by Shadowmaster » Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:53 pm
OOC: Since Gitz had gone temporarily MIA, I'll just continue for now without him.
IC: "I thank you two..." #382 says. "For holding her in place. That will make this much easier. Sheer Cold!" She yells this as a wave of ice moves quickly toward Tina. However, right before the attak connects, it stops in place. Anyone capable of seeing past or through the wall of ice could see Prof. Palm holding the attack back. He looked back at Tina.
"Some situation your in, eh?" he asked. "Sorry I can't do more for you right now..." He then teleports Tina to the top of a building where a few other hybrids on his team are waiting. The Sheer Cold attack then decends upon him, leaving a large glacier in the center of the town.
"Prof. Palm..." Mary says sadly.
"Well, that's one obstacle eliminated..." The master says. "#382, we are finished here. Return to the base, you deserve some rest." With that, the master teleports away and #382 begins to walk toward the base. Before she leaves, she turns and looks at Erin and Leo. "If I were you, I would warn ghost girl to avoid me in the future, or she'll find herself in the same position that old fool is in now." she says, then continues to walk away.
"We've finished packing, #136." the random grunt says. The master then teleports into the room. "Leaving already?" he asks.
I am a ninja, zam.