"Understood...." said Heart not knowing what to do exactly. She simply lead the way in the direction of her house.
Lizzi simply jumped after Heart.
Rick would feel a warmth within him that was growing with each passing second.
Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Rick quickly responded, "My name's Caitlyn... I mean Rick! Sorry, I feel kinda weird... So, what are you guys, overly ridiculous sailor moon fans?"Kris_Roth wrote:Diamond came with the group. "Hey, you're awake! Can you tell us your name? I'm Diamond, and that's Heart, our team leader, and Clover. Lizzi found you and revived you after we called her to help."
Kris_Roth wrote:Diamond looked quizzically at Caitlyn/Rick as he asked if the Magical Girl Trio were Sailor Moon Fans. "Uhm, we were at a cosplay convention...yeah, that's it!" She looked over at her teammates. "I think you left your stuff back at my house, Heart and Clover."
Diamond pointed towards her place.
Meanwhile, Rick's hair stopped growing to about shoulder length. Diamond smiled as Rick slowly changed as the magic from Lizzi's contract began to make the necessary adjustments.
(OOC: What color hair, Dragoon?)
Rick's body slowly shifted, losing some height and weight. His fingernails grew out a bit as his hands became more feminine. His legs became more shapely.
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