Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Black Dragon wrote:((Yeesh, I get dragged out for THIS? And here I was hoping my 40K RP would get kick-started again...))
(Lio enters the ruined building that was once MASA HQ, now little more than piles of rubble and twisted debris after the passing of Sidekick's "Crusade")
(The facility seems absolutely devastated, which is the least one would expect when a structure of that size is wrenched out of the ground and toppled by giant tentacles. Under a particularly heavy web of scaffolding, however, a large teleportation array is more or less intact)
(Of course, there's currently no power, the device is all but buried, and the control console has been roughed up but good. If one was to get ANYTHING in this rubble back in working order, it was going to take some serious effort)
Azathoth wrote:((Just wait until the insane Azer gets bored and invades the mage star ^_^))
Black Dragon wrote:Azathoth wrote:((Just wait until the insane Azer gets bored and invades the mage star ^_^))
((You mean the one that plays around with Rowan and turns into a dog ditz? 'Cause that's the only one I'm worried about.))
(Lio finds nothing of the sort, although there's a great deal of scrap that might be able to be salvaged and turned into a proper communications console)
(On another note, teleportation wouldn't help without the completely functional array anyway, as the Mage Star is completely and properly shielded and warded)
Black Dragon wrote:(Lio, through judicious use of pipe, loose hair, a Han Solo bobblehead, and roughly 40 lbs. of Bubble Yum, manages to render the console somewhat operational. Provided she has an electric socket somewhere on her mechanical body; the console still needs a substantial power source, and it isn't going anywhere without falling apart completely)
Black Dragon wrote:(The pattern spider is smooshed by a wandering Garfield plushie. Try again with a less... exotic means of generating power. This is 21-century Muffinville, not the bloody Underdark!)
Lian wrote:*its a spirit of technology... but is not going to argue this and waste time.. bind an electricity spirit to the console*
Black Dragon wrote:Lian wrote:*its a spirit of technology... but is not going to argue this and waste time.. bind an electricity spirit to the console*
(The console flickers to life momentarily, and within moments, a voice can be heard)
*Hello! Let me ask you something: are you satisfied with your current long-dstance service provider?*i
Lian wrote:*Profanity! Profanity! Profanity*Connect me to the *Profanity*MASA Service or I will*Description removed because of Pg13 board*
Black Dragon wrote:Lian wrote:*Profanity! Profanity! Profanity*Connect me to the *Profanity*MASA Service or I will*Description removed because of Pg13 board*
*But sir or ma'am! What if you're paying too much for long distance? Do you have any idea what it COSTS to connect a call to local orbits using a traditional service provider?*
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