Hybrid Adventures 2 (Closed)


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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:29 pm

Alana walks to the dining hall.
Kai's trainer leads her to the dining hall.
"R-right." Falkner says. "Just, follow me." He then begins to walk further into the city.
The shopkeeper looks up at Shade, a bored expression on her face. "Can I help you with something?"
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby AshK » Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:55 pm

*Bianca sits down as she waits for the food to be brought out. Her stomach Growls again causing Bianca to Blush in embarrassment. :oops: *
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Sasha » Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:24 pm

Shade nods. " ya I'll have these."
All of them nod and follow.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Tala » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:14 am

Kai follows sliently.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:08 pm

Anyone who may have gotten amusement out of Bianca's stomach growling was distracted by a Snorlax hybrid belching rather loudly.

Kai's trainer leads her into the dining hall and takes a seat.
"Alright." The clerk says, taking the clothes and bagging them up. "Have a good day."
Falkner leads the group to a building, that has blue energy shooting out the top of it. "The barrier generator is in there." he says.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby AshK » Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:25 pm

*Bianca covers her ears at the burp. Her hearing has become sharper since she became a Rapidash Hybrid.*

'I thought my stomach was loud. That Snorlax Hybrids Burps trumps any growl from my growling stomach.'

*Bianca continues to wait for her food as Erin and Lila teleport in on either side of her.*

"So young one how was your battle with that Houndoom Hybrid. We caught glimpses of it."

"You two are quite evenly matched does that Houndoom Hybrid have a name?"

"His name is Kai. He really is a good fighter. And you are both right about us being evenly matched."
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Tala » Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:42 pm

Kai's ears purk up at the sound of her name after sitting with her trainer. She listens intently.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby AshK » Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:13 pm

"Say does anyone know why there suddenly was an eclipse?"

"Maybe someone created it. The next one isn't scheduled for several years."

"That is weird. I wonder what could be causing it."
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Sasha » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:21 pm

Shade bows. " Thanks."
the 6 walk in and study it. " You where right to call us Latias." Enti says studying it. " It would not have held up for much longer. We can make it stronger but in time it will still fail but by that time hopefully She will be back at full power and be able to make it even stronger to hold."

The 6 stand around the generator and focus on it putting their own power into it. After a while the ystop and look tried. Aricuno smiles. " That should hold it for now."
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:52 pm

"No problem." the clerk says.
"I thank you for your help." Falkner says. "The other gym leaders would thank you personally as well, but they are helping out in there own towns and cities."
Soon, food is brought into the dining hall.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Sasha » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:02 pm

Shade nods and changes in a room and stretches. " Hmmm much better."

Enti smirks. " no problem the 6 of us will take turns patrolling this area in the meantime."

Latais nods. " Ya so I guess we should head back soon then."
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby AshK » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:19 pm

*Bianca, Erin, and Lila begin to eat.*
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Tala » Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:42 pm

Kai starts inhaling her food.
'Adrift upon the sea of time, the lonely god wanders from shore to distant shore, upholding the laws of the stars above.' - written by Arya in Brisingr
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:47 pm

"Yeah, we should probably be on our way." The fearow hybrid says. "Though I don't look forward to telling anyone that Kanto was lost. Alot of hybrids come from there."
"If you are hungry, lunch should be ready in the dining hall." nina says to Shade.
All of the hybrids begin eating there food. Some eat very quickly, while others take there time. Many of them seem to be on edge.
Riley stretches. "I'm hungry. Is it time to get food yet?" she asks Undine.
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Re: Hybrid Adventures 2

Postby Sasha » Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:50 pm

Undine nods. " yes lets go you did well today so far."

Shade nods.


Lilly twiches. " ya its where myself and my daughters come from."

Latias comforts her. " it will be ok we will free them once he is gone."
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