Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
muffinstud wrote:Milli
The announcer rolls his eyes at Mell's display. "You're already free... to buy the new Mr. Fusion personal reactor! Tell our folks at home all about it, Chuck 2.3!" He pauses as a robotic voice touts the wonders of the latest model, now with 50% less fatal meltdowns. "Go ahead, get in your ride, kid."
muffinstud wrote:AshK
The ice proves to be rather slick, and walking across it is rather tricky. Alex's progress is slow going. As he walks forward, a loud horn sounds. Hockey players dressed completely in black file out onto the ice on one side, others all in white file out across from them. Another horn blows, and they all make headway towards Alex!
muffinstud wrote:Milli
The roll cage does indeed go high up. In fact, the rails practically throw it around in the air, forcing the cage to leave the tracks alltogether multiple times. Mell gets a good view of a confusing spaghetti bowl of metal rails going over and through an industrial mess. None of it looks to make any sense. Some parts look to be abandoned alleys, others repurposed warehouses. He does see a floodlight straight ahead, and not too far away, coming out of the ground. The rollcage leaps upward one last time, depositing him on the very top of an unecessarily tall radio tower. It's nothing but steel girders with no ladders. Hey, at least he's close, right?
muffinstud wrote:Milli
Abandoning the roll cage seems to have been the intelligent thing to do. A stiff breeze catches it and it goes sailing down to crash into some very uncomfortable looking scrap metal. The same breeze buffets Mel, but hugging close to the tower keeps him safe and only adds a slight wind chill. The footings he finds are solid enough, and at this pace he is sure to meet the ground on his own terms. Careful as he is, he gets a scratch from some rusty metal on his leg. It stings something fierce.
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