[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:00 am

Catalina groaned as she felt Maria hauling her up, and brushed her hand across the floor, fumbling about before her fingers brushed her glasses, and quickly curled around them as she was pulled to her feet. There was nothing broken, but her upper back was feeling very sore indeed as she slipped her glasses back into place and winced when the teenager's hand slapped the back of her head. She blushed at Maria, still not used to a teenage girl looking down on her and telling her off. Her shoulders slumped, her bottom lip curling into a natural pout without her even meaning to, "Fine... let's go... ", she mumbled. Perhaps just letting things flow for a while and finding out more about this new life would bring some helpful information with it.

She bent down to pick up her purse as the bell rang, and her heart skipped a beat as a pair of red shoes came into her vision as she was crouching. "Mark!", she gasped, and lifted her head, but the smile was wiped off her lips almost before it had appeared when she saw a maid she didn't recognise, surrounded by many more, all wearing red Mary Janes. "Crap... ", she muttered, standing up straight and slipping the purse strap over her shoulder. "This could take a long time...". She adjusted her glasses and turned back to Maria, blonde pigtails flicking about behind her. So far, all she managed to do was earn herself homework, hurt herself, and put herself in line for whatever punishment Maria deemed appropriate. She looked rather glum and downhearted as the maids brushed passed her, and she started to walk after Maria.

Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her notebook and pen once more, and begin scribbling things down as she followed the Maid. She was pretty sure she still remembered how to do everything she'd done before, but this body felt too different. She needed to... re-adjust herself. Biting her lip, she frowned and tapped the pen on the paper before blushing brightly. "Maria... do the school do any gymnastic or ballet classes?". The idea sent a chill down her spine, but she had to do something. "And maybe some sort of martial arts one too? I think I need to... get into shape". It would be embarrassing, but it would be worth going through a bit of embarrassment if she could regain her agility and balance while playing along with the rich girl role.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:27 pm

Sandra softly clinks along the garage floor, looking over vehicle after vehicle, trying to find the van.

What kind of person was Batou anyway, when he wasn't on the job? Sandra briefly lamented how her new nature didn't really allow her to have a "social" life anymore, and how her "friends" were professional, and everyone who knew her thought of her as a tool, nothing with her own desires. Everything was always professional, job oriented, and the time she had to herself was always time alone with her thoughts.

The upside was that she certainly had a host of new bodies to occupy, each with their own specialties. It was different from having a flesh and blood body, but at least she could get close to that feeling with some of her bodies, enough to let her imagination fill in the missing details and sensations.

And shortly, she found what looked like the commercial van. "Over here," her speakers emitted.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:02 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi
While she was pondering the details the other maids had walked away towards to general closets to put away the cleaning utensils as the period/class had ended. As the period ended so did the various school days, the only ones continuing were the college level classes, various students of all types began piling out accordingly. While the she knew that she was to meet up with Maria and them, given the fact that she could get lost while following a GPS she knew they would find her, since who knew how long it would take her.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:44 pm

ZeroForever wrote:Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi
While she was pondering the details the other maids had walked away towards to general closets to put away the cleaning utensils as the period/class had ended. As the period ended so did the various school days, the only ones continuing were the college level classes, various students of all types began piling out accordingly. While the she knew that she was to meet up with Maria and them, given the fact that she could get lost while following a GPS she knew they would find her, since who knew how long it would take her.

Mimi was cleaning still and thinking abit. She guess that it would be best to follow that course of plan. She seem to be zone out for a bit until she notice that there was some movement around her. She looked over her shoulder and notice that they were going to their closet to put up their stuff. Micheal looked around and guess it was time for classes to be over for the noncollege level classes but she wonder if this Catalina person was a college level student.

Mimi just stood there and guess clean for a bit hoping they would find her since here since she had a feeling that if she left this spot that she was going to get lost. Mimi wasn't sure how the other would respond to that but she was hoping the nice maid named Maria would understand.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:31 pm

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel – Stella
As she sat there the continuous stream of event hitting her as if they were originally planned to happened over a slower pace but do to unforeseen issues in timing they ended up just clumped together to save the gm effort. Before she had a chance to recover one more change hit her, as her life and memories changed. As she had just eaten and relieved herself physically her mental state was as clear as it had ever been, if not even more so as she could remember details better than she ever could. As her new picture perfect memory showed, her life was roughly the same up until the most recent war. Having invaded a country due rumors of a hidden weapon development when his squad hit the jack pot by bagging a high official during a routine scouting missing and forcing him to show them one of the hidden weapons labs. It was a relief to be proven that they were right and that the weapons labs existed. After that it was standard procedure, secure the parameter, taking out any hostiles, and inform the higher ups at what they had found. While searching it was clearly a mutant/human based lab, experimentation and other stuff that made nightmares lining the walls. While he, Frank, and Slade were inside investigating some of the more secure portions of the lab they found something that made their blood run cold, proof that this use to be a joint American operation. Then it turned to hell as they were carpet bombed, the lab bunkered up as lock down security measures were activated trapping them inside while they could hear the rest of their squad dying outside. The lab wasn’t made to withstand such punishment though as the containers shattered, spraying the 3 of them with various chemicals. Blissful unconsciousness claiming him as pain beyond imagining affected him, as his skin seemingly melted off the least of it. When he next awoke it was in a lab with other 2 hot ladies and female herself; each restrained as any attempts to communicate were cut off as well, as she found they prioritized studying them rather than curing them. Her memories deteriorated after that as soon they didn’t even bother to restrain her as it became apparent her body was addicted to specialized X gene fluids, the lack of it made it hard to think or do anything, as she found herself doing anything both pleasure and science in order to have it. When she next awoke with conscious thought it was in a forest, the other 2 girls leading her while she chewed on some dirty carrots.
She was knocked out of her revelry of past memories as Fei Li shouted “Hurry up, Selma just called.”
While she pondered on the floor looking like http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v395/ ... tella1.jpg
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:14 am

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
“No more than usual but, I think you’ll like the surprise tonight.” MJ said smirking “No guesses, you’ll just have to wait and see at the auction”. Meanwhile the elevator proceeded down to the private garage as MJ looked around for a moment before deciding on which car to drive “hmmm the Pagani today” she said as the bellhop girl quick fetched the car in question. MJ hopping into the driver’s seat, tossing Gwen to the passenger; as the garage door opened as the pair took off the car blazing fast at over 100 mph, the street lights seemingly switching to accommodate them.

Gwen perked up at that, then cutely pouts about not getting to guess..."Phooey..." she says as MJ guides her to the Pagini and squeals in delight as they go momentarily airborne thru the intersections..." Who we got today?" she giggles as the thrill and adrenalin rush produce another high she enjoyed in her old life as well as this one, the adrenalin rush drives her to purr and snuggle around MJ's arm as she drives...." Lover, you always know what is best, and makes me happiiieeeeee!!!!" she squeals again as they slip around the next corner and near the hotel
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Danarth » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:53 pm

Daniel sat there for the moment, watching the green skinned lady depart then enter one of the side buildings followed by the bird girl, Wilma. He had only caught a brief touch of the scent of the bird girl, enough perhaps to recognize her again if she ever appeared but not enough that he could be able to find her under his own power. As he sat there on the edge of the field, one of his hind legs would come up again as he scratched his own flank without realizing what he was doing. While the wolf side of his mind would continue to scratch at the itch along his flank, the human half of his brain was distracted by trying to piece together the oddities he had learnt from the brief but rather one sided exchange with the dragon lady. The comments the dragon lady had made about rating, scores and his losing of points seemed to indicate he was involved in some kind of test, though what the test was about he could not understand. Then her mention of his 'owner' did seem to confirm that someone in this strange new world considered him their property, adding to that was the peculiar comment about him being in a male form which as of yet made no sense. When he got to thinking about what turned out to be his name in this world, he got a cold feeling for a moment. What of his parents, of his family; who were they in this world, where they like him, mutants and property of someone, or where they even still alive. He could see the only solid link he had to answer any of these questions would be his 'owner'.

A noise broke him from his train of thought, bringing him back to reality almost instanteously. Looking around for a moment at the others who had come to this field for this inspection and roll call. He sat there and watched as they then departed, seeming to return the way they had come before. He spent a moment thinking about all the others, imagining they were just like him, mutants and property of someone else. Shaking his lupine head for a moment as he watched them return the direction they came from, he would stand up on all fours and consider his next action. It seemed that the others must be returning from where they came so he decided that would be the best thing for him to do, especially since that was were the blonde haired girl that seemed to know him, and gave him that fish to eat might well return to and she was clearly his best link to finding out anything about who in was in this strange world, he would turn to make his way back towards the clock tower where he had first seen the girl.

Again his was broken from his train of thought by the same noise, he looked about for a moment to find the source of the noise and looked at the strange ball that he had been given, the one that gathered things up as it was rolled along. Now, it seemed that it was beeping at him, trying to get his attention. He turned himsel around and strolled over to the abandoned Katamari ball and for a few moments sniffed at it, poking at it with the tip of his wet nose, continuing to investiage the strange ball to figure out why it seemed to be beeping at him repeatedly and what It wanted from him. He looked briefly towards the clock tower, wondering when they day would end so he could meet up with his 'owner' before looking back to the Katamari ball and nudging it with his nose repeatedly, growling at it once as if he were trying to speak to it..
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:17 pm

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Her relief came when a ‘Period ending, logging off’ prompt came up ending the lessons. As she came to the flood of information on what she had learned jolted her wide awake, meanwhile the physical sensations clearly indicating that she was still a she. Looking around she could see various other girls in states of awaking as well, the nurse that had brought her here nowhere in sight. ‘Ming’ a shout cut across the room, a asian girl in maid cloths and a stereotypical meat bun hair style said glaring at her with a annoyed look.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zoey » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:31 pm

Mark was suprised as she was jolted back to reality, with headache and all. She took off the device off placing it where she got it and rubed her head. "Ugh... I sure as hell wont do this again" she said to herself before looking down at her body. "... Looks like Im still female..." she said with a regretful sigh, though she did get a bit curious with her new body, but before she could get anymore ideas she heard a woman call out 'Ming'. She looked at the woman with suprise. This was a teaching institution and seeing people call out others like that seems... odd. She looked around to see if any girl responded, though no one did. Mark looked back at the woman and pointed at herself. "Me?" she asked confused. The woman calling her was another maid, though plainly asian which wasnt that suprising actually. What would she want? And whos Ming?
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:23 pm

Her new-found memories were certainly a lot to think about... they still didn't answer everything that was happening with her now, but... hearing Fei Li call her snaps her from her thoughts.

Sitting on the floor naked wouldn't do her any good... and while she still didn't want to wear something as demeaning as a bunny suit... it didn't look like she had much choice of wardrobe. Sighing, she takes out one of them, looking it over. "Stupid government..." She mumbles, then breaks it apart and tries to get it on one piece at a time. Some aspects of it were still mystifying... how does one with no previous experience put on a bra? Apparently with eyes in the back of their head as the snaps slip from her hands the fourth time.

She curses the feminine undergarment. "Stupid bra! Stupid breasts!" It might be easier to put on if she didn't have such a huge rack. She considers going without it... but how bad might that turn out?
Last edited by Knight Errant on Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Stray-chan » Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:52 pm

Bubbles is stunned into silence for pretty much the whole trip down and into the limo. Wow, this is amazing! I guess we are fantastically wealthy musicians. And the skyline looks pretty familiar, so either this is a close parallel dimension or some reality altering has been going on... Upon entering the limo, though, she is instantly distracted by the snacks and grabs a bag of chips and a hard lemonade. She tries to deftly pop the top off the bottle, but it doesn't work, seeing as she's quite weak. "Ow..." She frowns, then grabs a napkin and uses to to grip the top, managing to open it this time. She takes a sip and grins. "So, we're getting ice cream, right?"
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:55 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
As they cruised across the city they passed by various cop cars however most seemingly hesistant to do anything. It wasn’t until they hit a traffic jam did one of the cops become brave enough to flash his lights. MJ was sort of indifferent however given the situation still pulled over, before pulling out her cell and calling someone. The cop approaching was rather young most likely a fresh recruit opening with the standard “License and Registration.” line. “So officer Bullock… someone important wants to talk to you.” MJ said handing the phone to him. Taking it curiously he realized he knew the voice on the other line as angry shouts could be heard from the other side as he quickly walked away from the car. The officer returned momentarily bowing and apologizing profusely before quickly driving off. “What do you think… the force won’t miss a rookie.” MJ said before starting the car up again.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Miku-chan » Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:54 am

ZeroForever wrote:Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
As they cruised across the city they passed by various cop cars however most seemingly hesistant to do anything. It wasn’t until they hit a traffic jam did one of the cops become brave enough to flash his lights. MJ was sort of indifferent however given the situation still pulled over, before pulling out her cell and calling someone. The cop approaching was rather young most likely a fresh recruit opening with the standard “License and Registration.” line. “So officer Bullock… someone important wants to talk to you.” MJ said handing the phone to him. Taking it curiously he realized he knew the voice on the other line as angry shouts could be heard from the other side as he quickly walked away from the car. The officer returned momentarily bowing and apologizing profusely before quickly driving off. “What do you think… the force won’t miss a rookie.” MJ said before starting the car up again.

Gwen bites at her lower lip as the rookie takes the phone from MJ..."He has possibilities...>giggle<..." she says overhearing the loud voice on the other end. Once the young cop quickly leaves, she hears MJ's comment..."Ooooo...another new toy? how long do you think he will take?" she asks as MJ takes off once more. The now quiet voice in the back of her head whimpering '...please this is not right...'
but Gwen can't/wont listen to it any more. Whether it is from her changed form, her connection to MJ, her clone dna or the dimension shift and changes she has gone thru since is uncertain. All Gwen knows is she is happy and no longer need to worry...so long as she has MJ. A flash of worry crosses her face and thoughts. What would happen to her if she lost MJ? A chill passes thru her as that thought quickly passes. Curling back around MJ's arm once more, trying very hard not to think about that and get back to her happy place...
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:21 am

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime/02
The van in question at least from the outside looked like a stereotypical white van, inside was another matter as it contained a pod similar to the one she had just come from. “Sup 02” she heard as she felt the touch of flesh against what would have been her ass cheek. Looking it was the cheek of a of a gruffly 20 American geek, her memories noting it as someone she recognized as Norbert “Fixer” Ebersol arguable one of the best technicians around he was also a world class technophile. (without authority she cannot harm humans, generic Asimov’s rules apply to her)
Last edited by ZeroForever on Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 1: Just Another Day

Postby Zilla » Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:28 pm

If 02 had capillaries in her cheeks, they would be flush. "Hey Fixer," she responded. Not even a bit of her mind seemed to think anything other than having known Norbert already. If her memories of her previous life existed, they were locked in a steel vault, painted over with her new life.

There's something about Norbert that would have set off some interesting bodily reactions in her. The chemical suspension that holds her brain responds to that signal and changes it's composition slightly... She couldn't help it, and she wasn't even really aware of it, but it made her excited. Perhaps it was the already "intimate" working relationship she had with him, how he had literally been "inside" her already for repairs and maintenance. Perhaps it was all the little signs of affection he showed, when very few others would feel that way. Regardless, she felt already that she cared about this man.

"Are you coming along for this one?" she asked, turning and standing rather close to him.
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