Strange Shifts


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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:34 am

Of course, the lady had no idea of Elliot's strange predicament, so she easily confused his shock for nervousness. Her fingers clutched tighter at his little boy hand, and a bright smile sprung up from her light pink lips.

"Don't be afraid, sweetheart. The photographer is a very nice man. He'll have everything done in snap." There was a high, almost sickening sweet tone in her voice as she talked to him like the child he now was, and for a moment he could even feel her petting against his beanie hat.

It wasn't long before they reached their floor. They seemed to enter right into the reception area, which was decorated in much the same away as the lobby: White, with wood thrown in for a natural touch. In front of some of this word was someone very familiar to Elliot... Lisa! She was thumbing away at a brochure on the receptionist's desk, unaware of the two newcomers standing right behind her.

(Did you have something in mind for Lisa's appearance, or would you like me to handle that?)


(Hi, Kether! The photoshoot isn't taking place at Next Shift (and I don't think it has anything to do with them, really), but they're certainly busy around there with other things...)

Next Shift, Inc. was a sprawling place that covered a good portion of Lindegreen. It was quite easy for Jack to slip in unnoticed, especially since most of the staff was busy preparing for perhaps the most important scientific endeavor of the century, if not human history.

Now, the slightly pudgy man stood on the campus of one of the world's leading research corporations. A wide stretch of grass, trees, and even small lakes laid between him and two buildings. The first was the actual research center, in which the laboratories and experiments were actually housed. The second was the corporate office, where finances and other logistics were handled. Which would Jack choose to raid first? He had plenty to steal, but so little time.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:53 am

Embarassingly, the gentle squeeze of his hand and the smile from the fascinating pink lips did seem to have a somewhat calming affect on Elliot, and he murmured quietly as the woman's free hand patted the top of his head. While he had plenty of friends, he hadn't had a girlfriend since high school, and physical contact was something he was not used to, but this all felt surprisingly comforting. Ironically, Lisa was the closest he'd ever come to that sort of relationship, but he'd never had the nerve to tell her.

Even just seeing her from behind, he recognised Lisa. She'd been in her early twenties, with dark brown hair past her shoulders, brown eyes and a pretty face. She was busty and wide-hipped, but in fantastic shape. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she wore a dark purple silk blouse and a short, tight black skirt with purple high heels on her feet.

He felt his chest tighten as he saw her, so much taller than she usually seemed, and he drew a deep breath, ready to call out to her before biting it back. If he was gonna tell her what had happened, it should be when they had some privacy. Still, his blue eyes couldn't stop staring at her shapely backside and he felt his cheeks burning brightly again.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:42 am

Elliot would soon get his opportunity, though not quite in the way he expected. Lisa turned to face the boy and the comforting adult next to him, and from the gleeful glint in her eyes, it seemed like she still remembered him. All too well, in fact.

"Ellie!" Despite her rather curvy figure, the woman was surprisingly nimble, and she swiftly jumped to the floor to give her former co-worker a loving hug, her arms easily lifting the small child a few inches off the ground. "I'm glad you made it on time! We're just about to start, but you need to get dressed first!"

Again, poor Elliot was led away by the hand before he could even respond, and he eventually found himself in a large stall of a restroom... the ladies' restroom.

"Your mother had to pack things up pretty quickly, but we should have everything inside here." Elliot's light white bag was taken from his shoulders, and Lisa opened it up to reveal clothes. Girl's clothes!
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:36 pm

Elliot looked up as the familiar face towered over him in such an unfamiliar way as she hurried over and bent down. There was a gasp as those large breasts almost smothered his face, the silk blouse tickling at his nose as she wrapped him in a hug, and he felt himself pulled into her, bending forward on his toes slightly, before the feet disappeared beneath his feet for a moment. His stomach lurched at the surprise of that. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had lifted him... and it just seemed so bizarre for the person doing it now to be Lisa.

His knees felt so weak that he almost tripped over his own feet when she took his hand and led him away from the woman in the white dress. The short walking to the restroom was all a bit of a blur, the only sound he made was the brief horrified moan as he saw the female sign on the door. She probably didn't even feel his resistance as she took him inside there and pulled the bag from his shoulders. His wide blue eyes gazed at her face, half-expecting her to break the charade now they were out of sight of everyone else... but she kept going... talking about his Mother as she pulled... girl's clothes from the bag!

He gasped again, rubbing at his eyes before taking another look, his cheeks burning brightly. "L-Lisa... what's going on?", he asked, stepping closer to the bag, reaching a hand in, searching all the way to the bottom. "This... isn't funny, Lisa... ".
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:19 pm

Ellie's hands dug deeper and deeper, but he kept finding more and more of those dreaded feminine clothes. A little sundress with a bright blue top and a white striped skirt, a pair of strappy white sandals, more of those adorable little ribbons...

"Stop being silly, Ellie! Your photoshoot starts in 15 minutes, and you need to be dressed by then. Now, stand still!" Yet again, the little boy is swept away with strong adult hands as he's quickly undressed by his partner, leaving him in nothing more than his underwear in front of the much larger woman. But even his undies seemed to have changed in the shift; whatever he had on before was replaced with soft, sky-colored panties, their edges decorated with darker frills!
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:29 pm

Elliot had certainly imagined Lisa undressing him in the past, but it was safe to say those fantasies had been nothing like this. He squirmed and shrieked as she stripped away his sneakers, his jeans and his t-shirt so he was stood there in just underwear, and it was definitely not the underwear he had pulled on that morning. He moaned in horror, his fingers hesitantly brushing at the darker blue frills at the edges of the panties, just to be sure they were real. He'd already reached new levels of shame this morning, but this was the deepest depth so far as he was left stood there in front of Lisa like this. People had always commented he'd look rather girlish, but at this age, none of the obvious signs were there yet, much to his embarrassment.

It didn't escape his notice that there was a lot of blue and white amongst the girly clothes, both the underwear he was wearing, and what had been in the bag. It could have just been coincidence, but he'd always liked blue, and often wore white it too. If he had been a little girl, these are probably the clothes he'd have worn. His wide eyes gazed up at Lisa, and he almost wanted her to burst into a giggle fit and reveal it was all just some joke and it would all be over soon.

"Lisa... n-nothing about today seems weird to you?", he asked in disbelief, his small hands grasping at the silky material of her blouse out of desperation, his new height meaning her breasts were right there in front of his face, as if mocking him or teasing him.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Kether » Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:06 pm

Mystic Mina wrote:
(Hi, Kether! The photoshoot isn't taking place at Next Shift (and I don't think it has anything to do with them, really), but they're certainly busy around there with other things...)

Next Shift, Inc. was a sprawling place that covered a good portion of Lindegreen. It was quite easy for Jack to slip in unnoticed, especially since most of the staff was busy preparing for perhaps the most important scientific endeavor of the century, if not human history.

Now, the slightly pudgy man stood on the campus of one of the world's leading research corporations. A wide stretch of grass, trees, and even small lakes laid between him and two buildings. The first was the actual research center, in which the laboratories and experiments were actually housed. The second was the corporate office, where finances and other logistics were handled. Which would Jack choose to raid first? He had plenty to steal, but so little time.

((ah got confused there))

He will do a quick check walk or well slower walk around the buildings to see if either has a wifi setup and how far out it reaches, having gotten a sense of that he'll try to make his way around the lab, looking for an opening to move inside or at least watch some of the people who enter and exit
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:42 pm

(I hope it's OK for me to jump in like this. Let me know if something's wrong...)

Douglas Kingston is an ordinary high school student, around 17 years old. With brown hair, brown eyes, light skin, and average build, nothing about him particularly stands out about him. He couldn't be said to be particularly popular or unpopular, either. Today, he's on his way to Algebra class, where he has a test that he's not at all looking forward to.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:46 pm

“I know, Ellie, and I’m sorry. I know you should be in school right now, but the girl we had for today got sick and couldn’t make it. Your mommy had to drop you and your clothes off in a hurry,” the curvy woman explained, clearly missing Ellie’s real question. “But that’s ok! I’ll be right in there with you as always, so don’t be scared!”

Lisa’s hands worked on redressing the feminine boy. The blue-and-white sundress slipped on with a “FWOMPH!” over his head, just covering the tops of his slim legs. The white leather sandals with silver buckles came next, and they latched over his blue painted toenails without a hitch. Then, little Ellie could feel a light tugging on his scalp as some of his hair was pulled into the ribbons, giving him long, flowing twin tails that bounced cutely against the sides of his head.

“I even got you a gift. Look at these!” She picked through her own black mini-purse that hung by her side and pulled out some jewelry: Some sterling bracelets and a set of tinkling earrings shaped like hearts. “I saw them at the mall the other day, and I know you’ll love them. They’ll look great in the photos!”


Neither of the buildings seemed to have long-reaching wifi, so long-range infiltration wasn't going to work. If he wanted to get the juicy information inside the labs, he'd have to actually go inside.

Luckily, there seems to be an employee entrance where several people seemed to be shuffling into, but it required a keycard of some sort. If only he had one...

And reality changed.

Suddenly, Jack's clothes felt rather ill-fitting in some places, and if he looked down, he'd soon discover why: He was a woman! Her clothes seem to have shrunken with her smaller body, but beneath her plain dress shirt she could clearly see a pair of unsupported, braless breasts, and her slacks were just barely hanging onto her slimmer legs.

Aside from the gender switch, however, she didn't seem that much different from before. She still had a short head of hair, and judging from her slightly sagged appearance, she appeared to be around the same age. There was one very important change, though: A keycard now hung from her neck, dangling right in the middle of her new bust.


(Yep, you're free to jump in!)

Unlike Douglas, Lindegreen High was far from your regular highschool. Many of its students later went on to become prominent members of society, with many of them going to work at Next Shift, Inc. just several miles down the street. To this school of elites, to be merely average was to fail. This attitude was why many of Douglas's classmates pushed by him, uncaring, to pile into that dreaded Algebra class, ready to add yet another A to their long list of perfect scores.

At the head of the room sat Mr. Carroll, an incredibly unlikeable teacher who still managed to be treated like a king by his sycophantic students. He also happened to be quite handsome with his full black hair and well-shaped chest, which was probably why he still kept his job even after numerous complaints of excessive, unrelenting class difficulty.

"Alright, boys and girls, this is it. The test that will weed out the weak from the strong." He held up a huge stack of papers in his hands. "God help you if you have trouble with this one, because things are only going to be uphill from here. I hope you studied hard and fast, because I guarantee this will take everything you've got to finish."

Slowly, he begins to hand out the test to each student, and with each step he takes, he gets closer to Douglas...
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:41 am

Elliot was rather surprised to find that being dressed by Lisa wasn't an entirely unpleasant experience. Of course, the clothes themselves were deeply embarrassing, but the gentle brush of her fingers against his skin was kind of nice. In silence, he blushed as the little sundress came down over him, squirming as he realised just how short it felt. He shivered as her hands curled about his little ankles, guiding his bare feet into the sandal, and his toes wriggled slightly as he saw they were painted now.

The biggest blush came when she started to tug at his long blonde hair. Elliot had always loved having his hair played with. It sent pleasant tingle through his scalp and down into his body, but of course it had been a very, very long time since anyone had done so. He murmured as he realised the style she was going for, but he probably felt more calm down than he had since everything had changed. The new twin tails swished and flicked with every little movement, and tugged slightly at his scalp each time to remind him they were there.

He watched her face as she looked through her purse, and he was pretty sure Lisa didn't have the acting skills to keep a straight face through all this if she'd really been in on it. "Th-Thanks, Lisa... ", he found himself saying. It was impossible to be angry with her. Even if he hadn't had a crush on her before, she was being so kind to what she thought was genuinely a little girl. It might have been rather difficult to make himself pull on a dress, and while on the one hand it demonstrated how young and helpless she saw him to be, at least Lisa's claiming of control had taken care of it.

Biting his bottom lip, he pushed his hands out so she could put on the bracelets, before holding still as she slipped in the earrings. It was only when he felt them slip through his ear lobe's that he realised they were pierced. Despite the red cheeks, his blue eyes looked up at her in awe. He'd had no idea she was so good at dealing with kids.

"After the photos... do you think we could talk? I need to tell you something important... ".
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Kether » Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:39 am

He? She? blinks, and blinks and starts to breath heavily trying not to freak out at the sudden change S/he carefully taps her chest to see if this is some sort of bizzare dream or halucination. S/he takes a deep breath and takes a look at the card.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:10 pm

"Of course, Ellie! After we're done, you can talk to me about anything." But time wasn't on their side at the moment, so the two hastily exited the bathroom, Lisa guiding Ellie along by the hand. His new silvery jewelry clinked with every step, brushing against his soft, hairless skin and floppy tails.

The office, filled to the brim with cubicles and desks, was quite busy, but that didn't stop a few friendly men and women from stopping for a moment to complement his new dress and hair. Luckily, the large corner office they were walking to was mercifully close by, so the near constant stream of coos and praises didn't last long.

Two windows flooded the room with the morning sun's light, lending it a bright but warm, natural ambience. One of the walls was covered with white wooden boards, and a variety of stylish FUKEA furniture sat next to it. In the front stood three adults, who seemed to be discussing something amongst each other when Ellie and Lisa walked into the room. One of them, a man with a camera slung around his neck, was obviously the photographer, so that means the man and woman with him must be her "family."


Tapping her chest sent jolts of pleasure shooting through Jack's body. If this was a dream, it was an incredibly realistic one.

The card on her chest listed some basic information. Her name: Jackie Hamali. Her position: Lab Assistant.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:28 pm

Elliot had, for quite some time, appreciated a short dress, but actually being in one was a very different matter. It was actually far more comfy on the physical side of things than he'd have expected, but his chest was tight with panic at how easily it might swish up and show everyone those girly little panties beneath. The walk through the office was a confusing one. On the one hand, it was nice to get compliments. Elliot wasn't actually used to that. Not that he'd been ugly or anything, but the somewhat feminine look didn't exactly have girls lining up to date him, and obviously he'd never met a guy that wanted to look more like he did. Every mention of his pretty dress reminded him that these were probably compliments he didn't want to to be receiving.

When they reached the office, and he immediately eyed the man with the camera around his neck, and without even thinking, was looking for flaws, some way that he could at least regain a little personal pride. However, he'd barely laid eyes on the man when his gaze drifted to the other man and the woman that were talking to him. Maybe... it would be a little less embarrassing around these people than it had been with Lisa. They were just strangers... if he could just play the role for a little bit and get it over with, the sooner he'd be able to get back to trying to explain everything to his work partner. Drawing a deep breath, he squeezed Lisa's hand and then let it go.

"Hi... ", he says, taking a step towards the three, his voice quiet and timid. It was hard to project confidence when everyone else was towering over you. Particularly when you'd never been a particularly confident person in the first place.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:49 pm

The photographer was an older gentleman, one who had clearly seen, and shot, much of the world. His features, though slightly grayed, were sharp, rugged, handsome; he was the exact opposite of little Ellie in nearly every way. But was that a good or a bad thing?

The couple, on the other hand, was young and picturesque. The "mother" in particular was especially beautiful in her sky blue blouse and tight white pants, and her blonde hair combined with her blue eyes almost made her look like an older version of the little boy... if he was a girl, of course.

"Well, hello there! Aren't you a little sweetie?" the young woman murmured in a high, cutesy tone as she bent down, exposing just a tad of her plentiful cleavage to the child. "What's your name?"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:10 pm

Elliot studied the woman that would be playing the Mother, realising he'd have probably been rather pleased if he'd ended up getting such a strong resemblance for a 'family' photo shoot. He bites his bottom lip, blue eyes roaming over her blouse for a moment before looking up into her eyes as she spoke, like almost everyone else had, in that cutesy tone of voice.

"Elliot... ", he murmured, before his eyes widened with a slightly alarmed look. Luckily, a few people in the past had found amusement in the fact there were indeed girls out there with the name Elliot. "But... everyone calls me Ellie... ", he quickly corrected, and tried to distract her from thinking about it with a shy smile, and he even leaned in, reaching his skinny arms up around her neck to give the woman a hug while she was bending down. He'd never had so much close-up time with breasts, but rather than enjoyment, it had just become embarrassing.

His twin tails flicked about as he turned his head to look back at Lisa, and... he wondered if she was even doing the lighting anymore. In this business, you often bumped into the same people now and then, but... she seemed so incredibly familiar with this little girl Ellie Jones, enough that she'd been comfortable undressing and re-dressing her, that it made him curious.
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