by Brnin8r » Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:45 pm
((Your transformation isn't immediately noticeable. Like you can't watch your hair grow by the's more of a passive check that reveals your frame changing more, like "Oh crap." you say as you realize your hair is another half inch longer, or that your nails are longer, or something odd like that. About every hour, you'll be able to find something to complain about lol))
Ashton would find the hallways empty for the most part, the random marine going along their own agenda, or a stressed out looking medic who had been consulting the injured all night.
The radio laughed a little, "Catch? Who said anything about catching? I can only assume you're a boy...or a girl with a tenor voice...but since you haven't been asking me imperative questions, I'll assume the former. I'm only defending what I have...and what you know will certainly keep you out of danger."
Alana falls asleep. As she does, her mind wanders into the nether of dreams. While her usual dreams may have caused her to have nightmares of her parents dying or the war starting, there is now a very definite change. Her arm is back and she's in cute summer clothing. (Just a sort of filler until we can time skip to the next morning. You can explore your nether while the boys are plotting lol)
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.