Miku-chan wrote:Erasing the word doll and replacing it with windup maid, and changing the cup size to "G" on Maries sheet Selene watches what happens
*a key forms in Marie's back and her chest expands out*
Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Miku-chan wrote:Erasing the word doll and replacing it with windup maid, and changing the cup size to "G" on Maries sheet Selene watches what happens
Kaba wrote:Eilian looks over his sheet, considering modifying it more... he does, and decides to add a disadvantage of 'short'. "Hmm... anything else... I wonder if I can define how they fight on this."
Miku-chan wrote:((thats what I meant, as I think Frog, And Miki left them behind but if not, then just mine and Maries are in her bag))
Selene catches the wind up maid as she starts to fall over..."I've got you." she says, a smile behind the double meaning of her statement barely shows and is quickly gone again
Miku-chan wrote:Selene looks for a heavy duty chair to guide Marie to and puts her in it before taking out Marie's sheet and reducing her cup size to a "B plus" before returning it to the safe keeping of her bag..."Are you alright, can you speak?" she asks her
Miku-chan wrote:" just taking care of you, so you can help take care of m...us durrring the game. You are currently a wind up maid, did you know that?" Selene asks Marie, watching to see her reactions
Kaba wrote:"Hmm... I need some advantages..." She thinks for now.
all_knowing_frog wrote:With another scream, Amilia throws up her hands, praying to god that she's able to make a protective magic shield, seeing as how trying to cast light had failed, she's scared spitless.
Kaba wrote:(doll sounds fun )
He writes in 'good student' for an advantage and sets it down, done.
ZeroForever wrote:Guess try my luck through the dungeon it is Dick thought upon hearing the vampire's retort from the other side, as such he proceeded slowly down the hall using his cell phone as a make his flashlight.
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