got here".

Re: The Mole: A Sci Fi Mystery

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:30 am
by Stray-chan
"Eh, I got several lifetimes worth of fire and brimstone style speeches from my dad, I'll live." He heads down into the ship and looks around the common area, letting out a low whistle. "Nice. Everything is new, no bugs or weird smells or creepy stains. 'course, that's not a surprise, starships are nice, unlike most freaking giant cities." He chuckles to himself, then makes his way to the fourth room on the left, dropping his bag off and returning to collapse on a bean bag. "Sweet seats, too. This trip might actually be fun."