"On the contrary" said Tina, slowly rising from the ground, "Come, take your best shot."
"This is strange," said absol, "her stance is completely different and it feels like there is some kind of dark void surrounding her"
"Tina?" asked Lucy, "Whats happening to her?"
Suddenly the darkplus from the new Ludicaro hybrids lands.
"Shit!" exclaimed Paul, "Their starting to change the others," he turned to Mary, "Sorry, but Tina's going to have to wait, we have big problems over here."
At the end of the corridor more newly changed Rocket members were approaching.
"Run!" yelled Lucy, the group complied
"Paul, Lucy, Kate" came the voice of Chloe from the nearby comm terminal, "The casualties are changing, the security head has authorised the use of the TWP, prepare yourselves!"