Magical Encounters


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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:23 pm

"Understood...." said Heart not knowing what to do exactly. She simply lead the way in the direction of her house.

Lizzi simply jumped after Heart.

Rick would feel a warmth within him that was growing with each passing second.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Dragoon465 » Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:05 pm

Rick regained full concious immediately, and felt completely healthy despite his wounds. He even felt better than healthy, almost feeling heavenly! He also noticed his hair was longer than he remembered, since it was now getting in his face.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:22 pm

Diamond came with the group. "Hey, you're awake! Can you tell us your name? I'm Diamond, and that's Heart, our team leader, and Clover. Lizzi found you and revived you after we called her to help."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:36 pm

(Wow Quick round of posts. Didn't expect them to be this fast. lol! :lol: ) Clover realized that they were going in the opposite direction from where they came from. 'Um Heart, Diamond; shouldn't we like head the other way. All of our stuff are at Trini's house. Why are we going toward your house Mina?' Clover telepathically sent to Heart and Diamond only as she realized they were going the opposite direction that they actually should go. 'We should be heading the other way shouldn't we?'
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:44 pm

"Oh. I knew that," said Heart as she stopped where seh was at and then went back to the main group.

(Trini, you take care of the transformation)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Dragoon465 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:02 am

Kris_Roth wrote:Diamond came with the group. "Hey, you're awake! Can you tell us your name? I'm Diamond, and that's Heart, our team leader, and Clover. Lizzi found you and revived you after we called her to help."
Rick quickly responded, "My name's Caitlyn... I mean Rick! Sorry, I feel kinda weird... So, what are you guys, overly ridiculous sailor moon fans?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:41 am

Diamond looked quizzically at Caitlyn/Rick as he asked if the Magical Girl Trio were Sailor Moon Fans. "Uhm, we were at a cosplay convention...yeah, that's it!" She looked over at her teammates. "I think you left your stuff back at my house, Heart and Clover."
Diamond pointed towards her place.

Meanwhile, Rick's hair stopped growing to about shoulder length. Diamond smiled as Rick slowly changed as the magic from Lizzi's contract began to make the necessary adjustments.

(OOC: What color hair, Dragoon?)

Rick's body slowly shifted, losing some height and weight. His fingernails grew out a bit as his hands became more feminine. His legs became more shapely.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:51 am

Kris_Roth wrote:Diamond looked quizzically at Caitlyn/Rick as he asked if the Magical Girl Trio were Sailor Moon Fans. "Uhm, we were at a cosplay convention...yeah, that's it!" She looked over at her teammates. "I think you left your stuff back at my house, Heart and Clover."
Diamond pointed towards her place.

Meanwhile, Rick's hair stopped growing to about shoulder length. Diamond smiled as Rick slowly changed as the magic from Lizzi's contract began to make the necessary adjustments.

(OOC: What color hair, Dragoon?)

Rick's body slowly shifted, losing some height and weight. His fingernails grew out a bit as his hands became more feminine. His legs became more shapely.

Clover giggled at the two remarks from Rick/Caitlyn and Diamond. "That's a good one." Clover said with a giggle. "Anyway like shouldn't we be going. I hear some Sirens approaching fast. Can you walk by yourself Caitlyn, or Rick what name do you want to go by?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Dragoon465 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:56 pm

(Crimson hair, I guess.)
" I can walk on my own now, thanks. And I go by Caitlyn, of course!" Rick quickly covered his mouth with his now feminine hands, confused on why he kept saying his name's Caitlyn. Nonetheless, he got up and began running with the girls.
(BTW, does he turn just female first, or straight into his magical girl form?)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:46 pm

OOC: You become female civilian, then you get a transformation/Henshin item that unlocks your magical girl form. Later on, you unlock your special powers while in combat.

IC: Diamond looks over at Caitlyn/Rick, seeing as he/she is starting to become more feminine. Rick/Caitlyn's face starts to reform as his/her chest begins to get bigger. His/her insides rearrange as Rick becomes Caitlyn. "You okay, Caitlyn?" Diamond asks her new friend, "Oh, wow, you look great!" Diamond smiles as they near her house.."I guess you'll be going to school with us."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:46 pm

"Well like welcome aboard Caitlyn." Clover said as she realized that her visor was still activated. "Oops forgot about this."
Clover then deactivated her visor and continued to walk toward Trini's house.

"We have something to show you when we get to Diamond's house." Clover said.

(OOC: Have you found an actual picture of Caitlyn Kris? Just wondering.)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:53 am

OOC: No, I have no pic available of Caitlyn. She has red hair.

IC: Diamond nodded, heading up the driveway to her house. "Indeed....we will be safe once we are inside my house." She tells the newly minted red haired girl, Caitlyn. "Looks like you turned out great, Caitlyn!" Caitlyn's school identification card would now show her new name and picture.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Dragoon465 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:34 am

As the changes reached their final stages, Caitlyn began to notice, especially since two breasts just grew from his, now her chest. "What the hell?!" Caitlyn exclaimed in her obviously female voice.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:08 am

In Caitlyn's backpack that suddenly materialized on her back she will find some folders about her school history. When she opens the folders she will see that she is a member of the Martial Arts Club and the Anime Club. She will also notice that some girls named Trinity, Mina, and Jade are also members of the Anime Club. She will also see that Jade is a member of the Judo Club and the Martial Arts Club as well. She will also see that Jade had recently been promoted to President of the Judo and Martial Arts Clubs. Who are the three girls that are listed? And why does Caitlyn feel like the three girls mentioned are closer than she thinks.

"We will be able to show you more when we enter the house." Clover said as she looked back and saw Heart and Lizzi following close behind.

(We need to wait until Maiden Miki logs back on before posting anymore. I sent all three of you some pics I found. The choice is Dragoon's since Caitlyn is his character.)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:13 am

Mina just watched in silence as she stay close to Clover. She thought it was rather surreal to be watching from this side of the fence. Maybe because it was long ago, it felt faster or maybe it was how it happen.

"It gets like totally worse," whisper Mina in a soft voice.
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