Anthem City: Fall of the Possum


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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:15 am

Dana smiles and mimes a zipping motion across her lips.

"I won't tell, promise. You'll just have to find out~" she says with a smile, hooking her arm around Georgia's.

"Come on, the others are snacking downstairs."
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:51 am

Georgia happily linked arms with the other girl, looking around the lounge with a smile before nodding her head, the auburn twin tails exaggerating every movement with their bouncing and swishing.

"Did everyone else get here already?", she asked as they worked their way back down those stairs. "Oh... I have to add everyone in the squad to my PalPage. Suzie set it up for me a couple of days ago, but... I figured it was pointless adding all my old friends, since I'm not going to see them anymore. That means its kinda empty for now. She put a pic up for me though".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:17 am

"No, some couldn't come and a couple still need to get here... but you only got a PalPage recently?" she says, looking even more surprised than she did when she learned that Georgia had never been to a slumber party before.

"Jeez girl, where have you been all this time?"
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:25 am

"Well... I sort of have a confession to make", she said, pausing between the flights of stairs. She turned to face Dana and lowered her voice, setting her free hand on the girl's shoulder.

"You can't tell anyone this, but... I wasn't actually a cheerleader at my old school. I'm sort of a closet geek", she blushed. "I really wanted to join the squad here though, and I thought the only way I'd get in was to pretend I'd done it before. It's going to be obvious to everyone how completely not cool I am though...", she sighed.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:53 am

Dana smiles and places her hand on Georgia's, flashing a wink.

"I doubt the others would care. You proved yourself when you cheered for the older cheerleaders. What you do in your own time is none of our business. But if it makes you feel better, I won't tell."
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:03 am

Georgia gives her another hug, squeezing her tight, and even presses a kiss to Dana's nose.

"Hey... I want the stuff I do in my own time to be your business, Dana", she smiled, remembering the sad looks the girl often gave her when talk turned to Dana's parents.

"I hope we're going to spend a lot of time hanging out... so I wanted to be honest with you".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:16 am

Dana's cheeks become tinged with pink and she gives a faint smile.

"Hehe... you're sweet Georgia. Thanks. C'mon, the others will be waiting on us."

She continues to lead Georgia down the stairs... but her arm clings on to Georgia's just that little bit tighter.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:35 am

Georgia patted Dana's arm soothingly as they made their way down the rest of the steps. However, she did start getting a little more nervous herself as the sound of a large gathering if teenage girls grew louder, and a tingle spread through her tummy.

"Are Eliza's parents home?", she asked. "I told Auntie Amanda we'd be supervised".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:45 am

"They're going out for the evening, but they were gonna get a babysitter anyway, so we'll be fine." Dana says with a smile. When they reach the bottom of the stairs, they are greeted by Eliza, who's looking rather panicked.

"We've got a problem." the girl says.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:24 am

Georgia's eyebrows arched a little at the mention of a babysitter, but before she had a chance to ask Dana more, they were met by Eliza. Her heart sank when she saw the look on the girl's face.

"What's wrong?", she asked, trying to peer around her, and shot Dana a glance, still holding onto her arm. She was used to hearing that phrase, and her mind jumped into gear, preparing to fight off some intruder.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:02 am

"The babysitter just got here..." Eliza mutters, rubbing her arm and looking sheepishly at Georgia.

"It's Alicia..."
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:55 am

Georgia's eyes did widen a little as that name passed through Eliza's lips, and Dana would feel her grasp tighten slightly. Now those nerves that had been a tiny presence in the pit of her stomach were rapidly growing. She wasn't afraid of getting beaten up. Georgia was more than used to that after the life she'd lived... but she'd been looking forward to the party so much, and the last thing she wanted was for Alicia to ruin in.

"I'll just tell her I don't want any trouble... I just want to get to know my new squad mates... come on, I'm not scared of her", she said with determination, and it was almost true. Alicia didn't scare her in the way the villains from her old life had... but she was an embarrassing reminder of how Georgia's life had changed, and how a sixteen year old girl could now push her around.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:46 am

Dana looks similarly concerned.

"Perhaps, but..."

Eliza gives the two a reassuring smile.

"It'll be fine. She can be strict, but not mean. If she's mean, I'll tell my parents and they won't pay her so much."
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:49 am

Georgia nodded at Eliza's words, and she then gave Dana's arm another gentle squeeze.

"She might be part of the senior squad, but we're all cheerleaders. We're all one team", she said, trying to fill her voice with confidence.

"Now... let's get something to eat. I'm starving", she said, giving Dana a little tug towards Eliza and the room beyond her.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:08 am

"Optimistic aren't you?" Eliza says with a small smile, gesturing over to the living room.

"Guest of honor first." she says with a grin.
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