by Mitera Nikkou » Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:09 pm
"Thank you." Deheune told Cassiela sweetly before, on an impulse, kissing her cheek. "I'll try to return before too long. But don't worry... So long as the moon is out, I'll know where you are without a problem."
With that said, she made her way into a different area of the forest, but not too far away. She weaved by one tree and the next as if she had always done it, even though it was made more difficult because of the downpour that had started. When she reached her destination, she alighted her dainty feet upon the wet forest floor and looked around. Not seeing what she was looking for at first, it wasn't until she saw a tree with a hollow in it that some intuition told her that what she was looking for was there.
Flying up to the hollow in the tree, she looked inside and she could barely make out another faery in the dim light of the moon that managed to pervade into the hollow with all of the rain. From what she could tell, the faery inside looked a little worse for wear and might have even been asleep.
Reaching into the hollow, she cupped the faery's damp cheek with her wet, stroked it softly, and whispered: "Dan, are you awake? How do you fair?"
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.