Kristine watches as Clark, or "Claire" as the case may be, defends Rhia...."Put the gun down, sir...I've called campus security, and they'll make you stop threatening my friends." She hoped her bluff would make this Garath person listen...and then she thought about Ryan and her "date"..."Sir, I need a favor to ask you. Can you help fix my friend Ryan? He was exposed to your chemicals and now can copy other people's appearance by touching them through skin-to-skin contact. Fix my friend Ryan for me, and also, fix my friends Rhia and Clark. They deserve to have a normal life."
"First you tell me you called Campus security and then you ask me for a favor? You stupid or something? Never do that to someone who's holding a gun." Garath says, diss-summoning it.
"First off, you're lying. I can tell. Second:" He says holding his plam outward to a nearby wall. Only himself and the 'potioned' were still in the room or even near it. He could sense the life forces. So he didn't have to hold back.
He fired a beam of pure energy blowing a good large hole in said wall.
"They are nothing. Now as for the potions and undoing their effects, why do you think I'm even HERE?"
"Don't think I'm not going to take responsibilty for this. I'm here to TRY and fix the damage. Of course if you want to continue yelling at me, I can just kill you."
'That should do it' He thought to himself. That should be enough to calm them down and have them cooperate with him, rather then making problems worse. He really didn't want any blood on his hands. After all. What right did he have to take life?