by Kohaku » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:28 pm
Holy crap Garath. That's bloody unbelievable. I'm guessing Jimmy is the friend you invited? I hope your brothers are attempting to get jobs too, it'd be bloody selfish not to.
But seriously, jeez. Self-evident as it is, no offense intended, but I'd say your brother was being reckless, selfish and thoughless in driving without a license like that in the first place, regardless of the attitude of the cop. Quite frankly, from what I've read, this is entirely his fault, and by god he'd better be pulling his weight to get you out of this.
Please, keep us updated as frequently as possible, I'd really like to know what's going on.
It's Party Time! =^_^=
It is I, Kohaku the Free-Style Dancer!