Anthem City: Fall of the Possum


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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:46 am

"Hey, don't worry about it. If you need to sleep, sleep." Dana says soothingly, petting Georgia on the head.

"We have colas and stuff if you want something to stay awake though." Eliza adds, offering Georgia a can.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:53 am

Georgia was desperate to avoid becoming a victim to her tiredness. Not only would she miss out on most of her first slumber party, but she'd be making it seem like she belonged in the baby outfit by passing out so early! It slipped her mind she'd already had one can of cola and a bottle of milk as she took the one from Eliza with a smile.

"Thanks", she said, snuggling into Dana as she popped open the can and took some gulps, hoping all that sugar would give her energy levels a boost.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:27 am

On Georgia's adult body, used to stronger stuff than cola, the can likely wouldn't have done much, but like this, she feels the effect almost instantly, body abuzz with sugar and caffeine... and bladder full to burst.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:34 am

Georgia felt momentarily dizzy from the sugar rush as she finished off the entire can in seconds. A grin spread across her lips as she felt it do just what she'd hoped, and only a couple of moments later did she realise just how full her bladder was. Awkwardly, she got to her feet, still not used to the thick diaper between her thighs, and she wobbled a little.

"Where's the bathroom?", she asked, auburn twin tails swishing as she turned her head and peered over towards the stairs after setting the empty cola can down on a table amongst the pizza boxes. After she'd asked the question, she frowned a little and glanced down at the diaper, studying the way it had been secured in confusion.

"And... how do I get this off?".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:10 am

"Hmm, maybe you should... nah, that would be too much. Bathroom is on the second floor, to the left of the stairs." Eliza says, a cheeky grin momentarily on her face before vanishing.

"And there are some pulloff tabs on the side you just yank on."
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:36 pm

Georgia climbed the stairs, her butt wriggling with each one, accompanied by the embarrassing crinkle. She continued up to the second floor, and pushed open the door to the left, letting out a little sigh as she nudged it closed again behind her and fumbled for the light switch.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:56 am

The bathroom... to be honest, it looks about as big as Georgia's old apartment. Black tiled floors, a bathtub/shower combo that could fit three of her comfortably, a huge sink and mirror and-yes, a toilet!
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:15 am

Georgia looked around the bathroom, feeling a pang of jealously. Amanda had given up being a crime fighter and now had a lovely home, while Eliza's Mom, the cop, had an even bigger home. All Georgia had to show for her efforts were a tiny little apartment on the wrong side of the city.

She used the toilet, and washed her hands at the huge sink before securing her diaper, slowly getting used to the bulk between her thighs, although not so much that she could avoid waddling when she walked, like a giant toddler. Leaving the bathroom, she headed back down the stairs, one step at a time, holding onto the rail.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:41 pm

Back down to the living room, everyone seems to be moving around, the movie over. Makeup kits are being taken out, towels layed out on the carpet.

"Back just in time Georgia!" Dana says.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:52 am

Georgia spotted the make-up kits as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She'd never really liked make-up, but it had been part of the smart dressed persona of Georgia Jones the secretary. It was only now, seeing the girls going through their kits, that she realised what a relief it had been to not worry about that in the morning before school.

"Just in time for... what?", she asked Dana.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:54 pm

"Makeovers!" Dana says happily, pulling Georgia over and sitting down on a towel laid out so that they don't mess the carpet. She begins rummaging through her kit, glancing from it to Georgia's face and back.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:40 am

"Makeover...?", she asked, glancing back and forth between the girl in her maid dress and the make-up kit. She blushed as the diaper crinkled when sitting down.

"All this make up is yours, Dana? I... don't really have any".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Fri Oct 25, 2013 5:00 am

"A group effort. Don't worry, it's fine~ One girl here has a model for a mom, she gets a lot of free stuff." Dana says with a smile as she brushes some hair from Georgia's face, using some hair clips to keep it all back.

"Hmm... what would look good on you?"
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:50 am

Georgia winced a little as the hair was brushed back from her face and clipped by Dana. She looked nervously at her friend and bit on her bottom lip.

"I didn't think babies wore make-up... ", she mumbled with a blush. While all these other girls were eager to grow up, Georgia was just starting to see the benefits of youth.

"You don't really need it either, Dana, you're only... fourteen?".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:11 pm

"Oh pft. We're not gonna leave you out of this just because of that." Dana says as she takes a bottle of sparkly pink lip gloss from her kit.

"And yeah, of course I don't need it. But it doesn't hurt to get in some practice right? And hey, it's fun! Now pucker up please."
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