by Josh-May » Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:08 pm
Josh woke up to searing pain, as he layed on his bead.
"GAAAAAAAGH!!!!" he flailed.
his hair grew long, town to his butt, and curled up while remaining at the same length. his face became more femenine, his lips became a little bigger, his eyes git slightly bigger, and a girlish touch was added to them. his nose srank from his almost unporportionate nose, to a dainty girly one.
"ga- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" his foice jumped up several octives as his deep masculine voice became a high femenine one.
he grabbed his throat th- that wasent me!!!.. was it?!
A bust size that would envy girls his age pressed through his shirt and streached it a bit, it was a cheap shirt as it was. his waist drew inward a good bit, he was a little bit fat, and his hips flared out. the next thing sent shivvers up his spine, he felt something dip into him around his crotch, and he let out a scream like no other.
It seemed to stop, so after 10 or so minutes, he decided to inspect the damage, he lifted his shirt to gasp a pit as his rough shirt brushed ober his <her> breasts.
"ohh.. okay.. i need something for that...."
after calming down, she sent a hand into her pants to check out what happened. he felt around, and never found his manhood, but didnt dare venture further.
"This is to much...." he rished down stairs to see his mom, and she gasped as she saw a girl practically fall down the stairs wearing her son's clothing.
"WH-WHO ARE YOU?!" she yelled.
"mom?! its me! Jo-AAAAAGH!!!" she collapsed on the floor as the pain returned, she began to split apart, like a cell would, at first, she had two heads, then she was joined at the hips, then only feet connected them, untill they became tow seperate people. there ears began to enlongate and shift allong there heads, and her whole body became covered in a white fur, one had red tipped ears and a plusle tail, correct to porportions if a plusle was human sized, the other had blue tipped ears, and a minum tail.
"Josh...?" her mom said
they both faught and stood up
"Hnn?.. hnn?" they looked at eachother pussled.
"what ha- AHH!" they both spoke at the same time.
"... i always wanted girls, but twin plusle and minum girls...?" she said jokingly
"NOT FUNNY!" they yelled.
they looked back at eachother, then poked eachother's index fingers, and they were both shocked by stattic electricity, which made them both jump and shake there hands around.
"OK this is getting seriously creepy..." they said.